COBALT BLUE #SundayStills (On a Monday) #Photography

30 Comments#SundayStills, #WordlessWednesday, Blogfests, Nature, Photography, Rockchick Ramblings

Terri Webster Schrandt‘s blogfest colour challenge this month is

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COBALT BLUE #SundayStills (On a Monday) #Photography #dogladysden #colourchallenge #WordlessWednesday share to x ►

🔵🔷🖼️ ART 🖼️🔷🔵

Blue Mural
Blue mural at our Town Hall. Digital frames added by me.


Blacklight blue light abstract design
Blacklight Blue Light abstract design, fashioned from a concert photo. View original HERE►

[Click on images to view original size and read the captions]




Also joining Sandee at Wordless Wednesday.

talk soon new bitmoji
Debbie signature transparent background



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30 thoughts on “COBALT BLUE #SundayStills (On a Monday) #Photography

  1. Debbie, your photos are simply stunning!
    The cobalt blue theme is mesmerizing, especially the concert lighting shots and the vibrant skies of Greece.

    Happy Monday!

    1. Thank you so much, Veronica! 🙂 The blue skies and waters of Greece are wonderfully photogenic, aren’t they? Blue lighting is always popular for concerts, it seems.

  2. Concert lighting is good example of colbat blue and then there’s nothing like a rich blue sky to make me happy. Good job!

    1. Thanks, Pete. 🙂 There are literally thousands of photos in my portfolio, taken over many years, so I can usually find some that fit any theme. Finally getting caught up with comments. It’s been a while!

  3. Blue is my favourite colour and cobalt is one of the best of the blues. I love how you created some artistic photos here including your pics of your concerts. I also love your European pics…I so want to travel…

    1. Hi Birgit, I’m very late with responses, but, better late than never, yes? 😉 Glad you enjoyed the photos. It would be nice to travel again, but we have Zoey now, and I wouldn’t want to leave her for too long. We’ve taken a couple of road trips with her and she enjoyed them. You probably feel the same way about Harley.

  4. I had the song Electric Blue playing in my head as I looked this over…

  5. Fabulous cobalt blue examples, Debbie! I love the abstract art you created. Cobalt is such a great backdrop for concerts. Love your seascapes and landscapes! Did you see any of the northern lights by chance?

    1. Thank you, Terri! 🙂 Sorry for the late response. Sadly, it was overcast, and we didn’t get to see much of the Northern Lights. Your photos are gorgeous, though.