Blog Delurking Week 2019

Happy 2019 and welcome to The Doglady’s Den for another year
of (hopefully) entertaining musings, memoirs, music and more!

blog delurking week, black champagne glasses

This is the week where bloggers honour their followers. We ask readers who don’t usually write comments to introduce themselves, so we can thank them properly for their support.

Of course, regulars are welcome to share their thoughts as well. Fellow bloggers who come by here can enter their URL and check “CommentLuv” to get a clickable post link, so we may easily pay a return visit.

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International Blog Delurking Week was first started by Mel at Stirrup Queens, more than a decade ago. Since 2018, Parul at Happiness and Food has taken up the baton.

If you’d like to join in by writing something about it, she would love a link back (click HERE – opens in new window). Let me know in a comment, as well. The more, the merrier!

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What exactly is “Blog Delurking Week”? Social engagement fuels every blogger’s desire to continue. Does this sound familiar? You pour your heart and soul into an article and happily press “Publish.” Now, the waiting begins.

After a decent interval, you check your stats and see that many people have viewed your post, but, what’s this? Only one comment? Or worse, none!

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Then, that little voice – you know the one – starts filling your head with self-doubt. Was it the content? Too boring? Hackneyed? Hard to follow? The images? Too bright? Too dull? Or worse!

Was the blog having technical difficulties? That’s a quick way to chase anyone away! Unfortunately, there’s usually not much we can do about that, other than wait it out and apologize for the inconvenience.

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So, dear readers, don’t be shy! If you’ve been lurking in the background (or even if you’re a regular), please make your presence known by writing a few words, below.

It can be anything from a short introduction, (I’d love to know who and where you are), a question or three, or even a critique.

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What brought you to The Doglady’s Den initially? How long ago was that? What topics are most interesting? Least interesting?

I promise to respond to every one of you, even though I’ve been lax in that department lately.

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Thank you all so much for your support! 

Debbie's signatureI appreciate you bitmoji

NOTE: If this is your first time writing a comment, it will be subject to moderation and not appear immediately. I check regularly, so it won’t take long. Thank you for your patience.



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  1. Hello,

    My name is Another Government Employee and I am an obsessive blogger.

    (Hi, Another Government)

    This need to write is more addictive than anyone could know. It started innocently enough. 100 word challenges. Then it was 500 word flash fiction. Then 2500 standalone stories…and finally…rock bottom, a 30 part serial novel that has no ending…

    I need my higher power.

    1. Welcome to The Den. Christopher, er, Another Government Employee. May I call you AGE? Oops, maybe AG is better? 😀 Sounds like you’re addicted to writing and I’ll be sure and visit your blog to read some of it. Thanks so much for coming by and introducing yourself! Have you been here before?

  2. Good news! I (obviously) made it here. I think we met through the A to Z Challenge, maybe three years ago? I have read some of your music and travel posts. I had a hard past few months, so haven’t been by recently, and I’m also a bit behind (well, more than a bit behind) in thanking my commenters. So thank YOU for dropping by. I will be back. No questions right now!

    1. I’m glad the problem got resolved! Thanks for trying again, Alana. Life before blogging, always. I haven’t kept up that well in the past year either. We do what we can. 🙂 I enjoy your posts as well. Here’s hoping things get easier for you in this new year.

  3. What a good idea. Have never heard of this. Me, personally, just trying to get back into the routine of blogging. Just coming across yours now. 🙂

    1. Thanks for visiting The Den, PJ! 🙂 This is a cool idea, but the funny part is, you’re one of the few I’m meeting for the first time. Most of the others are regulars. The more, the merrier! I know what you mean about getting back into the swing of things. This blog has been somewhat neglected as well and I’m hoping to post more regularly this year.

  4. Debbie,

    What a cool idea! It’s frustrating when visitors don’t leave a crumb that says, ‘Hey…I stopped by!”. I know, I know sometimes I’m even guilty of that but I try to say something, anything because I want the blogger to know that I appreciate his/her effort. Your content is wonderful, entertaining, beautiful!

    I find the best way to keep communication going is to not only respond to bloggers on my site in comments but use that as an initial portal for visiting them. So, see y’all if you leave a comment then the blogger you visited is more likely to visit you back. 🙂 Of course, I know that you know this and it’s not aimed at you but hopefully it’ll spark someone(s) thoughts on how to be more interactive with the blogging community. Happy blogging to one of my bestest (I know it’s not a word but just go with me on it) and one of my most loyal blog buds! Have a pAwesome week!!

