So, what exactly am I talking about?
1. a soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot.
“torrential rain turned the building site into a quagmire”
synonyms: swamp, morass, bog, marsh, muskeg, mire, slough;
archaic: quag
“the field became a quagmire”
2. an awkward, complex, or hazardous situation.
“a legal quagmire”
synonyms: muddle, morass, mix-up, mess, predicament, mare’s nest,
can of worms, quandary, tangle, imbroglio; trouble, confusion, difficulty;
informal: sticky wicket, pickle, stew, dilemma, fix, bind
I so love the sound of this word! Say it sloooowly……Quaaaaaaagmiiiiiiiire
Do you ever find yourself in a quagmire, with no apparent solution?
It does feel like you’re sinking in a swamp.
You could also get a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
Perhaps you feel “bogged down”. Bog is another word for swamp.
See? It’s all related.
I wrote a little ditty about it:
Alma Honal of Germany wrote an entire song about it:
CAUGHT IN A QUAGMIRE #dogladysden #LinguisticMusings #FunWithWords Share on X
Have you ever found yourself in a quagmire?
(Either literally or figuratively)
How did you handle it?
Looking forward to your comments!
Originally published Apr. 20/15, for the #AtoZChallenge theme FAVOURITE WORDS.
Updated Feb. 13/20
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16 thoughts on “CAUGHT IN A QUAGMIRE”
Since someone else already mentioned Family Guy, I won’t… but it is what I thought of first. lol
It’s an intriguing word, but I often prefer “miasma” instead because then I can use the phrase “miasma of perfidy”, which was a favorite of William F. Buckley Jr & Howard Cosell; how’s that for a weird connection? Luckily, I’ve rarely felt that downtrodden, but I think I’ve been on a periphery a few times; horrible feeling!
Family Guy seems to be popular. I haven’t seen it and didn’t know about the Quagmire character, Must be a trouble-maker! 😀
Miasma is an excellent word, too and I have heard that expression, but it’s more atmospheric than situational, isn’t it? In any case, a bad feeling.
Thanks for coming by, Mitch! 🙂 Have a good weekend.
Nowadays, I I think about with this word is Peter Griffin’s friend on Family Guy…
You’re the second person who’s mentioned that! I have never seen Family Guy, but imagine anyone named “Quagmire” must be quite the shit disturber. 😀
I felt that way this year, doing my taxes. Okay, so maybe I feel that way every year doing taxes. LOL
But, yes, I agree it’s a great word!
Oh yes, doing taxes always leads to that sinking feeling! 😛 🙂 The English language has so many fascinating words. I did the A to Z challenge once highlighting 26 of them, including this one. #LinguisticMusings is going to become a regular feature here. Thanks for coming by, Yolanda, and Happy Anniversary! ?
I love your poem! Big smiles here, Debbie… We tend to say “loblolly” in our neighborhood. Loblolly rhymes with nothing, so there… 🙂
Loblolly? By golly! 😀 That’s a word I’m not familiar with. And, I’m jazzed you like my poem! Thank you, Myke. 🙂
Interesting word, Debbie! I’ve been in a quagmire many times in my life. Yikes!
It was fun to play around with! 😀 And yes, we’ve all been there. Thanks, Eugenia!
LOL Quagmire is a fun word to say for sure. It makes me think of the show Family Guy that has a character named Quagmire.
There’s a character named Quagmire? (I haven’t seen the show.) Cool! I bet he’s a real trouble-maker. 😀 Thanks for sharing that tidbit, Janet.
In a quagmire? All the time! I specialize in quagmires 😉
Nice to read you again. Sorry, I very seldom pop in. Limited time. I’m always in a quagmire (LOL!)
Nice to see you again, J.Gi 🙂 No worries, I think lack of time is a problem for most of us. Another quagmire! 😀 Thanks for coming by!
I like that word too! I’ve been in many a quagmire over the years, but always seemed to get out or away from them. I guess that all we can do much of the time.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Sounds familiar, Lee. 🙂 Life is full of quagmires, it seems. Thanks for coming by!