🍂🍂 CELEBRATING AUTUMN 🍂🍂 #SundayStills #Photography #WW 📷

Terri Webster Schrandts blogfest theme this week is:


We’re not fans of Pumpkin Spice or Halloween. Canadian Thanksgiving is the second Monday in October. (Different from the U.S. holiday. Read more ►) Most people do the whole turkey dinner thing, but as Europeans, we never got into that either. So, what to do for this photo essay?

Fall foliage is a perennial favourite and some years (not all) are truly spectacular in our area (southern Ontario). It’s too early now, so I’ll share some stellar examples from previous seasons.

The further north you go, the earlier the colours arrive! In 2011, we took a trip to central Ontario and had an eyeful.

🍂🍂 CELEBRATING AUTUMN 🍂🍂 #SundayStills #Photography #dogladysden #WordlessWednesday #WW Share on X ►

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Also joining Sandee at Wordless Wednesday.

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What are YOU celebrating this autumn?

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31 thoughts on “🍂🍂 CELEBRATING AUTUMN 🍂🍂 #SundayStills #Photography #WW 📷

  1. Nice pics. I love autumn colors. While not quite as spectacular as in Vermont, New Hampshire or Maine, we get some decent fall foliage in New Jersey as well. I mostly enjoy looking at colored leaves when they are on the trees, not on the floor, especially in our patio! 🙂

  2. I don’t know that it wouldn’t be a good thing to have Thanksgiving and Christmas separated a bit more…

  3. Oh so beautiful. Wow. I love all these fabulous shots of fall.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays. You made me say Awww more than once.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Debbie. Love and hugs. ♥

  4. Lovely examples, Debbie. Today in Beetley it feels as if we have skipped Autumn and gone straight to winter. Dull skies, no colour in anything, and continual rain. Some parts of central England 100 miles west of here are quite literally under water.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Thanks, Pete! I’m sorry you have such terrible weather at the moment. That’s awful about the flooding! 😩 We had a downpour this morning, but it’s still hot and humid.

  5. Autumn is beautiful and your pictures are exquisite Debbie. I like the red Oakville truck. Your reflections from the colorful trees are gorgeous. Seeing all the leaves around your feet remind me that yes Autumn is great, but then it is followed by Winter – ugh, my least favorite season. Our colors won’t be as nice this year due to all the heat and lack of rain. It is raining now, the first time in September, except for a few sprinkles one day. So the trees are stressed so they’ll get pale yellow and drop their leaves. I like Autumn for the cooler weather – I’m glad for sweater weather again.

    1. Thank you, Linda! 💖 That truck display was in the Town Square. They decorate it for every season. 🙂 I hate winter with a passion, since I have a circulatory disorder called Raynaud’s Disease. Once my body gets cold, it stays that way, unless I take a long, hot shower. 😩 We had a lot of rain in July and August, and some leaves have already started turning. It was pouring this morning too, so I don’t know how things will turn out. Still hot and humid! Sweater weather is fine but sadly, that descends into parka weather! 🥶

      1. You’re welcome Debbie. That truck looked very festive. I hate a coworker with Raynaud’s Disease and she would show us her fingers and she was always cold. We are finally getting rain off/on this week. I’m no fan of Winter so as much as I like Fall, I know what it brings … no fan of walking/driving in Winter.

  6. Very nice photos with lots of color. I’m not celebrating anything in particular this fall other than getting up every morning and making it through another day. Life is nice.


  7. Your photos are great. I miss the pretty autumns we had in Maryland, with the crunchy, colored leaves on the ground and the cooler, but nice weather. Thanks for the info about the way your Thanksgiving is different from the U.S. I would like the Canadian way–low-key and no huge, crazy shopping thing right afterwards. I don’t shop that weekend, but I feel uncomfortable with leaving the house because of the crowds on the roads and in every shopping center. It’s difficult to even run out to buy a gallon of milk. I always kept Thanksgiving pretty quiet and calm in our home. My ex-husband and I both went through huge family Thanksgiving gatherings and neither one of us liked it, or at least he said he didn’t. Now he would probably say I kept him from having Thanksgiving with his beloved family.


    1. Thanks, Janie! 🙂 Hubby and I have no family here and don’t celebrate Thanksgiving at all, except maybe in spirit, being thankful for what we have, etc. I kind of like all the hoopla surrounding the U.S. holiday (but not the shopping aspect). It’s so much more festive! And, you get an extra-long weekend out of it. 😎 Seems like a fun way to kick off the Christmas season!

  8. Such glorious autumn foliage, even if it was last year’s! It WILL come soon, Debbie! What? You don’t like pumpkin spice? It’s my favorite flavor (other than chocolate). Oh well, more for me! LOL.

    Your autumn photos are beautiful in their composition! The scenes with the waterfronts are spectacular. Have a fab week and stay cool 🙂

    1. We’re still in summer mode, Terri, but that probably won’t last much longer. Pumpkin anything doesn’t appeal to me at all, so you can have it! 😆 I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. Thanks for hosting this weekly link-up!

  9. Thanksgiving is meant as a family gathering. Those days are done for me after losing my hubby – and apparently the family that came with him. I’ll settle for the beautiful fall colours, the most beautiful time of year as far as I’m concerned. <3