Hosted by StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands, this is where you listen to different recordings and choose the one you prefer. There are two “Battles” per month, on the 1st and 15th. Votes will be tallied and posted the following week. (Please note: Effective July 2017, I switched to once a month on the 15th only. This will allow me more time to share other types of material with you.) Click HERE to view a complete list of my BOTB entries. See below for a list of current participants. Care to join us? Contact our host, by clicking on the above link and leaving a comment on his blog. The more, the merrier!

There’s a fabulous documentary about it on Netflix:
I wanted to go SO badly but was moving from Germany to Canada that very weekend. ✈
Plus, there was no way in hell my parents would have allowed it anyway, at age 14! 😩
Were you there?
This battle was gifted to me by poet extraordinaire, Myke Todd,
a fellow music lover and staunch supporter of The Doglady’s Den.
Thanks, Myke!
Woodstock was a music festival held between August 15–18, 1969, which attracted an audience of more than 400,000. Billed as “An Aquarian Exposition: 3 Days of Peace & Music”, it was held at Max Yasgur’s 600-acre dairy farm near White Lake in Bethel, New York, 43 miles (70 km) southwest of Woodstock.
Over the sometimes rainy weekend, 32 acts performed outdoors. It is widely regarded as a pivotal moment in popular music history, as well as the definitive nexus for the larger counterculture generation. Rolling Stone listed it as number 19 of the 50 Moments That Changed the History of Rock and Roll. – WIKIPEDIA
One of the stand out performances was Joe Cocker’s rendition of The Beatles’ WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS: – More info HERE
[Reference only. NOT part of the contest, so please don’t vote for it!]
Keith Urban with Karen Fairchild, Kimberly Schlapman (from Little Big Town) and Sarah Buxton, performing A Little Help From My Friends at CMA Fest on June 11, 2010 in Nashville, TN. Dedicated to everyone affected by the catastrophic May 2010 floods in Tennessee, Kentucky and northern Mississippi, resulting in a number of deaths and widespread property damage.
In 2017, a bunch of friends got together to play music in Nashville, under the guise of prepping for Delfest. Members of Del McCoury Band, The Travelin McCourys, Gibson Brothers, Sierra Hull and Dre and the Collective told stories and sang songs, turning it into a family jam. There was even talk of taking the show on the road that winter. Each artist brought a song that they thought would be fun to do, and Leigh Gibson showed up with “A Little Help From My Friends.”
Please state your preference in comments below and why you chose it.
Voting remains open until 11:59 pm, August 21st,
after which I will count the votes, add mine and publish the results.
These are the other BOTB regulars and semi-regulars.
Please cruise on by their sites and, if they have a post up, vote on their selections as well:
[Check back – there’s no set posting time]ai love music / Angels Bark / Cherdo On The Flipside / Curious as a Cathy / Jingle Jangle Jungle /
Mike’s Ramblings / Sound of One Hand Typing / HOST: StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands / Tossing it OutApologies in advance! Hubby and I are on a little road trip at the moment,
so it will take me a couple of days to respond and visit everyone’s battle.
As always, “Sharing is Caring”. Spread this musical joy all over your social networks.
Hashtags are #BOTB and #dogladysden
Celebrating Woodstock's 50th Anniversary: WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS| BATTLE OF THE BANDS #BOTB Who did it better? #dogladysen Share on X
Next Battle on this site will be Sept. 15th.
In the meantime…Well, I’m not sure. 🤔 Stay tuned!
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Cool post! 😀
Thanks! 🙂 Care to cast a vote in the battle? (Keith Urban or Gibson Bros.) Today’s the last day.
I was working that summer at my college to make money. I didn’t have the $$ to travel from Tennessee to New York. I wanted to hear the music but was not inclined to sleep on the ground too. Loved the movie when it came out and the music. Love original version by Joe Cocker and Keith comes closest to the sound. Have a great trip!
