FUN WITH PHOTO EDITS #SundayStills (On a Monday) #Photography

Terri Webster Schrandt‘s blogfest theme this week is “FUN WITH PHOTO EDITS”

The possibilities are endless! Here are a few…

FUN WITH PHOTO EDITS #SundayStills (On a Monday) #photography #photoedits #dogladysden Share on X

[Click on images to view original size]


Adjusting these can significantly impact the mood, atmosphere, and visual appeal of a photograph.

Shadow of a tree branch on a cement wall:
(first photo is the original)


The colour splash effect is a photo editing trick that turns full-colour photos into black-and-white pictures and re-adds spots of colour in selected areas.

CN Tower in Toronto:

Lobby of Marriott Hotel, Niagara Falls:


You can enhance photos by removing people or items that clutter it, or by adding cute emojis, graphics, text, backgrounds, etc.

Zoey fixates on a squirrel:

Fountain in the Town Square, Nice France:


When unusable photos can’t be fixed, turn them into eye-catching art! 😀

Blurry Lights = Bokeh Magic:

In photography, “bokeh” (Japanese term) is the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in out-of-focus parts of an image, caused by circles of confusion. Bokeh has also been defined as “the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light”.

Amusing Abstract Art Edits:

Abstract art uses visual language of shape, form, colour and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world.


Also joining Sandee at Wordless Wednesday

Next on #SundayStills:
☔☔Rainy Days☔☔

talk soon new bitmoji
Debbie signature transparent background


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26 thoughts on “FUN WITH PHOTO EDITS #SundayStills (On a Monday) #Photography

  1. What great photos! I love what you did with them especially highlighting certain things in colour. Love the peacocks in the hotel. These are great.

    1. Well, sometimes the camera shots could use a little editing to look their best. 🙂 I remember once, you wanted an object removed from a photo and it looked all the better for it, afterwards.

      1. Yes, the only photo I ever had edited, because I wanted to give a print of it to my wife in a frame. I was lucky that someone did that for me. 🙂

  2. Hi Debbie, I love how you explain your edits. Fotor seems to be popular. Love the people-removing effect…we may need to be careful with that as a Generative AI tool else we remove real people, LOL! JK! I like your idea of fixing lousy images. I wrote a post about that years ago. Some blurry ones are not worth keeping IMHO. I also agree with others that I use the Windows 11 photo editor as well as Samsung’s phone camera editing tools (on the go). And I love your use of bitmojis!

    1. Thanks, Terri. 🙂 Apologies for the late response. Fotor has some good features, and it’s not too expensive. Taking pictures at popular tourist sites is always difficult, with so many people milling around. Photoshop Element’s removal tool works well for most obstructive objects. AI certainly has the potential to do many things, and it’s a little frightening, to be honest. I’d love to read your post about fixing lousy images. Some are fun to experiment with. I’ve been hooked on Bitmojis since they first appeared as a Facebook app. Of course, Facebook discontinued them in favour of their own avatar making tool, but IMO, the Bitmojis are better looking.

  3. I like the color splash technique – very cool! Fabulous job removing the people in front of the fountain in Nice, too. I love to dabble with photos, especially old ones that need restoring. That’s really hard sometimes to get a natural look. Have a phototastic week, Debbie!

    1. The colour splash creates some interesting effects. I was happy the way the NIce fountain turned out. It’s almost impossible to avoid having tourists clutter up your photos in popular places. Restoring old photos is definitely challenging, but there are so many great software tools available now. Thanks for coming by, Cathy! 🙂