April 1-30:

Busy month in the Blogosphere,
as 1000+ bloggers worldwide,
will be publishing
26 posts in 26 days; one for each letter of the alphabet.
Come join the fun! Read, comment and share your favourites.

#AtoZChallenge 2015
I’M IN! [LINK #100] ARE YOU?




All posts are scheduled to go live at 12:15 a.m. (00:15) EDT. [Toronto]

Sun., April 5 / Mon., April 6:

Head on over to BLOG-A-RHYTHM, where
26 members will be posting to the theme “BLOGGING BYTES”.
I’ll be the featured guest contributor, writing about ENGAGEMENT.

#AtoZChallenge, E is for ENGAGEMENT.</h3> <p> Blog-A-RhythmPost scheduled to go live at 12:01 a.m. (00:01) IST [Mumbai]
That’s 2:31 p.m. (14:31). Sun. April 5 EDT [Toronto]

From May, Onwards:

[Click images for archives] 

Sleep Study Follow-Up:

sleep studies for insomnia #MusicMondayCity, photo fridaygreek odyssey creative writing

June 8 to 12:

Write about your favourite beach movie,
any era, any genre.
Click image for details.

Beach Party Blogathon

That’s it for now! Back to the grindstone.
Please tell me what you think and share, if you like.

thank you smiley DebbieCOMING UP AT THE DEN: APRIL #AtoZChallenge AND BEYOND #dogladysden Share on X

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24 thoughts on “COMING UP AT THE DEN: APRIL #AtoZChallenge AND BEYOND

  1. HI Debbie,

    You just blow my mind. How do you do 28 posts in 28 days? That’s amazing. I really like how you share this calendar type post sharing what we have to look forward to here. It gives everyone lots to look forward to. Can’t wait. I’m really enjoying getting to know you Debbie. Talk to you soon and have a great rest of the week. : )


    1. Only once a year for me, but some people blog every day, all the time. The trick is to try and get as many posts pre-written as possible. Glad you like my calendar, Irish and I’m also happy we met. See you soon! 🙂

    1. It’s a trip, Bren! 😀 The secret is to try and write all posts in advance, but I’m falling way behind. What amazes me are the people who blog every day, all year round. I only do it once a year, for April. It is great exposure for your blog and I’ve met some interesting people as well.

    1. Organized in my head, perhaps, but in reality – not so sure, Corinne. I’m falling behind but hope to catch up soon. I think that cartoon probably represents most of us getting ready for the A-Z Challenge. Crazed! 😀 Thanks for taking the time to drop in. See you in the trenches.

  2. Well done, you! With the nature of the theme I’ve chosen, I can’t imagine writing them all ahead of time – I’m not quite THAT inspired! – so I am impressed.

    1. Hold off on that praise, Laurel. They’re all outlined and scheduled, BUT as far as completed, I’m only at J, so far. It was my intention to have every single one finished ahead of time, but, you know how that is! 😛
      I’m impressed with the multiple challenges you are taking on this April, much more so than my singular A-Z effort.
      Thanks for dropping by and see you in the trenches!

  3. Debbie, I don’t know how you it! Publishing daily for 30 days, wow, that would wipe me out in any condition. You must be very well organized. Do you have to hit any word count as well on each post? I know my bare minimum is 500 I love to hit 1,000 but it’s not easy.

    1. Hi Lisa; The trick is to get as many of the posts pre-written and auto-scheduled as possible. I was hoping to get them all done beforehand, but unfortunately, life got in the way again and I’m only up to J. 😛 Ideally, the posts are supposed to be short – around 300 words, but there’s no set rule. This is the second year for me and, even though it’s a bit gruelling, the relationships formed are well worth it, not to mention the increased exposure. Thanks for visiting and have a great week!

    1. In theory, it’s well-organized, but reality has a habit of messing things up! 😛 Still, I will do my best to stick with it. Enjoy the challenge!

    1. Lot of fun, lot of work, many anxious moments. LOL 😀 It’s a great way to gain new followers and make friends in the Blogosphere. The trick is to get the posts written ahead of time, but, I’m so far behind, it’s ridiculous. Oh well! Thanks for following along, Angelika.

  4. Sigh! You busy woman you! March has been extra-busy for me as well and all my good intentions of framing my posts have vaporized! Ah well, it will be business as usual – writing on the fly!

    Looking forward to your atoz posts Debbie! Hugs and love!

    1. Looks like I’ll be writing some on the fly as well – not what I intended! 😛 Can’t imagine doing this with more than one blog, as you are, Vidya. More power to you! 🙂

    1. Hahahahahaha! Sure! Big fat NO, on that one, Carol. 🙂 March is my busiest month offline. Mind you, all the outlines are done. Only up to “G” on completed posts, though. I work best under pressure. 😉