Welcome everyone, to the#AtoZChallenge Blogging Extravaganza, where hundreds of bloggers publish 26 posts in 30 days, one for each letter of the alphabet, covering a myriad of topics!“Musical Memories” is my theme. Click HERE to see all posts and HERE to view the A to Z Blog. Please support our efforts by visiting, sharing and commenting. We have all worked long and hard on this project. Have fun and thanks for reading! ♥

EPITAPH | #AtoZChallenge 2017 (E) Day 5 #MusicalMemories #dogladysden Share on X
The time: Spring 1970
The place: Ottawa – Canada’s capital city
Fair warning:
The Moody Blues turned me on to Prog Rock in 1967 (see ‘N’ post on Apr. 17), but another band stoked that music high, even more, a few years later.
One of my close “army brat” friends from Germany had been transferred to Ottawa at the same time we relocated to Toronto (Aug. 1969). She invited me to spend a few days with her during spring break in 1970.
The hippie era was still in full swing, and I looked the part, from the long, straight hair to the flowing tunic, bell-bottom jeans, peace necklace and fringed shoulder bag.
Unlike most young people of that era, drugs were of little interest to me. I was scared of them, having witnessed several “bad trips” by others. Instead, I blissed out on acid rock and other trappings of psychedelia. Music was my drug of choice then, as well as now.
My friend had decorated her room with blacklight posters and yes, a lava lamp. It was here that I first listened to the album “In the Court of the Crimson King” by prog rock band, King Crimson.
Mesmerized, we played it again, and again until we were completely “spaced out”, letting the music permeate all of our senses. “Epitaph” in particular was so tragically beautiful it moved me to tears.
“Yes, I fear tomorrow I’ll be crying.”
During one of our shopping forays, I bought a copy of the album for myself and still have it, along with a vintage (1973) stereo to play it on. To this day, “Epitaph” has the same effect on me as it did 47 years ago.
Do you have any “hippie-dippie” memories you’d like to share?
Does music affect you emotionally?
Looking forward to your comments!
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52 thoughts on “EPITAPH | #AtoZCHALLENGE (E) #MusicalMemories”
Music does affect me emotionally. Usually, it’s when songs are sad, then I start to tear up. Either they remind me of loved ones, or they make me imagine sad situations. It’s really easy to make me cry….Anyway, no hippie-dippie stories for me to share…
Mark Your Words!
Then there are happy songs to make you smile, yes? Works for me. 🙂
Yes, there are happy songs, and they make me cry with tears of joy somehow 🙂
What a great album! I first got it on 8 track cassette. Psychedelic music is still one of my favorite genres. We called ourselves “hippies” back in the early 70’s, but we were Tennessee hippies and that was a unique brand. Some crazy times, but good memories.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
It’s still one of my favourite genres, as well. How does a ‘Tennessee hippie’ differ from another type of hippie? 🙂 I was just reading about a famous Tennessee commune called ‘The Farm’. It’s still in operation today and doing lots of good work:
They even had a band! How cool is that? 🙂 Have you heard of them, Lee?
Don’t see the reply that came through my notifications, but in answer to your question about “The Farm” commune, yes, I remember them and recall seeing their albums being sold at a record store I used to frequent. I think I heard some of the music, but it didn’t appeal to me enough for me to buy the album.
AS far as the Tennessee hippies we were more country than the big city hippies. A lot of us were more conservative in many ways–not big on protesting the war for example. There were plenty of drugs though.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Drugs were everywhere in those days. There’s a meme somewhere about “country mouse/city mouse”. I guess it was the same with hippies. 🙂 Thanks for keeping the conversation going.
I’m so straight I totally remember the 60’s. Yes, I had bell bottoms and music was my drug of choice. For me, it was the Doors, Donovan and, oh, a few other groups. I would have had straight hair, too, except that, in those days, it was naturally curly. Well, a little curly, not Afro curly.
Hahaha! Funny you should mention hair; I just had mine permed. It was looking too straight and flat. I still keep it long and wear hippie-style garb. Keeps me young! 😉 The Doors are coming up in the ‘H’ post. Donovan was great, too!