When you’re young, roughing it outdoors seems adventurous, Now, there’s no way I’d ever consider it! 😀 The music was incredible, for sure. ? Thanks for coming by to vote, Carol. Another one for Keith & Co.
Hi Debbie! In August 1969 I had just turned 4 years old and was living in a small town in Idaho, which is actually not far from where I live now. I was young and innocent, barring influences of my older siblings. While I have returned to small town Idaho, in the heart of spud country, my appreciation for the sounds of Woodstock are much greater now. I’ve always kind of liked Joe Cocker’s version of this song. That being said, I liked Keith Urban’s version the best of the two contenders.
The music stands the test of time! ? Thanks for voting, Mary. Keith Urban & Co. are cleaning up, here.
After the performance that Keith Urban put in, the Gibsons were just a little too low-key (i.e. boring). I’m voting for Keith.
Thanks for your vote! Another one for Keith Urban & Co.
Tennessee is my home state! It’s truly been a ridiculous year for flooding. Fortunately, my home was spared but we saw it in eastern TN, too. Terrible.
Gotta give my vote to Keith Urban and crew! He had that “I-missed-Woodstock-but-I’m-trying-to-channel-it” vibe going on. Kudos to him!
Glad to know you were spared from flood damage. We’ve also had heavy rains and flooding but weren’t personally affected, either. Another vote for Keith & Co. Thanks!
Gibson Brothers and Friends get my nod, in a very closely contested tussle.
I did not know about the Woodstock music festival, until it was over and there was a record album released, as a soundtrack to a movie documentary. That film was quite the spectacle to see, once I was allowed to see it. I turned 13 years old in 1969.
Thanks for suggesting this battle, Myke. So far, it looks like a slam dunk for Keith Urban, so your vote for the Gibson Brothers is especially appreciated.
I read all about the (then) upcoming Woodstock music festival while still in Germany. We moved to Canada that exact weekend, but I sure was there in spirit! ?
When X and I were in our late twenties, we led a youth group at our church. One time when all the kids were at our house, one of them asked, Were you at Woodstock? I said, How old do you think we are? So the answer is no. I was not there at the age of 10. Although I love the harmony and instruments with the second group, I vote for Keith Urban for a non-musical reason: He’s so darn cute.
I was 14 and wanted to go, but didn’t have the opportunity. 🙁 Keith Urban is definitely cute but also incredibly talented. ? Thanks for your vote, Janie!
That Joe Cocker version has always been a favourite, and so is Joe Cocker with his distinctive voice and mannerisms. On then to the BOTB: the Keith Urban version is good yet tries to be a Cocker-style performance. The Gibson Brothers rendition is refreshing and wonderfully different with the more laid-back tempo, the mix of string instruments, plus that great instrumental ending.
A firm vote for The Gibson Brothers and Friends.
Thank you, Roland! Nice to see another vote for The Gibson Bros. I was fearing a shutout, for awhile there.
This was an E-Ticket post. I appreciated all the work and detail that went into it. Unfortunately, I’m not a huge fan of the song, nor of The Beatles in general. (Fun Fact: At 15, my #1 all-time favorite group was The Beatles. At 60, I consider them one of the most overrated, most “plagiaristic” groups of all time. Probably only Led Zeppelin stole from others more outrageously.)
But, anyway, all of that aside, this was a really great post… about a song I am kinda-sorta so-so about.
As a professionally trained thespian (which is nuttin’ at all intrinsically, naturally, or organically like a homosexual :-)), I am able to quickly spot a “performance” (aka “synthetic” or “polyester” or “man-made fibers”). To that end, ‘Keith Urban & The Mindless Dancing Sexpots’ did nothing for me. It was more fake than CNN & Fox News put together!
I’m gonna place my BOTB BOTE with the GIBSON BROTHERS AND FRIENDS (and try to pretend that I didn’t notice that the blonde blue-jeaned back-up singer was sporting fake holes in her denim pants where real holes wouldn’t naturally, intrinsically, and organically develop).
