In the course of almost 60 years on this planet, (yes, I’m that old!), it’s been my great fortune to have travelled extensively. There’s nothing like experiencing different cultures to enrich your life and broaden your mind. The other great thing about it is you create wonderful memories, to sustain you in your old age, when travelling further than the bathroom becomes a major undertaking.
Yesterday’s Travels:
Tomorrow’s Dreams:
Many of these dreams probably won’t be realized, (unless there’s a lottery win in future), but they’re sure fun to think about. At least I can say that number one and number two on the bucket list have now been crossed off, while we still had some life left in us!
What’s on your bucket list?
If physical travel isn’t possible, you can take a World Tour right from your chair…
Looking forward to your comments!
#AtoZChallenge 2014: Y is for YESTERDAY'S TRAVELS, TOMORROW'S DREAMS #dogladysden Share on X
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29 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge: “Y” is for YESTERDAY’S TRAVELS, TOMORROW’S DREAMS”
Now I am inspired to create my own Board of places I want to be. You have travelled so much!! wow 🙂
Yes, I’ve been lucky to have had many travel opportunities. It was easier when living in Germany, as it was so central to the rest of Europe. 🙂
Yup, lots of armchair travel is on the cards but we do hope to make it to every continent at least…
That sounds like a great plan! 🙂 Thanks for visiting.
1 & 2 is visiting Greece and Cyprus.
#3 is spending a Summer and earl Autumn in a waterfront cabin in the woods with a cat and my books, electronic and paper.
#4 is a day in the clouds. Yes, who said they had to be realistic goals?
#5 is a day or two in the desert; lungs be damned!
#6-10 are yet to be determined.
Thanks for sharing your wishes, Chi Chi. 🙂 Cyprus would be interesting, except the Greeks and Cypriots are always at each others’ throats, it seems.
Debbie, I’d love to see Niagra Falls, Alaska and Wyoming. Just need a little more money and time to do them all 🙂 I can’t think of abroad til I’ve seen more here in the USA.
Rhode Island isn’t that far from Niagara Falls; would make for a fun road trip, yes? 🙂 Look me up when you get here, Lisa.
I’ve been to a few places around the country but not outside. I guess I only have I WANTs.
My travel bucket list would have to include Italy, Greece, England, Ireland, and New Orleans… though of course I wouldn’t turn down any other trip opportunities that came my way!
Hope your travel wishes come true, Laurel! 🙂 Thanks for visiting and apologies for the late response.
Traveling is so wonderful in every way. It does take time, money and energy though, so it isn’t always possible to take every trip we would like to take. That’s why I appreciate blogs like yours to experience a place that I might not ever get to see in person. I have enjoyed traveling with you throughout the month, Debbie. Hope you get on lots more trips and then can blog about them.
I think our best travelling days are probably behind us. We’re not getting any younger or richer, Cathy. LOL Glad you’ve enjoyed these travelogues!
And the restrooms on some of our travels get harder and harder to navigate 🙂 What an awesome way to show us your “beens” and “goings”. It’s not the money that keeps me from traveling as much as the discomfort of flights, airports and knowing I can’t walk miles in the cities anymore. It sounds trivial but cumulative injuries begin to interfere, and I don’t fancy getting around cities by taxi. Perhaps I will become an arm chair traveler!
It is getting harder with age, Sammy. 😛 That’s why I’m so glad hubby and I got to Greece when we did. That was difficult already – can’t imagine if we’d waited even longer! We both have old injuries, etc., but he’s the stronger of us and I couldn’t have climbed all the rocks and stairs without him. I don’t mind the flights or the airports, having spent so much time doing that since early childhood. Apologies for the late response – am finally trying to catch up a bit!
LOL! When it’s hard just to get to the restroom… I’ve got a huge bucket list. One of the things on it is hang gliding, and pretty much seeing all of Europe, spending some time living in India, and taking an Alaskan cruise.
That’s an impressive list, Crystal! I hope you’ll be able to cross everything off. Thanks for visiting and sorry for the late response.
I’ve touched on a few countries during my lifetime: both BCs, Italy, London, Folkstone, Dartford, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and many of the States of the U.S. I even got to see Niagara Falls. 🙂 I would have enjoyed visiting Greece and Egypt, Israel, Russia and Ireland, but those are just dreams, except for Ireland–I have so many friends there, I would just love to meet them; maybe I could even catch a wee leprechaun and force him to tell me where his gold is. heeheehee
I hope you get to ireland, Mary! 😀 Say hello to Shelly and Bronagh for me. Thanks for visiting and apologies for the late response.
Ah, all my life I’ve wanted to travel the world. I even had dreams of joining the Peace Corps so I can travel and help others. That’s not even an option in my life now, but I still think about it, if my circumstances changed, and I find myself alone, I would probably give it all up, join the PC and one way or another travel to: France, Germany, Africa, Greece, Amsterdam, Scotland, Wales, and that’s just off the top of my head! This was fun. Great post!
Glad you enjoyed the post, Renata! 🙂 May all your travel dreams come true.
I’ve been to England, Paris, and Germany…but I haven’t traveled much of the U.S. That’s most of my bucket list. I’d also like to take cruises to see all the islands I wouldn’t want to spend an entire week vacationing on! I’m very Type A personality, so I want to go go go when I vacation.
Love the cruises myself and I’m the same on vacation. We can rest when we’re dead! 😉 I just want to see as much of the world as possible. Thanks for visiting, Stephanie.
Travelling is the greatest study for the mind and for the soul
Agreed! Travel is the best education a person can have. Thanks for visiting, Pheno. 🙂
Best of luck for that lottery win and all those travels you hope for 🙂
Haha – not likely, but one can dream, yes? 😀 The internet offers some wonderful armchair travels too.
Would love to travel to many places in the world, Paris, New York, Emirates, London, Turke, Egypt and Brazil as well as spiritual places in India. Hope, I realize it someday coz travel is the biggest education in terms of culture. Beautiful post, Debbie:)
I completely agree that travel is the best cultural education. 😀 Hope you are able to fulfill all of your travel dreams. Thanks for visiting.