Debbie, I’m glad you didn’t have any desire to dip in the drug scene. Like you, I was too scared to give any of it a try. Nothing good comes from drug use, except a lot of heart ache and often times addiction. Mewsic is my drug of choice and yes it moves me! Thanks for visiting!
We are in agreement about music, Cathy. The best drug in the world. 🙂 Thanks and have a great second week of the A to Z!
I am enjoying taking these musical journeys back with you, Debbie. This one was fun about you hanging out with your Ottawa friend. I can just picture you in your hippy garb. I don’t have any hippy dippy memories though I did wear bell bottoms and had a pair of those awful buffalo sandals that had no support whatsoever. Remember all the fuss about Woodstock? I think I even had a comic book about it as I recall. I’m enjoying listening to this song but it’s not that familiar to me. I like it though. So true about music touching us in such an emotional way bringing us back to a place and time and how we were feeling at that moment. Amazing how it does that.
I still wear ‘hippie’ garb, Cathy and just got my hair permed. 😀 Embracing that Bohemian side keeps me young. Never had buffalo sandals, though. I preferred Dr. Scholl’s wooden ones.
Do I remember Woodstock? Be sure to come back for the ‘L’ post on April 14th. You’ll see exactly how I feel about it. 😉
I fear that tomorrow is not so far away when trees do not make up the forest. May an epiphany come before an epitaph in more places than the dictionary.
Geat comment and yes, I agree. Thank you!
You and my brother must meet one day as he has this same album and I think that same player:) I really do like King Crimson and don’t get me started on the Moody Blues. My brother always wished he could have been a hippie during that era. He grew his hair and looked like Jesus during the early 80’s and he did make a trip to Woodstock a few years back.
Sounds like you brother was born in the wrong decade, Birgit. 🙂 Interesting that he has the same stereo. Those are collectors’ items now. Moody Blues will be coming up for ‘N’ (not ‘M’).
No hippy memories from me – I was born a couple decades too late – but I was always interested in the 60s so thank you for the peek in! And the Ottawa reference made me smile (that would be home!).
Like most people, it seems. 🙂 It is nice to know that younger folks do enjoy our generation’s music. That was my first time in Ottawa. It’s a lovely city and I’ve been back twice, since then. Thanks for dropping in and have a great second week of the A to Z!
This is the saddest song… I have listened to “In the Court of the Crimson King” hundreds and hundreds of times. We had an underground FM station that played in for months straight, every night. I still play it on occasion.
More and more, I realize, you and I were listening to the same songs, at the same time.
I love the music but can’t imagine listening to anything for months at a time. 🙂 We do seem to have similar tastes.
Love the Moody Blues, although I didn’t really learn of them until the War of the Worlds album came out. My sister and I played that one to death!
And King Crimson?! They had a song during the early years of MTV/VH1 – I can’t recall the name but it was a fav!
‘War of the Worlds’ was by Jeff Wayne, not the Moody Blues, but Justin Hayward (of the Moody Blues) sang on it. King Crimson had several singles in the early 80s.
I used to have the title track burned somewhere… when I get a chance I’ll check out this track.
And I have completed the task. I think I liked it better. Not near so pretentious.
That was a good song, too, but I love Epitaph just a little more. 🙂 Pretentious? A matter of opinion and personal taste.
While I have heard of King Crimson, I think this may have been the first time I have listened to them. I may need to check into this album a little deeper. It’s got a great sound, something that I would enjoy having on in the background while doing my little online chores or just relaxing. Music does bring about emotions for me. It can be the lyrics that do it, or simply the rhythm and tempo. Many times there will be memories attached. I find that as opposed to drugs, music is good for the soul. It is a welcome release and cleansing.
Music is SO good for the soul! Thank you for saying that, Mary. This is an amazing album. Glad you enjoyed the song.
Every song I’ve ever listened to has memories associated with it, Debbie! Some good, some, not so much. I enjoyed listening to Epitaph. There’s a melancholy yet heart-tugging sense to it. That album cover… oooh! And yes, I wore bell bots and flat leather footwear (preferring it over the platforms) and carried fringed bags. We even competed over whose trouser legs were the widest. I remember stitching appliques on to my pockets. And there’s something so therapeutic even about the memory of blissing out with music blasting away at high volume and reverberating off the walls. Sigh. Nostalgia time! I love to put on the music and sing along (or yell along, depending) as I mop or dust. I still have my tape recorder. Not sure if it plays though.
