FROSTY ❄️🥶| #SundayStills #Photography📷📱| #MusicMonday #4M🎶

Terri Webster Schrandt‘s 
blogfest theme this week is:

My best “frosty” photos were used for last month’s WHITE Challenge, so I braved the elements on Saturday afternoon (Feb. 15), to take some pics around town.

It’s been a long, cold winter!
(🎶music below🎶)

FROSTY ❄️🥶| #SundayStills #Photography📷📱| #MusicMonday #4M🎶 #dogladysden #winterblues

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Snowy Suburbia, Feb. 15


Frpsty - Zoey (dog) in the backyard
Zoey in the backyard


More! 😱 Feb. 15

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🎶🥶The Winter Blues🥶🎶

For more excellent music, visit the 4M crew.
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53 thoughts on “FROSTY ❄️🥶| #SundayStills #Photography📷📱| #MusicMonday #4M🎶

  1. Your photos look great, you are a good photographer, having a good taste eye for this activity. There is pretty much snow there, here we have had no snow at all this winter, it’s been very warm, quite the same as in Germany or even in France. I always admire your site, so well made, you are really skillful 😊 Have a great remainder of the week 🌺

    1. Thank you, Jean! 🙂 I enjoy photography almost as much as listening to music. This is more snow than we’ve had in years, and I would be happy to see it gone, truthfully. I remember when I lived in Germany, there was more rain than snow and the crocuses started blooming in February already. I am surprised there was no snow in Finland! And thank you for the compliment about my website. It is an all-consuming hobby as well.

      1. I understand that what you say about snow, I don’t like it either. We have in the north snow but the south is without it (very good 😊). And I live on the island, the sea warms so much that this is the last place here where we see snow. Well, now I will be offline couple of weeks (I scheduled a few songs for that time). Take care and be happy and full of inspiration, I’ll visit you when I’m back 😊🌺

  2. Very nice pictures, DEBBIE, but — Ooh! — that almost hurts me to look at it! Having grown up “in the shadow of Lifeguard Station #26 at sunny Dogtown Beach”, I scarcely knew snow until I moved to Northern Nevada in 2015. And I’m NEVER going to like it. I am NEVER dreaming of a White Christmas.

    I don’t want to type this next part too loud, for fear of jinxing myself, but… this has been the nicest Winter of my 10 years in N. Nevada. This has been the snowiest Winter in your area for years, and yet this is the least amount of snow we’ve had here. It’s only snowed on 3 different days for a total (TOTAL!) amount of maybe 4″. I’m lovin’ it! (Sorry. Not trying to rub it in. But I’m just so astounded & pleased!)

    ~ Stephen

    1. Haha! Stephen, I’ve lived in Canada a lot longer than in Germany (where there’s more rain than snow), and I’m never going to like it either! 🥶 Glad you enjoyed the photos, though. 🙂

      Your current winter sounds like ours was last year – barely any snow at all and not nearly as cold. Enjoy it to the fullest! 😎 Thanks for dropping in.

      1. … “Your current winter sounds like ours was last year – barely any snow at all and not nearly as cold.”

        Uh-Oh! Now you’ve already got me worried about NEXT Winter, even before this one has come to an end! I’ve run across a few folks who’ve said they’re worried about this coming Summer (and our Summers are always pretty hot to begin with), due to this extraordinarily warm Winter. But now, based on what you wrote, I’m worried about THIS Summer AND NEXT Winter!! (Well, helck, if I didn’t have things to worry about, I doubt I could function at all.)

        ~ D-FensDogG

        1. Well, I hate to tell you this, but we had the hottest summer on record last year. What you need is a good HVAC system! Wouldn’t hurt to have a fireplace for the winter and a swimming pool for the summer, either. Sadly, we have neither…

  3. I’m sorry, Debbie, I’ve been away from decent internet all day. I remember reading your post but I must have not been able to comment. Anyhow, despite your dislike for the white stuff, your pics are beautiful! Snow makes everything look pretty, then melts and turns everything gray and brown! Have a great week!

    1. Hi Terri, no worries. You did leave a comment on Sunday. (See screenshot below.) I hope this comment form isn’t being temperamental! 😕 Please let me know if you get an error message! Sure, the snow looks pretty for a while, but it’s more than we’ve had in years, and I’m worried about flooding when it all melts! 😬 Glad you enjoyed the photos, though. Thanks! 🙂

      Terri's comment

  4. Listened to the music…excellent . The first lady sounds like Janis Joplin but it’s not. Am i right? She has a great voice

