Dog Mom and retired Canine Innkeeper in suburban Toronto, Canada, known as “The Doglady.” Former corporate “slave”, set free in 1992.
Writer/owner of THE DOGLADY’S DEN website. Podcaster, Photographer, animal lover, music fanatic, inveterate traveller, history, literature and cinema buff.
Eternal “hippie/rockchick”. Bi-national, German/Canadian. Speaks English, German, some French, a little Italian and a smattering of Spanish.
Born in Germany, to a German mother and a Canadian father of German descent. He was an army officer who met his future wife while stationed in her homeland, after completing a tour of duty in Korea.
Debbie started writing as a child and always dreamt of becoming a professional; even tried to make that happen for several years in the 1970s (long before the internet).
Discouraged by constant rejection, the need for a steady paycheque and the challenges of life in general, that muse was buried, deeper and deeper as time wore on and she became a corporate workaholic.
Slowly, with the help of computers and the blogging world (which she has embraced wholeheartedly), the muse has returned. Currently working on a memoir of her time at a Swiss boarding school and another of the dogs she has known during her years as a pet sitter.
Dog Mom and (retired) Canine Innkeeper in suburban Toronto, Canada, known as The Doglady. Former corporate workaholic. Writer, photographer, digital creator. Animal lover, music fanatic, inveterate traveller. Eternal hippie/rockchick. History, literature and cinema buff. Hockey and soccer fan. Dedicated night owl. German/Canadian binational, multilingual. Let me entertain you!