In other words, I felt that both groups are “performers” more than genuine artists, but I preferred the sound of GIBSON BROTHERS & FAKE-HOLES-IN-MUH-BLUE-JEANS.
🙂 Debbie, don’t be mad. Ahm jus’ havin’ a bit o’ sport, I am. You know me (by now).
~ D-FensDogG
In BOTB as in life, you can’t please everyone. ? Music is especially subjective and tastes change, so it’s no biggie if you don’t like this one, Stephen. ☮ I’m glad to see a vote for The Gibson Bros. for any reason, as they are lagging behind, big time. Oh, and I’m sure a certain percentage of thespians are homosexuals, just like people in other walks of life. Also no biggie. ?
I would have loved to be there but not in the cards. My vote goes to Keith Urban. I enjoyed his version more than the Gibson Brothers.
As with many of us. 🙂 It sure is nice to see all the films and listen to the music, at least. ? Thanks for your vote. Keith Urban gets another one!
Woodstock was a major turning point for music, IMO, and in a positive way.
I was 18 years old when Woodstock took place. I didn’t go, but my heart was there.
Have a fabulous day. ♥
Mine too! ❤ Any opinion on the battle? Today’s the last day to vote. Thanks, Sandee! 🙂
I watched the documentary that was on PBS last week but I love the full on Documentary with almost all the acts on it..isn’t it like 4 hours or something. I was way too young to be there and my parents were way too old to be there…hahahaaa. My brother visited the site a few years back and enjoyed seeing everything as he would have loved to have been there. Joe Cocker was so good in his freaky style. Listening to both, I have to go with Keith Urban because it felt and sounded more professional. I did enjoy the second one but it was like they were just jamming for fun…nothing wrong with that but Keith gets my vote
Hi Birgit; The documentary with all the music is fantastic! ? I’d love to visit the actual site one day and feel the same as your brother about it. 🙂 Thanks for coming by to vote. Another one for Keith Urban & Co.
Keith Urban gets my vote. I just feel the song more with his version. I would say it could be the background video but even if I close my eyes and listen to them both, Keith wins. Good battle. We were able to see Joe Cocker before he passed. He opened for Tom Petty one year. Great show.
Wow! Joe Cocker opening for Tom Petty? I’m sure it was a great show. We went to a Tom Petty concert in 2010 with Crosby, Stills & Nash as the opening act. Also great! Thanks for coming by, Janet. Another vote for Keith Urban.
Hi Debbie – thanks for all the info and links … loved remembering so many things about that era.
Count me in for Keith Urban … just prefer it – enjoy your road trip! Cheers Hilary
Thanks, Hilary. We had a good time. Post coming up, soon! 🙂 Another vote for Keith Urban. Cheers!
I well remember that summer of 69. I was just out of high school, working a summer job as I readied to go to college in the fall. I was in Tennessee at the time, but I followed the events in Woodstock ( and the moon!) on television. I never went to a festival of that magnitude, but I was usually in school or working if I wasn’t.
Those were very different times when those big festivals just seemed to be magical and new.
I do like the bluegrass version of the song, but I much prefer the sound Keith Urban and company. Give my vote to them.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Interesting that you never went to such a festival, Arlee, I’ve always taken you as a closet juggling hippie. I missed all the Brit festivals as a teen but got to attend Glastonbury in the 1980s a few times.
I kind of considered myself a “hippie” but more so in spirit than reality. I’ve always tended to be predominately conservative and someone who worked most of my younger days. I liked my security more than being fancy free and a bit crazy, something that I was though I also liked getting a regular paycheck.
Yup, 1969 was a memorable year for so many reasons! We watched the moon landing in my German grandmother’s kitchen. Then there was Woodstock, Easy Rider and on and on. 😀 It seems that all the festivals they try to organize now go bust, like the anticipated 50th anniversary of Woodstock. Different times, for sure! First vote goes to Keith Urban and Friends. Thanks! 🙂