Life is too short to suffer fools gladly…
Take me or leave me, the choice is yours
Annoy me or aid me, the choice is yours
Defend me, attack me, the choice is yours
Befriend me or shun me, the choice is yours
Love me or hate me, the choice is yours
The last laugh is mine; I choose not to care
And close all the doors.
Ever feel like you’ve fallen down the rabbit hole?
Or found yourself in a surreal situation
that made you think “WTF just happened here?”
It’s been a weird day!
Have you had a similar experience?
Looking forward to your comments!
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34 thoughts on “YOUR CHOICE, MY CHOICE”
I was so looking forward to that Super Moon and we were socked in with fog and clouds. So disappointing. It always happens when a sky show is due, whether I’m in Pennsylvania or South Carolina, apparently those clouds are following me! 🙂
Seems the weird days are here to stay, I’m working hard to ignore it and go on with life, but I know the writing will tell all!
Happy Thanksgiving week! Happy Reading and Writing! Just wishing you all happiness!
Happy Thanksgiving, Yolanda! 🙂 Sorry you missed out on the supermoon. We saw it here on both nights, but never got that reddish tinge others experienced. Here’s hoping the clouds will lift for you!
I work for a guv’ment agency, thus I live the surreal moments on an hourly basis.
Are you having fun yet? 😀 Thanks for dropping in, George.
Oh gosh, yes, I have had these days and just shake my head. We have had a full moon and a big one at that so I believe the crazies have been out in full force.
Right; the full moon! That MUST be it – when the “lunatic fringe” is most active. Thanks, Birgit. 🙂
This month has been entirely like that. And I have relalized life is too short for regrets and negative people in life. I have removed many to keep my peace of mind but doesnt work out sometimes. I hope the month ahead improves things. 🙂
Yes, removing negative and toxic people surely leads to increased happiness in life. 🙂 Thanks for coming by, Ramya.
Of late, definitely! White Rabbit lyrics are metaphorically perfect 😉
You and me both, Diedre! 🙂 Yes, this song fits the mood, perfectly. Thanks for dropping in.
I’ve been the rabbit hole this whole election season. I keep looking for a bottle with “Drink Me” on it, but all I can find is bourbon.
Hahaha! You’re the second person who made an election reference. Not so funny, actually. 😛 Cheers!
I have to confess – my last WTF moment was when the results of the US Elections were announced 🙂
I agree wholeheartedly though – life is too short to suffer fools gladly.
That was my second to last one. 😛 Toxic people only serve to bring misery into our lives. Off with their heads! (Figuratively, of course. 🙂 ) Thanks for dropping in.
Absolutely right, Debbie. Well said.
Thank you, Janie. It’s the only way. 🙂
I love that you approach it from a place of empowerment. Rock on!
Welcome to The Den, Lois. 🙂 Yes, that is the only way to deal with these types of situations. Thanks for dropping in!
You nailed it. The whole last two weeks felt just like this. lol
I love that you’re the “doglady.” I’m a dog and cat lover and have a heart for rescues (to the point that I always write a rescued dog or cat into my novels). Thanks for making me smile today!
Welcome to The Den, Lisa. Yes, the U.S. election evoked similar feelings. 🙂 Nice to meet another animal lover.
I love Jefferson Airplane’s White Rabbit. It’s a perfect song for a surreal day. I’ve had those foggy days before and they always blow my mind…
Surreal is a state of mind…and it’s one that I’d rather stay in some days! 🙂
Michele at Angels Bark
Hi, Michele; Yes, this seemed like a fitting song choice, at the time. 🙂 I was blind-sided by an unpleasant encounter, but at least I can laugh about it, today.
would love to hear about it! I like when we can laugh at things that at first knocked us off balance. Thank God for laughter! It is definitely medicinal…
I’ll send you an email. 🙂 Yes, laughing is the best way to deal with bizarre events.
I love the boldness of the poem Debbie. Being yourself is honestly a big deal in this world which is filled with fakes and yes-men. My day wasn’t to bad and I hope you have a better tomorrow, tomorrow’s are always good you know. Love and hugs 🙂
Thank you, Kala. 🙂 I’m always “myself”. There are many toxic people in the world. Glad to know you had a good day. Mine was bizarre, but today I am laughing about it. That is the best medicine. 😀
Nice post. By the time I saw Jefferson Airplane in San Francisco, they were called Jefferson Starship. I can think of some narcissists I’d like to put on a starship.
Hahaha! I definitely know one narcissist I’d like to ship off into space. 🙂 Yesterday was a crazy day, but today, I’m laughing. That’s the best medicine. Thanks for dropping in, Denise.
Lovely and wise words. Everything in our life is our choice. So make a best choice.
Especially good if one can eliminate toxic people from our lives! 🙂 Thanks, Vasantha.
Some of my closest friends are narcissistic. Not me, though; I mastered the art of ambivalence, at an early age.
My day was fantastic, other than driving four hours. How was your day, M’am?
Narcissists only love themselves, don’t they? 🙂 Ambivalence can be good or bad, depending on the situation. I’m glad you had a great day, despite the long drive. Mine kind of sucked, hence this post. Today, I’m just laughing about it. 😀
So… I Fristed your blog!
* beams *
You did? 🙂 If you’re beaming, then it must be a good thing, but I’m a bit flummoxed, Myke. I thought “to frist” meant “to postpone” and these are the only meanings I found:
Then again, I’m not fluent in internet slang. LOL