82 CommentsFood and Drink, From the Archives

Craving Calamari

Calamari (Italian for squid), is one of my favourite foods.  So much so, that I’ve often said I could subsist on it.  It’s extremely popular in many parts of the world, including Italy, Greece, Turkey, Spain, India, Japan etc. as well as North America.

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I’ve had the pleasure of sampling it in various countries and each experience was delicious, but never attempted to clean it.  Not for the squeamish!  🙂

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There are different ways of preparing calamari.  The universally popular method is to fry the rings and serve them with lemon and various sauces.  In Italy, they mostly use Marinara (tomato) sauce. In Greece also, as well as Tzatziki.

North America embraces both, plus seafood cocktail sauce, lemon garlic aioli, etc. etc. There’s a host of recipes online if you’re interested.  One of the local restaurants serves it on a bed of fried spinach.

fried calamari
Fried Calamari [Photo Credit]

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Grilled Calamari is a healthy alternative and only contains 80 calories for a 4-ounce serving.
See nutrition facts here.

grilled calamari
Grilled Calamari

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 I love fresh Calamari antipasto most of all.
Our favourite restaurant (sadly, now closed), made THE BEST version I have ever tasted!
We took some home after every visit and I truly miss it.

calamari salad
Calamari Antipasto (Salad) [photo credit]

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Well, I’m hungry now!

Does any of this look appetizing to you, or would you rather pass?

Looking forward to your comments!

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originally published April 3, 2014

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Coming up on Monday, Jan. 25:

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82 thoughts on “CRAVING CALAMARI!

    1. Haha! I didn’t mind watching the video but won’t attempt the prep. So many restaurants have calamari on the menu, it’s much easier to order it. 🙂 Thanks for coming by, Bren!

    1. Calamari is such a popular dish, worldwide. I’d rather let others deal with the prep. 🙂 Thanks for coming by, Eugenia. I’m waaay behind, here.

  1. Hi Debbie – I hope my comment came through … I love calamari! Stay safe – Hilary
    I see it probably didn’t … I’d love some now … and will always happily eat it … so delicious. I’ve cleaned squid, but not octopus … lovely looking recipes too … all the best – Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary! I’m sorry to say, both of your comments ended up in the spam folder, and I just noticed this morning. Rectified now, plus I contacted my “spam police” to complain. You’re not the first regular that happened to. ? Anyway, you’re more of a seafood expert than I am, never having cleaned squid or octopus myself. My favourite calamari sauce is Tzatziki; a taste acquired in Greece. Thanks for persevering!

      1. Not to worry these things happen … I get people commenting which go to spam, yet people I don’t know go into the blog post … frustrates me … but I just keep remembering to look and bring out those I want, and delete those I don’t. I do love squid, calamari and all seafood … and also Tzatziki … with probably many things! Take care – Hilary

  2. Hi Debbie – no I would not pass on any of those … just love seafood … and calamari is included. Always eat lots if I’m in a place where I can get good quality … I’ve partially cleaned squid … but never an octopus. In recent years I’ve gone towards ‘plain’ sauces … i.e. not tomato based ones – change of taste. But oh to have a plate of calamari … thanks for that ‘not to be’ lunch for a while! Delicious looking recipes … stay safe – Hilary

  3. Tried to comment a minute ago and got an error message. Anyway, let’s hope this one goes through. I love calamari but haven’t had it in years. I started the video but had to stop it or I wouldn’t ever want calamari again.


    1. Hi Janie, sorry about that! ? Both of your comments ended up in the spam folder! Don’t know why… Yeah, eating calamari is much more pleasureable than preparing it! ?

  4. Love it grilled. I used to clean them and make them myself years ago – I never made them that they weren’t rubberized, and when I clean them, they gross me out enough to not want to eat them. So yes to calamari in restaurants LOL ?

    1. Yes, let others do the prep! ? ?When we visited my husband’s aunt and uncle in Taranto years ago, they went to the fish market at 5 a.m. for fresh calamari and served it for lunch, grilled and stuffed with lobster. Best meal ever! ?? Thanks for coming by, Deb.

  5. Debbie,

    I think I’ve had fried calamari. It’s not one of my favorites but then I’m not big into seafood in general. It might be because it doesn’t sit too well on my stomach. I used to love shrimp but even that can make me a bit sick at times. I’ll take beef or chicken any day fixed just about any way as long as it’s good thoroughly. 🙂

    1. Maybe you have a mild seafood allergy, Cathy? Many people have that, so it’s understandable you don’t like it much. Red meat has a similar effect on me, so I’d prefer chicken. Thanks for coming by! ☺

      1. Debbie,
        Although I haven’t been tested for seafood allergies I think that is my problem. My stomach doesn’t do well taking Omega 3 fish oils either. Flax seed is high in omega 3 and it gives me a little problem, probably because I’m allergic to grass, but I still take it. I like red meat and poultry real well. I don’t seem to have any issues with these except extra eating too many calories. 😀

  6. Yummy, we used to have calamari feeds back in the day. Had a buddy that would drive to San Francisco to pick up the calamari. Best feeds ever.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Debbie. ♥

  7. YUM! Your post sure made me crave some Calamari after reading it, Debbie! DROOOLS! Not something I ever eat but you sure made it sound and look delicious. I think I’ve tried it and liked it. I’m a real seafood lover anyhow with a mom from Cape Breton who loved seafood of any kind.

