by The Righteous Brothers
I never start a post anymore when I check this site
And there’s no thrill like before when I come here at night
I’m trying hard not to show it, (buddies)
But buddies, buddies I know it!
I’ve lost that blogging feeling,
Whoa, that blogging feeling,
I’ve lost that blogging feeling,
Now it’s gone…gone…gone…wooooooh
At some point, blogging became more of a chore than a pleasure and I’ve enjoyed the increase in time for offline pursuits. Here’s a glimpse of what I’ve been up to, via INSTAGRAM:
[click on images to enlarge]
In order to regain that old ‘blogging mojo”, I think an extended break is required. So, this blog is now officially on hiatus, probably for the rest of the year, unless there’s a change in mood. If you leave a comment or send me a message, I will respond. You can also find me on Facebook and Instagram.
Thank you all for your support.
Take care and be well!
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39 thoughts on “BLOGS, LIFE, THOUGHTS…”
Enjoy your break from blogging and come back refreshed. I think you should have lots of fun with your doggy guests!
Thanks, Clowie! I appreciate your visit. ?
Miss U, Lady D … Love, cat,
Thank you, my friend. It’s nice to be missed! ? I’m starting to miss blogging a little, but not quite enough to get back into it, just yet. My internet addiction is being satisfied by Instagram at the moment. Love taking photos and sharing them. Planning to do more travel posts here, in future.
Hi Birgit.
I’m still around. Just changed the website to https, so it’s fully secure now.
Hope you will be back soon. Till then will catch up on instagram
Thanks, Raj.
I’m not going to force a comeback. Am hoping to regain my enthusiasm by the new year. We’ll see how it goes. Appreciate the Instagram support. ♥ Facebook is another avenue. Cheers!
HI Debbie, oh I understand that burnout. Do you have contributors? That’s helped me over the past year from time to time. That way you can still build on your traffic, etc.
So many things offline can tear us off too. I’ve been through many over the years but always come back as most bloggers love it!
Hope to see you back Deb and that you enjoy your downtime!
Hi Lisa!
No contributors. I’m too much of a control freak and would feel the need to oversee.
Here’s hoping a longer break will bring back the enthusiasm. I just want to get away from the computer at this point and become more physically active. Thanks for coming by! You can still find me on Facebook and my new favourite – Instagram.
DEBBIE, I hope you enjoy your time offline. Have a nice Summer, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and have a great vacation. (Have I forgotten anything?) Oh, yes… ROCK ON!
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Thank you, Stephen. I hope to come back with renewed enthusiasm.
Happy everything to you too!
I understand where you’re coming from . I often have this urge to purge the blog from my life …. but then like an addict in withdrawal I get back. Hope you enjoy your break. May be you’ll write your book now !
it definitely is an addiction for me as well! That’s why sometimes, I need a complete break. I’ll likely not be writing much. My hope is to get away from the keyboard and become more physically active. We’ll see how that goes! Thanks for dropping in.
Welcome to the club, friend D … smiles … main thing is that we stay healthy and happy, hmmm? … Hier noch was zum Lachen: “Jedenfalls ist der Kopf dicker wie der Hals, und der Bauch ist so gebaut, dass er nicht auf die Erde haut.” … Keep smiling, friend. Love, cat.
You too, cat?
I’m trying to get healthier, for sure, by not sitting on my ass in front of the computer so much. LOL Ja, lachen ist die beste Medezin. Danke!
… so tired of blogging, friend D … 2017 was not very good to me that way … many poems written and then subsequently killed … me working as much as possible so me can retire in 3 years and move somewhere warm … Anyway … Love always, cat.
Why kill them, cat? The ones I’ve seen are all good, often with some great music attached.
Moving somewhere warm would be lovely, at least for the winters. Thanks for coming by tonight.
Don’t beat yourself up over it, gf! Blogging does take a lot of time. When life happens, we just gotta go with it. Your readers will always be here waiting to hear from ya.
