Welcome everyone, to the #AtoZChallenge Blogging Extravaganza, where hundreds of bloggers publish 26 posts in 30 days, one for each letter of the alphabet, covering a myriad of topics! “Musical Memories” is my theme.Click HERE to see all posts and HERE to view the A to Z Blog. Please support our efforts by visiting, sharing and commenting. We have all worked long and hard on this project. Have fun and thanks for reading! ♥

FOR THE GOOD TIMES | #AtoZChallenge 2017 (F) Day 6 #MusicalMemories #dogladysden Share on X
The time: 1980s
The place: Toronto suburbs, Canada
Did you ever have a favourite hangout, like the TV show, Cheers,
“where everybody knows your name and they’re always glad you came”?
For a few years in the 1980’s, we had one; “Anselmo’s”, a cozy Italian restaurant complete with piano bar, owned by a friend. He introduced us to the chef, his cousin Pat from New York.
This was during my frenzied corporate workaholic period. I desperately needed to unwind and found the perfect retreat here. Not only was the food superb, but there were stools all around the piano, where we enjoyed after-dinner cocktails.
My husband liked to visit the kitchen and check out that night’s menu. Rarely did we order a la carte. Pat quickly learned our tastes and didn’t disappoint.
Over time, we also became friends with the piano player, a moonlighting hairdresser named Rob. He entertained us with an eclectic mixture of pop, rock, blues and country, delivered in a smooth baritone.
One of his signature numbers was “For The Good Times”, written by Kris Kristofferson in 1968. Although it became a hit for Ray Price two years later, the original version is the one stirring up those musical memories.
Rob sounded so much like Kris!
Sadly, Anselmo’s eventually went out of business and Pat moved back to New York.
We lost touch with Rob. He’s probably retired now.
Do you have a favourite place to unwind?
Looking forward to your comments!
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64 thoughts on “FOR THE GOOD TIMES | #AtoZCHALLENGE (F) #MusicalMemories”
Kris Kristoffersen has always been one of my favourites. His songs sort of “churn you up” for no apparent reason if not that they strike a chord, like when the doc hits your knee to see your reflexes. No reason. Your heart just jerks.
I also like him in duet with Rita Coolidge in “Help me make it through the night”.
A big hug my friend.
That’s both a nice and sad memory. I mention sad because I never like it when people leave my life and I don’t know if I’ll ever get to see them again. Thanks to social media, that’s more possible now, but that still is not the same as being together, plus some people aren’t much into social media, anyway. I already miss several people that I either cannot find or, for some reason, aren’t interested in being found.
“Which fictional character that you created is your favorite, and why?”
It’s especially sad to lose people and places due to circumstances beyond your control. 🙁 Those who aren’t interested in being found have to go to some lengths to ensure it doesn’t happen, in this day and age. 🙂
I used to be in the music business … in the very dark recesses of time … and most of my favorite “hang outs” are gone. There was a place in Boyes Hot Springs, Calif., called Valley of the Moon Saloon that I loved, as well as a big ol’ dive in Portland, Ore., called Metropolis. You could hear outstanding live music just about any night of the week at those places.
Sorry, I missed this comment earlier! The music business must be fascinating, but I think it’s also pretty ‘cutthroat’, at least, from what I’ve read. Some great places have come and gone over the years. Always sad when it’s a favourite one.
Indeed, it can be … even at the local level. As much fun as I had at the time, I don’t really miss it.
It might make an interesting chapter for your memoirs. 🙂
It was a whole memoir all by itself, entitled “Music, Mayhem, and Bad Decisions.” I am not making this up. 🙂
Sounds fascinating, as does most anything to do with music (frustrated singer ‘wanna be’). I just pre-ordered it on Amazon. Thanks. 🙂
[*Hmmm…. OK, the first time, a couple days ago, obviously didn’t post. Let’s try a Take Two.*]
DEBBIE, I’ve always really liked this song but had no idea Kris Kristofferson had written it. He wrote several good songs. (Never liked his singing though.)
Yes, in fact, I have one of those ‘Cheers’ places right now. It’s called GREAT BASIN BREWING COMPANY in Sparks — about 10 minutes from my house: photo (Link:] HERE. Bartenders know my name and comp me beers. The beer they brew is world-class and the food is damned good, too! (And that’s the reason I weigh way more now than I did two years ago when I moved to Reno. [;o)}
Nice blog bit.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews…
Hi Stephen; Apologies for the late response, but I’m running WAY behind! Your first comment is there: (copied) April 7, 2017 at 1:19 pm. The sequence is newest at the top, oldest at the bottom. Kris did write many good songs and I like his rough-hewn voice (and a few other things 😉 ). Brilliant songwriters aren’t always the best singers – Dylan and Cohen come to mind, or Tom Waits. 🙂 How handy to have a place so close to home. Looks nice! Yes, well, good food will do that. We used to be a lot thinner in our younger days. Glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for visiting.
