Welcome everyone, to the #AtoZChallenge Blogging Extravaganza, where hundreds of bloggers publish 26 posts in 26 days – one for each letter of the alphabet – covering a myriad of topics! “Travel & Culture” is my theme. Click HERE to see all posts.
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Another stop on our Classical Tour of Greece, was the ancient site of Mycenae.
As with all of them, it was incredible!
In the second millennium BC, Mycenae was one of the major centres of Greek civilization, a military stronghold that dominated much of southern Greece. The period of Greek history from about 1600 BC to about 1100 BC is called Mycenaean, in reference to Mycenae. At its height in 1350 BC, the citadel and lower town had a population of 30,000 and an area of 32 hectares – Wikipedia
Map of Mycenae:

All photos ©DDB
Click on images to view captions.

Every stop on this tour was amazing; a history buff’s dream!
Are you interested in ancient history?
Looking forward to your comments!

#AtoZChallenge 2014: M is for MYCENAE #dogladysden Share on X

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27 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge: “M” is for MYCENAE”
Wow! I love history. And enjoyed reading this bit of trivia. And the pictures make me imagine the numerous stories these ruins can tell us. Simply beautiful.
Oh, I’ve dreamed of going to Greece! The art and history os beautiful and amazing. (I hear the beaches are gorgeous too). Thanks for sharing your photos!
Hi Linda; Thanks for stopping by The Den. Although history was my main focus in Greece, I can tell you that the beaches are indeed beautiful. 🙂
Wonderful, history-laden photos – thank you for sharing!
You’re welcome. 🙂 More to come…..
WOW, amazing. The ancient history that surrounded you there is just phenomenal! ♥
Yes, this was one of the most ancient sites. I definitely got lost in the past there. 🙂
Another fascinating trip to a place that dates so much back in history!! Thanks for taking us on a tour to Mycenae, Debbie 🙂
Yes, this was one of the most ancient sites. Glad you’re enjoying the posts, Shilpa. 🙂
I am enjoying these virtual trips with you!
I’m so glad, S(t)ri! 🙂 More to come. Thanks for visiting.
History never was my favorite in school but these pics look amazing! Great work!
Glad you enjoyed the photos Danny. 🙂 Welcome to The Den.
I am always struck by the dissonance in ancient civilizations – they produced such incredible architecture, philosophies, art, cultures, and yet most were built with the primary purpose of defensive positions from invading armies or nearby cities. Humanity from earliest – we are the best and the worst of ourselves.
Excellent insight, Sammy. 🙂 How stressful life must have been back then! What struck me especially, was how often Greece changed hands; the Turks, Venetians, Romans….
To think that dates back to the Trojans! Amazing….
HI Corinne; This site was amazing, but so were all the others. Greece is a must see for anyone who loves Ancient History. So glad we finally pulled off this trip! Thanks for visiting. 🙂
Great photos! I have never been to Greece but it is on my list – your posts are giving me great inspiration for a future trip 🙂 – Petnetio Anu
Glad you’re enjoying the posts! 🙂 Thanks for visiting.
Another set of beautiful pictures, Debbie. Thanks for sharing these treasures from your travels here.
It’s my pleasure Beloo and also fun that I can relive the experience. 🙂 Glad you’re enjoying the posts.
Greece is so rich in history…Fascinating…
Everything was fascinating in Greece! ♥ Although we covered much ground in two weeks, there’s still plenty more to see and I want to go back one day. Thanks for visiting. 🙂
One day I want to see Greece, if not live there for a season or two.
It’s all Greek to me!
Μια μέρα θέλω να vista Ελλάδα, αν δεν ζουν εκεί για ένα ή δύο σεζόν.
Ah to live there for awhile would be fun Chi Chi, except for the plumbing. LOL (See my “J” post.)
Wow! Those are beautiful photographs. I love ancient ruins. Thanks, Debbie.
Glad you enjoyed this, Mary. I was fascinated by Mycenae and all the other archaeological sites.