crowded houseMarch is busy season around here, offline. Families with kids are travelling en masse for spring break, while others, weary of winter, seek warmth and sunshine elsewhere. My little “doggie hotel” is full and there’s mud on the ground. Think labour intensive paw-wiping and lots of laundry! This doesn’t leave much time for other pursuits, but I’m determined to keep up the blogging end as much as possible, especially with April closing in fast! Here’s what’s coming up at The Den.

Next up: (Date TBA)
My experience doing any overnight sleep study.

sleep studies for insomnia
Wikimedia Commons

 March 23:
The Great and Powerful A to Z Theme Reveal Blogfest

#AtoZtheme reveal 2015

April 1 t0 April 30:
The annual April A to Z Blogging Challenge
Hundreds of bloggers, 26 posts in 26 days (Sundays off )
JOIN US! Find me at link # 115

#AtoZChallenge 2015

Coming Soon, Dates TBA:

More Greek Odyssey:
Delphi, Meteora, Athens, Rhodes, Crete, Mykonos, Santorini, Ephesus (Turkey)

greek odyssey
Greek Odyssey

More Music Monday


More Photo Friday

Photo Friday
Photo Friday

Plus the usual memoirs, music, music, music

and more….

Sound okay? Suggestions/requests/comments always welcome!



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    1. Planned yes, but you know what they say about that! LOL Moving must be difficult and I don’t envy you there, Indy. If I were you, I would just take a blogging hiatus until you’re settled.

    1. Oh yes, the plans are in place. The posts, not so much. 😀 I’m a bit behind now, but hope to catch up soon. Good luck with the challenge!

    1. Hi Francene: Yes, we do tend to get caught up in the blogging world, sometimes to the detriment of other things. My months long hiatus from it has given me a renewed enthusiasm. Life will always come first, though. 🙂 Thanks for visiting.

  1. Hey Girl. I know exactly what you’re going through as I have a house-full too. With Spring Break and SXSW (do Canadians hear about SXSW? “South-by-Southwest” is a huge international film, music and interactive festival that takes place every March here in Austin. Anyway, I’m about to be dealing with mud too. The forecast over the next several days is rain, rain and more rain. I like your idea of committing to and posting your schedule of posts. That keeps it simple, gives you a deadline (which I always need) and keeps you in touch with your followers. Smart. I’ve been busy lately and haven’t posted in several weeks. Just finishing up my taxes so will have some more time but I think I also needed to take a break from blogging for a minute. Now I’m having a hard time getting back into it! My mojo just isn’t prime yet 🙂 Looking forward to reading your upcoming posts. Have fun with all the doggies! Isn’t it awesome to be surrounded by all this love 24/7? It just doesn’t get any better than this! XO

    1. I knew you could relate to this, Michele! 😀 I have heard of SXSW and would love to attend one day. One of my favourites, Eric Burdon, was there in 2013. Yes, the schedule is a good idea, but at this point, I’m a little concerned about the follow through. Falling behind now. 😛 Oh well, such is life and blogging. We all need a break sometimes. You’ll come back with new enthusiasm! My hiatus lasted from Sept. to Jan. and I was happy to get back to it. Starting to lag a bit now, but there’s no let up, with April A-Z looming. Yikes! The dogs are sweet and follow me around like I’m the Pied Piper. ♥ Love it! Thanks for dropping by. Looking forward to your A-Z posts. 🙂

  2. Hi Debbie,

    I can imagine how busy it is for you. It’s been like that over here too, only with two dogs but that’s plenty of mess. I mom at least twice a day and chasing dogs to clean paws…it’s quite a work out isn’t it? 🙂

    And for you to have all your posts lined up liked that is a great way to stay on top of things. I need to take a page from your book my dear!

    I can’t wait to read how your sleep study went. And I’m looking forward to Music Monday and Friday Photo! Have a great day Debbie :).

    1. Haha! The posts may be lined up, but they’re not written yet! Joke’s on me, yes? 😉 I’ll be starting the sleep study post tomorrow and hope to finish it either same day or next. The Music Monday and Photo Friday ones are always fun to do. Thanks for dropping by, Corina.