Oh Debbie, it’s such a pleasure to come back to your blog and read your wistful stories and the beautiful music around them. Thank you so much for these precious memories. Much love <3
Travel Epiphanies:
Gobsmacked in Glorious Goa
My place to unwind is my craft room. When I was younger, there was a place I went to but it was to drink:) I had great times I never my 20’s but now I enjoy staying home with my OJ and soda water mix watching a movie. This sounds like a nice memory and I wonder, do you have any pics of your favourite place??
Well, yeah, drinking was always part of it. 🙂 OJ and soda water sounds refreshing. I think I may have a couple of photos where I’m sitting at the main bar (not the piano bar). Will have to check the old albums. Too bad we weren’t that interested in taking photos at the time.
My parents’ basement was a hangout for a lot of my friends for a couple of my college years. I never had a regular joint where I would hang out.
My mother had a Ray Price album with “For the Good Times” on it. I think that album became a family favorite.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Basements are good hangouts. 🙂 You travelled a lot, yes? That would make it difficult to find a regular place. This is a beautiful song, no matter who sings it.
This takes me back to my restaurant days. I called mine the Stage Door Bistro because it was opposite two theatres. I fed and entertained just about every actor and musician in the UK during my tenure. I had a resident pianist/singer to keep my customers entertained. He did everything from Joplin to Jerry Lee Lewis. Sometimes stars would take over. Paul McCartney played for us one night. Then I sold it. Stupid me. It closed six months later. Happy days.
Another day in Amble Bay!
How interesting that you owned a restaurant! Even more that you hobnobbed with all those celebrities. Paul McCartney? Wow – completely star struck I am. 😀 Happy day, indeed!
I had a favorite restaurant in Memphis, that specialized in steaks and pizza. One Friday night, the place was packed. I went to the kitchen to say hello to the owner / cook… He let me know that he was really backed up, and we would have to wait a half an hour for him to make our pizza. I offered to help. From there, he coached me how to make his specialty “around the world” pizza, and I did it all, up to putting it in the oven… From that night on, I made all my own pizzas, while we visited… Great memory you stirred here, Debbie… Thanks!
That sounds like a fun place! 🙂 What is an ‘around the world’ pizza? I’m glad these posts are conjuring up pleasant memories for you. Thanks for your support.
What a great songs to have memories too- especially since they were good ones. Still looking for that special place- hard to keep one when everything is always changing.
It’s great to have somewhere like that and I bet Rob was very entertaining. I had a few pubs where I used to hang out with my friends during our youth, but not quite as swanky!
For me, any place is great to unwind, Debbie.
Extra marks to places that have music & food 😉
Music and food always go well together. 🙂
We do have our favorite haunts, but my most favorite is a particular place on top of a hill that used to be next to our house. It had a naturally shaped bench like stone structure where we enjoyed sitting and looking out over our world. Nostalgia is a crazy thing, Debbie! These days, we rather like our home-sweet-home!
Sitting and looking out over the world sounds so serene. 🙂 It’s great to have a place like that.
Interesting that you mention your favorite Italian restaurant. We just got home from ours. It used to be located at the next town. 18 months ago their lease didn’t get renewed, and they moved a 35 minutes’ drive away. We don’t eat there as often as we used to, but when we do, we love it!
Never heard the song!
I couldn’t imagine life without Italian food. 🙂 We have a new favourite Italian restaurant now, but don’t go out as much as we used to. Too expensive! Thanks for dropping in.
I never had anywhere like that to relax, but as a kid I would make a lunch, cart it out to a fallen tree in the woods, and eat with a book up in branches. Good times.
Lunch in the woods with a book sounds very relaxing. Thanks for dropping in. 🙂
I follow you through email and am checking in during the A to Z Challenge. Good to reconnect! I used to have a great, local Italian restaurant – their spaghetti sauce (on pizza, pasta, etc.) was AMAZING. It had a sweetness to it that I’ve never found again. It was an old family recipe. We moved and they closed down (or vice versa). I miss it! Love the piano bar idea. It would be a great way to unwind, with a glass of wine… Enjoy your weekend! dianeweidenbenner.com
Thanks so much for your support, Diane. Nice to see you again! 🙂 Old family recipes are the best. Always sad when a favourite place closes down.
