FROM DAYBREAK TO DUSK 🌅🌇 #SundayStills #Photography

Terri Webster Schrandts blogfest theme this week is:

Sunrises and Sunsets

Animation generated by Canva. Click to activate.

Since I shared my best conventional sunrise and sunset pics a couple of months ago,
I’m taking this in a bit of a different direction.

FROM DAYBREAK TO DUSK 🌅🌇 #SundayStills #Photography #dogladysden #sunrise #sunset Share on X ►

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Sometimes, clouds can be more interesting than clear skies!

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Also joining Sandee at Wordless Wednesday.

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35 thoughts on “FROM DAYBREAK TO DUSK 🌅🌇 #SundayStills #Photography

  1. The animated sunset to sunrise photos is beautiful! Did you take a series of photos and upload them to Canva to create the video? Your still photos are beautiful, too. I really need to get my Big Girl camera out to use again but I’ve grown so lazy. It’s just so easy to snap a few pictures with my iPhone and it does a good job. I haven’t mastered getting really nice night shots of the moon and stars which usually turn out as bright white spots on my image. 🙂

    1. Hi Cathy 👋 I can’t take any credit for the animation. That’s a ready-made one from Canva. I took most of those photos with the “point and shoot” Canon Powershot, and a couple with my Samsung phone. I haven’t really mastered the “big girl” camera, because I am lazy as well. 😆 My phone is fairly basic, and night shots rarely turn out, so I rely mostly on the Powershot.

  2. Beautiful, beautiful and beautiful. Your camera loves you.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Debbie. Hugs. ♥

  3. Hi Debbie – lovely side step to the prompt – beautiful photos .. the skies do engage us – lovely; we had a stunning one this morning – now reverted to cloudy grey! Cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you, Hilary! 🙂 I wanted to vary things a little, since there was a similar prompt recently. Too bad your skies turned grey, but hopefully you’ll see more of the sun as June progresses.

  4. Wow Deb! Spectacular captures. I especially loved those Bokeh images. Fantastical! Nothing better than a gorgeous sunset and sunrise. 🙂 xx

  5. My camera will be happy to know that when it screws up, there’s a Japanese word for it!

  6. First…I knew you’d have the Moodu Blues here and so enjoyed listening to it while I looked at your pictures. They are stunning! You could create your own book plus make calendars

    1. The Moody Blues have the perfect song set for these photos! 🙂 I’m glad you like them, Birgit. Making books and calendars sounds too much like work. I’m a lazy retired person now. 😉

  7. I love what you did with the sunset/rise theme, Debbie! Different POVs are always good! I like the pinks and the fireballs! I agree that clouds do quite a bit to make a sunrise or set look unique and beautiful. I can’t hear or play the videos on my PC (not your fault). I’ll have to come back and try on my mobile.

    1. The complete opposite of me, the night owl. 🙂 I see the sunrise only when I’ve been up all night. At least I brought the camera along! 😀