      1. MMMM, I sure did and the nice thing is that the memories of seafood are tied up with warm memories of my mom as she loved seafood of any kind from mussels to salmon to lobster to mackerel. Watching her eat lobster guts with butter dripping down her chin and hands was always a delight as she enjoyed it so much. The boys and I would have some great lobster feeds with her while my dad watched from a distance as he’s not a seafood lover.

        1. You paint a loving picture of your mom. ☺ Lobster is SO GOOD! I didn’t grow up with seafood (German cuisine is mostly meat and potatoes). It was my Italian husband who turned me on to it. Now I can’t get enough!

    1. Hi Stevie; I love it, myself. Thanks for visiting. 🙂 I’ll try to get back to WeWriWa one of these days. Have a good week.

  8. Calamari isn’t a favorite of mine, but all the recipes are interesting and I might try some of them.


    1. Nice to meet you and welcome to The Den. 🙂 Yes, Calamari is very popular with Italians. My husband, also an Italian is the one who introduced me to it. Thanks for visiting and subscribing. I have done the same. Cheers!

      1. Hi Sunni; It’s an acquired taste, I’d say. 🙂 Everybody’s different and I had never even heard of it until my Italian hubby urged me to try some. Thanks for visiting.

  9. Checking out your blog via the Blog Challenge (also subscribed to it as I figure now would be a good time to freshen up my subscriptions).

    Not a fan of calamari, but my mother and late father enjoyed it (Italian household) quiet a bit.

  10. I have never tried this. Somehow the idea of squid just makes me a bit squeamish! It doesn’t look to bad in your pictures. Perhaps one day I will get over myself and give it a whirl. You only live once! ♥

    1. Sure – why not be a little adventurous? 😉 Somehow, “Calamari” sounds much more appetizing than squid, yes? Thanks for visiting.

    1. I’ve never had chicken tikka masala, but it sounds good! 🙂 They probably do have awesome calamari in India. Would like to visit there one day to find out. Thanks for dropping by.

  11. I love Calamari! It used to be my number one favorite food, but it got bumped by chicken tikka masala, which I used to eat every chance I got at this awesome Indian restaurant in my city, which really wasn’t that often because the place was always super-busy during their lunch buffet. I’m sure that’s all very fascinating to you. Anyway, nice post! P.S. I’ll bet they have awesome Calamari in India.

  12. Stopping by from the A to Z challenge. We write about pet food and wellness as part of our overall mission to use technology to improve the lives of pets and their owners.

    Not big Calamari fans, although we are very big fans of sea food in general, for both humans and dogs (and some cats who can tolerate it). Used to use squid for bait when fishing and it took 2-3 days to wash the odor from our hands!

      1. Welcome to The Den, Steve 🙂 Healthy pet food is very important. Kudos to you for spreading the word! I love seafood in general too, with a couple of exceptions, like oysters and mussels. Thanks for visiting.

  13. I quickly scrolled past that “how to prepare” video, but I have enjoyed fried calamari – about the only kind available here in Colorado. Had a friend order calamari steak once in California; I never knew it was available any way but fried circles! I only like it if it’s not too rubbery. Good choice for a post, and the pictures make me want it.

    1. I’m getting a few vegetarians here today. 🙂 Sorry, hope this didn’t offend! The antipasto is my favourite and I’m sure your brother will like it. Thanks for visiting.

  14. I am a vegetarian but my brother is quite fond of seafood. I am sure he will very much like the Calamari antipasto. I am sending him the picture now, since it is his dinner time almost!

  15. Nice post and videos but, to be honest I hate Calamari and I’ve tried it a couple of times.

  16. I’ve only ever had fried calamari, and it was probably destroyed in the process. I’d be open to trying it prepared another way, but would have be sure it was absolutely fresh so I wouldn’t have an experience that will scar me for life.

  17. I love fried calamari but that’s the inky east I can eat it. If it looks squidly, I can’t touch it. Interesting post Debbie. Now I’m hungry too!

          1. Ah, sorry about that, Belinda. We all have foods we don’t like. I can’t stand oysters or mussels, for instance. Anyway, thanks for visiting. The next post isn’t about food. 🙂

    1. Sounds good to me! 🙂 Love the beach scene that just came to mind as well. I’ve never tried to prepare them myself either. Thanks for visiting.

      1. Oh sorry, Richa. Hadn’t considered that! 🙁 I have a friend who calls herself vegetarian. She eats no meat, but does enjoy seafood. Is there such a thing as a “partial” vegetarian? Anyway, thanks for visiting.

  18. Love, love, love calamari! Especially with pepper and lemon and hot chips by the beach…

    I haven’t ever been brave enough to cook it myself…

  19. I love squid. But the first time I prepared it, I realized how horribly wrong it could go when my nephew said, “It’s spicy but tasteless!” He was right. 😉
    Now I make it with pasta and it’s not bad.