  5. I’m sooo thankful we don’t have to battle the kind of snowy winters that y’all do. The cold is bad enough and as I mentioned, Old Man Winter is making another stand in our parts. Just west of us heavy snow is moving into the Nashville area which is headed our way over night. We’re forecast to get 3″. That’s a big deal for the south as you know. I’m more than ready for spring. Your pictures capture the beauty of winter and applaud you for braving the chilly temperatures to share them with us. I enjoyed your song picks. I, especially liked Cinderella’s music arrangement. I think “Long Cold Winter” would make a fabulous instrumental piece. Thanks for joining the 4M party. Have a boogietastic week, Debbie! xo

    1. Cathy, we haven’t seen THIS MUCH snow in years and we sure don’t like it! 😱 Last winter, there was practically no snow at all. The southern U.S. has apparently been much colder than usual. A blogging buddy in Dallas, Texas, mentioned they had snow too. Glad you enjoyed the music! 🙂 I agree – Long Cold Winter would be good as an instrumental. I found a karaoke track for it: Thanks for hosting the 4M party! 🙂

  6. I’ll listen to the music tomorrow when I’m at work. We sure did get a dumping of snow! I wanted to walk in it yesterday, but my hubby was too concerned for I went for a short walk since I’m in pain and it was really nice. By the time I got all my get up, I felt like a kid when my mom made sure no snow could get in. If I fell, I would not know how to get up

    1. Haven’t seen this much snow in years! 😱 So sorry, you’re in pain, Birgit. I hope you feel better soon. I hate that whole getting dressed to go outside in winter routine! 😝 Summer is SO MUCH better. Throw on your flip-flops and go…😉

  7. I am so wanting spring to come. Perfect musical selections for a day of cold temperatures and high wind gusts. I was not familiar with the Cinderella song. Alana ramblinwitham

    1. Yes, we are totally sick of winter here, as it has been one of the worst in a long time! 🥶 I’m glad you enjoyed the music, Alana. Thanks for coming by. 🙂

  8. That looks like a real Winter, Debbie. Granny only remembers these Winter’s when she was a little girl. We haven’t had icecycles in years in our Country…thank Cat😹❄️Great songs, we’re big fan of Rolling Stones and like this song very much, the video too😸Double Pawkisses for a Warm Week ahead🐾😽💞

    1. It’s much too real for my liking! 😱😆 We haven’t had this much snow all at once in years and it’s going to be a colossal mess when it melts. 😲 I’m glad you enjoyed the music. Thanks for coming by! 🙂

  9. The photos and video made me feel cold just looking at them. Since we have lived in the countryside (2012) we have only had two winters that bad, and the last one was in 2021. Luckily, it didn’t last too long.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Imagine being here, Pete! 😱 We haven’t had this much snow in years and it’s below seasonal temperature-wise as well. I imagine you’ll be experiencing spring before long. When I lived in Germany, the crocuses started blooming in February.

    1. Way too cold for me too. 🥶 This winter is brutal! Last year, we didn’t get any snow at all. Glad you enjoyed the photos. Thanks, Hilary! 🙂

  10. That looks a bit cold for my taste. I’m out here shivering with temps in the 50 degrees F. It sure is pretty to look at though.


    1. I’m sure you wouldn’t like it, Lee! 🙂 My mother, who lived in San Diego, would start complaining if the temperature dipped below 65. Glad you liked the photos.

  11. I’ll bet Zoey loves the snow. That’s one thing I regret about living in Texas, our dogs very rarely have had the chance to experience snow. But I can understand that you are sick of it. As usual your photos are great.

    1. Haha! Zoey is from Kentucky, where it’s not so cold, and she’s less than thrilled with snow. 😆 We have to coax her to go into the yard. Glad you enjoyed the photos. Thanks, Thomas! 🙂

  12. I like all your neighborhood and local park pictures Debbie and especially the very snowy ones you had at the end, where it does look pretty, if you could just look at it and not have to shovel it, or in your case, use the snowblower to clear it. I think we got soft with all the recent warmer Winters with hardly any snow. Like you, I can’t remember the last time we got this much snow, plus got walloped multiple times in one week. Mother Nature showed us who is boss in Winter.

  13. Great photos. Loved the Stones’ “Winter.” Something else would fit the mood: The Mamas and the Poppas’ “California Dreamin’.”

    1. P.S. I just read your post about making California a province! No provision to comment there, so I’ll do it here. I LOVE California and support this idea wholeheartedly! 😀 My parents lived in San Diego for decades and it was my second home. Happy (belated) Flag Day! 🍁

  14. I love snow when it’s deep and white like it is in your photos, Debbie. It’s not practical, I know but it looks so beautiful. Excellent photos!

    1. Lovely to look at from inside, but the cold is hard to take. And just ask my husband how much he enjoys shovelling it! 😉 Wish I could help more, but my arthritis makes it difficult… Glad you enjoyed the photos, Cathy! 🙂 Thanks for coming by.