Thanks, Bren. When a hobby becomes a chore, it’s time to take a break. I’m hoping the joy will come back in the new year.
I can see how blogging gets overwhelming because you want to respond to everyone but you just can’t and then you feel guilty. You also realize how much time it takes which takes away from doing things. Now, that being said, I still love blogging and try to choose not to feel bad and I give myself a limit before I go a do things. I love your blog but so glad to see you on Facebook and actually hope that one day..year?, I’ll be I. Toronto and meet up for a lunch. I hope you won’t stop and will keep the BOTB going. I do enjoy your blog:)
That’s the problem, Birgit. I seem to have lost the joy of blogging and was dogging it for months.
As for BOTB, my problem there is, it was practically ALL I was doing and is not what I envisioned for the website. Anyway, I do love the social interaction and hope to start fresh in the new year (or sooner, if the mood shifts). It is nice to be able to spend a little more time with my Facebook friends and I’ve also gotten into Instagram lately. I would love to meet you in person, sometime!
You’re probably closer geographically than anyone else I know online. Thanks for dropping in. I’m glad you enjoy the blog! I hope to do more travelogues, memoirs and creative writing pieces in future.
Debbie, I totally get you! When I returned to blogging this month I questioned my decision, but I’m doing it. I’m trying to keep an open mind to step away if I feel too stresses because it’s nit fun when I look at it that way. Enjoy doing other things. If you get that blogging feeling again then I’ll stop by for a visit!
Hi Cathy; I’m sorry to have missed so many of your posts. This is a hobby for me and it’s supposed to be fun, but it’s been more like a chore, this year. That tells me I need to step away completely for a while. I do miss the interaction with all of you and hope to get my enthusiasm back. Thanks for your support!
Funny. I have been thinking lately that it is time to put my blog to bed. I blog less and less. It’s not like this is a career for most of us. It is nice of you to let us know you are taking a break.
I think the blogging blahs have affected a few of us, this year. When a hobby becomes a chore, then it’s time to take a break. This website has been my creative outlet and I love interacting with other bloggers so I’m hoping the joy will return. Thanks for adding your perspective, Denise.
I feel as though this is all my fault, what with the ABBA thing, and such.
* sigh *
Hahaha! Well yeah, that did put me off.
Just kidding, Myke. This actually started when I was struggling through the April A to Z challenge. Can’t shake the blogger burnout, it seems. Hopefully, taking a longer break will bring back the enthusiasm. Thanks for stopping by. 
Do you want me to talk you out of next year’s A-Z when it rolls around?
I think I’ve already talked myself out of it, Myke. LOL Four years in a row was plenty! We’ll see how things go, in the new year, though. Never say never…
I hear ya, my friend. Take care and enjoy. I’ll miss you.
Thanks, diedre.
I’m sure this won’t last and I’ll be back, stronger than ever. 
I hear you, seriously, I do. I have been feeling the exact same way for a loooong time now. Unfortunately, due to brand obligations I cannot take an extended break…….I AM seriously thinking about if I want to be blogging in 2018 though. Enjoy your break and I totally “get it!”
Thanks, Caren. Luckily, this blog is a hobby and I don’t have to worry about professional commitments. I do feel guilty about giving my blogging friends short shrift, though. Hope you get the chance to take a break, soon!
Thanks for letting us know. Sometimes people just disappear. I’ll miss you and hope for your return, but not until you’re ready.
Hi Janie! Thanks for dropping in. Apologies for missing so many of your posts. I’m hoping a longer absence will rekindle the enthusiasm.
I’m feeling some of that what you’re feeling I think. I’ve been trying to prod myself into writing more posts, but then I get so frustrated about it. The world is getting so crazy.
Do what helps you to feel the best and seems most productive.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Must be something in the air, Lee.
Sorry I’ve missed so many of your posts. I’m hoping a longer absence will rekindle the spark.