I can picture you rocking out while doing chores because I do that too! Rod Stewart’s ‘Hot Legs’ really gets me moving. 😀 Thanks for sharing your memories. Vidya.
Ah yes. I, like you, found my “drugs” in music and sports rather than chemical and plant type drugs. Who needed those, anyway, when I was high on life? For the most part, though, it was a different type of music–I was way into the Beatles, Elton John, Neil Diamond, Jazz and Classical–really into the latter. I did wear blue jeans and a flower in my hair, though. Those were my nod to hippyism. 😉
HI Mary! 🙂 Music is the best drug, for sure. I also like The Beatles and Neil Diamond. Elton John, jazz and classical fall into the ‘sometimes’ category. I can picture you with flowers in your long, beautiful hair.
That was my bestie’s favourite song. She played it over and over. I think the grooves on that part of the record were deeper.
Wendy of the Rock is OFF the Rock
F = Fair is foul
‘Epitaph’ is practically hypnotic. 🙂 I understand the attraction.
I love music. Yet I am a borrower of others. I listen to specific Sirius stations. At times I get on kicks listening to a recently purchased CD of some ancient band compared to today.
I love a broad range of music and sometimes I only like a specific genre.
Now, I listen to a lot of 50’s and 60’s country western. It is the radio songs playing in the background when I was a child. The music I thought I hated.
Interesting that you now enjoy music you hated before. 🙂 You see? It’s the memories attached that make you grow fonder of it. I like different genres as well, but the hippie era music holds a special place in my heart.
Hi Debbie. Dropping in to say Hey and I soooo love that album!!! The way you described it is exactly how it’s always made me feel. It’s music to get lost in… And Epitaph: brilliant!
Plus who can deny the awesome album cover art??! Fantastic all the way around.
Thanks for the memory! 🙂
Michele at Angels Bark
Nice to see you here, Michele. Thanks for taking time from your blogging break to visit me! 🙂
You’re so right, this album is almost hypnotic! How cool that we have similar memories of it.
I was never into acid rock. I actually thought I’be be listening to Eleanor Rigby. LOL That
s where my musical taste stayed. The video was incredible though. Thanks for sharing. Find me here. LINK
Eleanor Rigby was a good song, too. I like many different genres of music, but classic/acid/psychedelic rock holds a special place in my heart. 🙂
Here you are: (I still have this album.)
I remember seeing your pictures with the hippie look. I like your drug of choice 🙂
Hadnt heard Epitaph before. Liked it both musically and lyrically!
Yes, the hippie look is still my favourite. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed the song as well. There’s no escape better than music, in my opinion.
Not many memories. But that music is so heartwrenching. Thanks for sharing, Debbie.
It does have that effect. 🙂
My brother used to play a lot of Moody Blues music. Oh yes, I remember those bell bottom jeans.
The Moody Blues’ music is timeless and bell bottoms have made a comeback. 🙂
No particular hippie memories… it wasn’t as big a craze here in India, or maybe it was before my time, I don’t know… but yeah, music does affect me emotionally.
And I have a vintage record player like that, but it doesn’t work. It is a Garrard, I think. Needs a new pin or something, and servicing of course. I don’t have any LPs to play on it anymore though… sold my entire collection 3 years ago.
I think the hippie era was most prevalent in North America and it was a long time ago; late 60s, early 70s. Vinyl records are collectors’ items these days, but I don’t want to let go of mine. Too many memories. 🙂
That music is very moving.
Some music does touch my emotions in a way it’s hard to explain. It also has the power to bring back memories. Just the opening notes of some songs are enough.
Nice to see you, Clowie! 🙂 It is a profoundly sad and beautiful song. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Music is a brilliant and wise choice of drug. And…there are people who aren’t affected emotionally by music?? I get affected even when I don’t understand the lyrics 🙂 probably feeling weepy at all the wrong places…
Not everyone ‘feels’ the music. My husband, for example. He enjoys the concerts we go to, but doesn’t really have that connection and often asks me to turn the ‘noise’ down at home. 🙂