DRACONIAN #LinguisticMusings #FunWithWords

Draconian featured image




excessively harsh and severe

synonyms: strict, extreme, drastic, stringent, tough; cruel, oppressive,
ruthless, relentless, punitive; authoritarian, despotic, tyrannical, 

Even though they’re not related, whenever I hear this word,
images of fire-breathing dragons float through my mind.
(Not so much of a stretch, since “Draco” is Latin for Dragon)

Draconian dragon, breathing fire

 Do you suppose this is where the term “Dragon Lady” comes from?
A stern, unrelenting, humourless, draconian woman?
[Read about the actual origin of “Dragon Lady” HERE.]

#AtoZChallenge, Day 4: D is for DRACONIAN

I knew one such person; the principal of the boarding school I attended in ninth grade. Here’s a thought: Why are there no “Dragon Men”? Why do women always have to be the BITCHES?

In any case, those who attempt to inflict their draconian edicts on me are going to get an argument – every time! Rebel then, rebel still. 😉

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“DRACONIAN” is Greek in origin and derives from “Draco”,
who was the first legislator of Athens in the 7th century BC.
He  laid down a code of laws that mandated death as punishment for minor crimes.

How do you react to draconian stipulations?

talk soon bitmoji

Debbie signature style 5

Originally published on April 4, 2015 for the April A to Z Blogging Challenge.
Updated March 29, 2023.

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19 thoughts on “DRACONIAN #LinguisticMusings #FunWithWords

  1. Hi Debbie – I am always upset/irritated by draconian aspects – I’ll cope then mentally move away. There have to be two sides to every story … different people react to their particular circumstances. Draconian – so much to consider – cheers Hilary

  2. I live in the United States; I’m familiar with many of our present draconian laws, and every day I’m glad I live in New York. It doesn’t mean that some don’t put those types of laws up for a discussion and vote; it does mean that almost all of them are shot down, unless the Supreme Court gets in the way. Still, in many parts of the country we’re heading in the wrong direction; it shocks and depresses me, but I suppose that life really isn’t supposed to be easy… sigh…

    1. Hi Mitch! Roe vs Wade getting overturned shocked me, and I was further shocked by the antiquated law reforms that followed in some states. Like you, I’m glad to be living somewhere that operates in the 21st century.

  3. Not a fan of draconian edicts in todays free world. And just like you all i can imagine is a fire bellowing dragon when I think of the word.

    And right now we have a draconian storm blowing outside. I worry for the beings that live outdoors, the birds, the trees, the bees and more.

    Rod Stewart enchants always.

  4. Sad as it may be to say, I believe the answer to “why no dragon men” has to do with the guy being an “a-hole”, a “jackass”- IOW, a personal shot. While the woman gets the impersonal “dragon lady” to imply she’s one of a group of “dragon ladies.” An insult to all women under the guise of being “too polite to call a lady an a-hole, etc.”

    1. Interesting perspective, Christopher! And it makes sense. Rarely, if ever, have I heard a woman referred to as an asshole. (No word censoring on this site, please. Tell it like it is! 😉 )

  5. How do I react…like you. The Trudeau salute comes to mind and I make it a mission to do the opposite! I’ve met plenty of men who are bitches..lol. I think the dragon image works well. Now, you know me and snow but it is now March and WTF?? I’m in Niagara Falls right now and there’s a blizzard going on. I hate March for this reason…sun, sleet, rain, blizzatd all in 1 hour. I guess I’m being draconian?? Now, just bitching..lol my pain is horrible. By the way, thank you gor the link about getting my dog not to eat bad stuff. Ughhh.

    1. Men can certainly be bitches, but they’re usually called by another name. 😀 Love the Trudeau salute, and the kerfuffle about Fuddle Duddle. (For anyone else reading this, that’s a Canadian inside joke. 😉 ) Yesterday’s weather was so crazy! I hope you didn’t have too much trouble driving home, Birgit, and that your pain got better. You’re welcome for the training tips. Dogs eating crap off the ground is scary, especially when you can’t see what they grabbed! Zoey does that too sometimes, but she’s pretty good with the “Leave It” command. Good luck with Harley!

  6. The word conjures dragons for me as well. The fire-breathing bully kind that would sooner incinerate than negotiate. Funny, I hadn’t associated “Draconian” as a human characteristic until the last few years 😉