#AtoZChallenge: “N” is for NIAGARA FALLS

Welcome everyone, to the #AtoZChallenge Blogging Extravaganza, where hundreds of bloggers publish 26 posts in 26 days – one for each letter of the alphabet – covering a myriad of topics!  

Travel & Culture” is my theme.  Click HERE to see all posts.  Please support our efforts by visiting, sharing and commenting. We have all worked long and hard on this project.

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#AtoZChallenge The Doglady's Den
Day 14: April 16

 The first time I saw Niagara Falls was in 1964 at the age of 9.  Who knew that years later, I would be living a short 45-minute drive away? (On the Canadian side.)

niagara falls
Niagara Falls, USA & Canada
[Photo Credit]

Niagara Falls, one of this world’s natural wonders, straddles the border between the province of Ontario, Canada, and the state of New York, U.S.A.

niagara falls
[Photo Credit]

In the early 20th century, it became known as “The Honeymoon Capital of the World” – mostly a cliche’ nowadays – and yes, we spent our honeymoon there, less than an hour away from home.

This turned out to be a fortunate choice when I forgot to pack birth control pills and we drove back to get them.

Hubby was fairly new to Canada, having arrived from Italy in the fall of 1970 and had never been there.  Plus, we couldn’t afford to fly anywhere exotic.

Honeymoon 1973
Honeymoon 1973 ©DDB
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Over the years, Niagara Falls became our “playground” and we celebrated many happy occasions there. The Falls themselves are the main attraction of course, but there’s also fine dining, shopping, two Casinos, Marineland,  a three-acre waterpark, “Maid of the Mist” boat ride behind the Falls and a funky area called Clifton Hill, full of fun attractions, museums and night clubs.

clifton hill
Clifton Hill ©DDB

The annual winter “Festival of Lights” is a spectacular sight, which I captured in photos and made a video from.  Enjoy!

Want to see The Falls in live-action?  This video captures them well:

Have you ever been to Niagara Falls?  If not, would you like to go?

Looking forward to your comments!

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#AtoZChallenge 2014: N is for Niagara Falls #dogladysden Share on X


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47 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge: “N” is for NIAGARA FALLS

    1. Hi Millie; That’s a spectacular display and I’m sure you’d enjoy it. The downside is it’s only on during the Winter. Brrr! Thanks for visiting. 🙂

  1. Excellent post and beautiful pictures and video! You definitely did Niagara Falls justice … and I would know because I live a short 20 minutes away from it on the US side. (Nice to meet you, neighbor.) 😀

    After reading and enjoying your wonderful post, I read through the comments – and completely agree with you – the Canadian side is by far the prettier and nicer side of the Falls. It’s gorgeous over there year round, but particularly in the summer – all the beautiful flowers and there’s so much more to do and see on your side. If a tourist really wants to see and experience the Falls, a visit to the Canadian side is a Must Do in my opinion (otherwise they’d really be cheating themselves and would miss out on its real beauty).

    1. Nice to meet you too, Marcia! 🙂 Welcome to The Den. It’s sad, but Niagara Falls, Canada has suffered from a marked decrease in American visitors, ever since George Bush brought in the passport requirement. Our government was very unhappy about that, but lost the argument. 🙁 Yes, people are definitely missing out if they don’t see The Falls from this side. Thanks for your thoughts.

  2. Loved your post, Debbie. Brought back happy memories of a trip there in 2011 when my wife and I visited the US. Niagara Falls was one of the ” must sees” we had on our list. We saw the falls from the US side and remember vividly the Maid of the Mist!

    1. Yes, that’s such an old cliche’ and yet, people still do honeymoon there, even now. 🙂 You should go back Carol. Let me know if you do and we could have lunch or something.

  3. I need to see those waterfalls in person. I can safely say I’ll be leaving my kayak at home though. The horseshoe is the coolest.

  4. I love the Falls. The first time I saw them was in 1960, shortly before my 8th birthday. Although they remained in my heart and thoughts, I didn’t see them again until October 2008 when I moved to New York. I hope we can go see them the next time Sonia comes to America. 🙂

  5. Debbie, I’m dying to go. On my bucket list for this year. Do you really recommend I get a passport for Canadian side? Do you they group trips there? I really want to go this summer, thanks for sharing more on this area.

    1. Hi Lisa; I know how much passports cost, so that’s your call. Hopefully, you’d be able to use it on more than one occasion. I’m sure there are group excursions, but you’d have to browse the net for those. Having viewed The Falls from both sides, I can truthfully say the Canadian side is definitely more spectacular and the town itself more interesting. Very expensive though, especially the price of alcohol. Canadian taxes are high! The casino on the U.S. side is nicer. The Canadian side has two of them, with Fallsview being the newer and better one. Now would be a good time to come over, as the Canadian dollar is low again. More bang for your U.S. buck. 🙂

    1. I know what you mean! So many places, so little time. Sigh……That’s the great thing about the internet. You can travel in the comfort of your own home. 🙂

  6. Great post Debbie. Oh how I miss my hometown! I’d give anything to be just an hour away. The Falls is definitely magnificent. I enjoyed seeing your honeymoon picture! Great videos too.

  7. Good post, Debbie. I haven’t been there for years. I was there 4 times, the last when I was 16. Do they still have the wooden walkway along the river on the Canadian side? And do they still have the cable car over the whirlpool? I rode that with my dad. My mom opted to stay on shore and take photos. I’m not sure I’ve ever been quite so terrified. lol.

    My sister and brother in law honeymooned there in June of 1973.

    I thought for a few weeks that I’d be heading that way (and your way) in late May. My youngest is getting married and I thought they’d settled on Niagara Falls. I guess not. 🙂 My hubby has never seen it, though. I think he should see it this year. 😉

    Great post! Have a good Thursday. 🙂

  8. OK, now here’s a place I CAN visit without winning the lottery, since I’m just a short-ish drive away in Windsor, ON! It’s on my list – maybe this summer.

  9. I’ve always wanted to go- maybe I’ll convince someone to take a road trip with me in the next year or so!

  10. Fabulous pics and video Debbie. I went as a child, on the US side, but I was so young, I really don’t remember it. I really enjoyed the video though. Absolutely beautiful!

  11. Now this place I have visited – thrice actually – twice from the US side, and once from Canada. Always beautiful, always so much fun to be there. I have some fond memories of those visits to Niagara! Thanks for this post, Debbie 🙂

    1. At last – a place you are familiar with, Beloo. 🙂 It’s always fun to go there and I love that it’s so close to my home. Thanks for visiting.

  12. I guess I will cry today… first new zealand and now niagara 🙁 I wanna visit these places before I leave to hell 😛 😀

    1. Hell? You? Nah! 😉 The world is full of wonderful places. What we need now is a lottery win, yes? 😀 Thanks for visiting.