Hi Debbie! Thanks for sharing this beautiful song….it´s so real, warm and beautiful. For the good times´most certainly. I would like to invite you to my blog and day´s challenge F for Fuck Mantra. https://pensense.blogspot.in/2017/04/f-is-for-fuck-mantra-atozchallenge.html. Would love to know your thoughts on the read. Keep writing about some great music..you sure do have great taste…I will be coming in here daily for a lovely listening. Love and Cheers!
Nice to meet you, Tina. 🙂 It’s more about the memory than the actual song, but thanks for dropping in. I enjoyed your ‘F’ post. Cheers!
DEBBIE, I’ve always really liked this song but had no idea Kris Kristofferson had written it. He wrote several good songs. (Never liked his singing though.)
Yes, in fact, I have one of those ‘Cheers’ places right now. It’s called GREAT BASIN BREWING COMPANY in Sparks — about 10 minutes from my house: photo (Link:] HERE. Bartenders know my name and comp me beers. The beer they brew is world-class and the food is damned good, too! (And that’s the reason I weigh way more now than I did two years ago when I moved to Reno. [;o)}
Nice blog bit.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews…
Oh this is some song ! And what a voice. I never had a hang out place because my family was almost always on the move ….
This song really feels like a big bowl of comfort food. It is the kind that is aiming to bring back memories with its very feel 🙂
Lots of nostalgia with this one. 🙂
Out in rural ranch country the nearest place to hang out was called the “Cow Palace” – we called it the ‘Local Living Room’ – many had their own usual places at the bar. The place looks the same today, though we but laugh in photos on the rustic wooden walls. Food was intermittently good there 😉
How nice that the place survives, in this ever-changing world. 🙂
Kristoffersen was unique. And songs belong to those who write them…methinks!
Sounds like a lot of lovely evenings. It is nice to have a place to relax.
I had a favorite place when I was working. It was a sports bar. Now my favorite place is my family room and Netflix.
We stay home a lot more than we used to, as well, but still enjoying going out for special occasions. Sorry for the late response. This challenge has gotten away from me!
Thanks for another awesome memory. It’s a sad song but a good one.
A sad song that brings back many happy memories. 🙂
Such a brilliant, moving voice!
It’s sad when a favourite haunt closes down! My favourites are in towns/cities which I no longer get to visit, so don’t really know if they are still there or not. Ignorance is bliss I guess!
That’s the thing when you live in the same area for decades. Change is constant and we keep having to find new ‘favourite’ places.
I’ve alwasy been something of a home body, so that’s where I like to unwind. Although it is nice sometimes when Rob and I go away for a long weekend and just get to relax. 🙂
Tasha’s Thinkings – Shapeshifters and Werewolves
Weekend getaways are a great way to relax! 🙂
In high school, we either hung out after school at Sneds pinball parlour or Parry’s Milk Bar. I like to try different places so I don’t really have a fave hang out this days…apart from home, that is.
Any place you enjoy spending time away from the world is a good. 🙂
I always appreciated Kris……. Those are some steamy scenes in the video! Wonderful memories.
Yes, I have always enjoyed Kris too, and those scenes. 😀
Love your memories, Debbie. So descriptive and the musical selections are such a perfect addition. Glad you had this spot to unwind during your stressful working days.
I don’t really have a place like that though I do enjoy a trip to Starbucks for my tall bold with hazelnut, sitting with my big butt on the windowsill at Chapters since the tables are usually full and I end up noticing the covers of the mens’ hunting and motorcycle magazines in a rack in front of me. How thrilling! *rolls eyes* Wish the writing magazines were in my line of vision instead!
Love your memories, Debbie. So descriptive and the musical selections are such a perfect addition. Glad you had this spot to unwind during your stressful working days.
I don’t really have a place like that though I do enjoy a trip to Starbucks for my tall bold with hazelnut, sitting with my big butt on the windowsill at Chapters since the tables are usually full and I end up noticing the covers of the mens’ hunting and motorcycle magazines in a rack in front of me.
Any place you like to spend time away from the world should count. 🙂 We have lost a few favourite hangouts over the years and I miss them all.
Awesome song. I’ve heard the Jim Reeves version Didn’t know Kris K also sang it. Thanks for sharing. When I was young my favourite place was to curl up in an armchair on my verandah and read a book.
Perry Como not Jim Reeves
Perry Como had a good voice.
I used to bunk Physics classes in school and hangout at my school stationery shop during that class! Does that count? 😛
Sure; any place where you enjoy spending time should count. 🙂