Welcome back! It’s time to announce results for the May 15th BOTB post
BATTLE OF THE BANDS (BOTB), hosted by Far Away Series and StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands. is where you listen to different recordings of the same song and vote for the one you like best. Two “Battles” per month, on the 1st and 15th. Votes will be tallied and posted the following week.
This was a battle of international guitar virtuosity,
pitting Japanese master Takeshi Terauchi
against Italian master Alex Masi.
BEETHOVEN, SYMPHONY NO. 5 | #BOTB RESULTS Share on X#BOTB Results: BEETHOVEN, SYMPHONY NO. 5. See who won the May 15th Battle of the Bands[/tweetthis]
In the year I’ve been participating, this was one of the tightest battles ever! At first, it appeared that Takeshi would be the most popular, but then the votes for Alex starting tumbling in. Michele changed her vote from Alex to Takeshi and I was able to fix the app accordingly, but it still doesn’t jive completely with the comments. It looks like there was a mystery voter who didn’t say anything. Here’s how it went down:
Arlee, Michele, Shady, John, Angel Stew, Stephen, Yolanda, Jeffrey, Dolorah, Myke, Mystery voter
Total: 11
Cathy, Guilie, Cherdo, Mary B, Diedre, Birgit, Janie, Pat, Robin, Dixie, FAE
Total: 11
That’s right. Thanks to the phantom, we have a tie, so it’s up to me to break it.
Takeshi’s surf-style version was incredibly cool, especially, as Stephen pointed out, coming from a Japanese musician way back in 1967. That said, I’ve been a huge fan of Alex Masi’s for many years and am in awe of his musicianship. The nuances he coaxes out of his guitar are amazing! He’s my choice for the tie-breaker.
by 1 vote
Alex Masi’s versatility extends from classical to hard rock and metal. Enjoy!
Don’t forget to check back with the others for their BOTB results:
Angels Bark / Book Lover / Cherdo On The Flipside / Curious as a Cathy / DC Relief BOTB / eVil pOp TaRt / Far Away Series** / J.A. Scott / Janie Junebug Righting & Editing / Jingle Jangle Jungle / Mike’s Ramblings / Quiet Laughter / ReInVintaged / Sound of One Hand Typing / StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands** / Tossing It Out / / Your Daily Dose
Was this the outcome you expected or were you surprised?
Looking forward to your comments!
Until next time.
Rockchick Rapture!
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Well, my version didn’t win. Sorry I did not choose the winner. For whatever reason, I didn’t like it.
They were both formidable in their own right. This contest could have gone either way. Thanks, Jeffrey and welcome back!
Excellent BATTLE, and a tie proves it. Good Luck in your future BATTLES, may they all be successful.
I’m glad you enjoyed this battle, FAE.
Thanks for dropping in. Happy trails!
That is so cool that the votes were that tight. So you have a mystery voter…gotta love that:)
The mystery voter sure added to the suspense here.
This was one of the best battles, so far. Thanks for playing, Birgit.
How very, very cool, Debbie! (And I’m super pleased my pick won, hehe…) But yes, they were both extraordinary. Great battle!
I’m glad you enjoyed the battle, Guilie.
This was one of the tightest contests, so far. Having a mystery guest made it all the more intriguing!
That was a great Battle, DEBBIE! To me, that’s the very best thing in BOTB – when your own vote gets to decide the winner. The next best thing is when your vote creates a tie, preventing your favorite from losing. But ties really aren’t much fun because it all seems like wasted time and effort on EVERYONE’S part.
A one-vote victory margin with YOUR vote being the determining factor? Nope! BOTB doesn’t get any better’n that. And once you’ve experienced it, then that’s what you’re shooting for with each subsequent Battle. (Or at least that’s how it was for me.)
~ D-FensDogG
‘Loyal American Underground’
Yeah; I thought this was a great battle and to be the one deciding the winner, made it even sweeter.
Having a mystery voter was interesting too. That’s a first! I’ve had a couple of ties as well. Not as much fun, though. Thanks for dropping in, Stephen. We’ll see what happens next time. Cheers!
Wow, Debbie, this outcome makes me happy. It was a tough choice for me, either one could have gotten my vote, depending on what day & mood I’m spouting! Good job. See you June 1st.
I’m glad you enjoyed the battle, Dixie. It’s always more fun when they’re close like that.
Thanks for dropping in.
Excellent battle Debbie! That’s so fun when you get to be the tie-breaker!
That was a fun battle and I was really impressed with both musicians. I appreciate the introduction to both.
Hope you’re having a great weekend!
Michele at Angels Bark
It was fun, Michele.
Tough choice, actually, as I thought Takeshi was good, too. Thanks for dropping in. We had a lovely long weekend. (Today was a holiday – Victoria Day.) Have a great week!
Yay, Alex wins! I don’t care how, ha ha ha. You’ve open my eyes to a new artist; that’s my favorite part of the Battle of the Bands.
Thanks, Deb!
That was a crazy battle, for sure!
I’m glad you’ve discovered Alex in the process. He’s amazing, but then so is Takeshi. This one could have gone either way. Thanks for participating.
There you go, trumping me again… as it should be.
This was a good skirmish, Debbie.
It was a close call, Myke.
Could have gone either way. The mystery voter made things even more interesting. Thanks for participating!
Yay! You swung the vote in my favor
But honestly, they were both very good in their own rights. It really was a tough battle.
It was a tough choice between two worthy opponents.
This was a fun one! Thanks for participating.
Hi, Shady; That was interesting and I’ve never had a mystery voter before. ? I liked Takeshi’s version a lot; just not quite as much as Alex Masi’s. Thanks for taking time out of your weekend to drop in. Cheers!
Quite an outcome! I think Beethoven might have been happy with this. But then again he might have been kind of pissed. I’ve heard he was kind of a stodgy guy about his music. Though I didn’t hear this from anyone who actually knew him.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
That was a wild battle, for sure!
Beethoven probably wouldn’t have appreciated people messing with his music.