    1. PS: I failed to mention how we met. Ahh, I’m assuming it was either through WW or BoTB but I can’t remember, do you? slap forehead My memory just isn’t what it used to be and that’s really not saying a whole lot as it’s always been sorta bad. 🙁

      1. I can’t remember exactly how we met either, Cathy, but it had to be BOTB, or, was it the A to Z Challenge??? My memory isn’t so good either. No matter, I’m glad we’re blogging buddies. 😀

    2. Hi Cathy! I’m glad you enjoy the content here. My aim is to entertain. 🙂 It is hard to find the time to comment sometimes, but we do what we can, yes? You and I are on the same wavelength. I too feel it is important to engage with other bloggers and reciprocate when they visit me. Have a great year in blogging and in life, my dear friend. Thanks for coming by!

  5. Hi Debbie! We know each other since AtoZ days in 2015 I guess. I am visiting you from India and happy to be here.
    I never lurk on your blog – usually reading and sharing my thoughts 🙂

    1. HI Parul; Thanks for keeping up this “Delurking Week” tradition. The blogging community in India is more enthusiastic and united than other countries, I think. I love that so many of you meet in person as well. 🙂 It would be nice to visit your beautiful country one day but in the meantime, your travel and culture posts serve as a good education. Cheers!

  6. I used to be so focused on blog stats, but now I’ve kind of slacked off a great deal. I’m still here but sometimes only by some loose thread that somehow stays connected to the online world.

    I’m guessing we met in some past A to Z which is where I’ve made most of my contacts. A lot have drifted away over the years, but I’m sure some of those bloggers have thought the same for me if they’ve thought of me at all. I’m most drawn to your posts about music and nostalgia that I can relate to. If I’ve commented then there must have been something for me to say about whatever you’ve posted.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Yes, it definitely was your A to Z Challenge that brought us together, Arlee. You really started something good with that! 🙂 Unfortunately, I just can’t keep up that daily blogging pace anymore, even though it’s only for a month. Like you, the fervour has waned to some degree. I’m glad you enjoy the music and memoirs here. Those will continue, hopefully, a little more frequently. Thanks for coming by!

  7. I’m here! (Waves like idiot) A lot of bloggers I’ve run into (and I used to be one) don’t realize how much commenting- and REPLYING- raises your OWN pageviews. Comment, or you may find yourself talking to no one…

    Present company excepted, of course…

    1. Hi Chris! I learned that lesson early on from a blogging guru who took me under her wing. Since then, the enthusiasm has waned a bit, due to time constraints and other distractions. Oh well, we do what we can. 🙂 Thanks for coming by!

  8. Hi Debbie. I found you last year or the year before through the A to Z Challenge. I try to comment on posts if I think I have something worthwhile to say but I don’t leave the standard, “Great Post” comments very often. If I don’t have anything to contribute to the discussion, a lot of times I’ll just “like” the post.

    1. Hi Janet! 🙂 Yes, the A to Z Challenge is a great way to make new blogging connections. I agree; unless you have something to say, no point leaving a comment. There’s also the issue of time constraints. LIkes and shares are good too! Thanks for delurking here. Cheers!

  9. Boy do I ever have the ‘is anyone reading my crap?’ feeling. And yet I type on, lol. I think I first found your blog through the A to Z Challenge. It’s hows I found most of the blogs I follow. I love reading about your travels, but admit since I am not a rock and roll fan I usually do not read those posts. Happy New Year!

    1. Hi Denise! I think the only way to go is to write for ourselves. 🙂 You’re probably right about the A to Z. That was (still is, but I can’t do it anymore) a great way to make new blogging connections. I’m glad you enjoy the travelogues and hope to gear up again in the near future. I know you’re not a fan of rock music, but BOTB encompasses all genres. I should have another classical one, just for you. 🙂 I did Beethoven’s 5th, once. Thanks for coming by!

  10. I remember reading Parul’s post last year. I am a lurker! I love to read posts but find it difficult to comment via the phone so I end up reading and sharing the posts on social media most of the time! Of course, ideally I’d love to comment on every blog I read.
    I love all your posts–they always either trigger a memory of my own or start a train of thought. I am very glad we’re connected, Debbie. And my heartfelt gratitude to you for sharing all my posts! Happy New Year to you!

    1. Hi Vidya! 🙂 I understand completely about the phone. That tiny keyboard is a real pain. 😛 It’s also hard to find the time to comment as much as we would all prefer. A like and/or share is good too and something I do, as well. Your posts are always share-worthy and it’s my pleasure to do that. Dlvr.it makes it so easy! Thank you for sharing mine, too. Wishing you all the best for 2019. Thanks for coming by! ((HUGS))

  11. Hi Debbie, I do read your posts often but don’t often comment. I love reading about your travel adventures and I also love the new look of your blog here. Here’s to another year of great blogging 🙂