#AtoZChallenge: “H” is for HOME TOWN

soest downtown

Welcome everyone, to the #AtoZChallenge Blogging Extravaganza, where hundreds of bloggers publish 26 posts in 30 days – one for each letter of the alphabet – covering a myriad of topics!  
“Travel & Culture” is my theme.  Click HERE to see all posts.  Please support our efforts by visiting, sharing and commenting. We have all worked long and hard on this project. Have fun and thanks for reading!


#AtoZChallenge follow me on Twitter @DebbieDoglady
Day 8: April 9
Public Domain Image

I was born in Soest, a beautiful, historic town in Germany.  

For the first 14 years, we alternated back and forth between Germany and Canada.  My father was in the Canadian military and my mother came from Bochum (between Dortmund and Essen), an hour’s drive away.  We moved to Canada for good in 1969 but went back to visit in 1972.  That was the last time I saw Soest, until Sept. 2013.  It had always been my desire to go back someday, but I thought that day would never come.

When we started planning our anniversary trip to Italy and Greece, it got me thinking. Why couldn’t we fly up to Germany for a few days as well?  The more I thought about, the more excited I became!  After all, it was only a two hour flight from Rome.  Could we find the time?  Yes!

We flew into Düsseldorf, then rented a car.  This was another “pinch me” moment!  Was I really back home, 41 years later?

Soest looked exactly as I remembered it and they’ve done a wonderful job preserving the old buildings. The medieval and Roman walls are still there – Soest is that old –  and I was beside myself with joy! Hubby loved it too and it was such fun showing him around!

I made a video of our photos, added some snazzy effects and set it to music.  Enjoy!

Read more of the story HERE.

Do you still live in the area of your birthplace or have  you moved away?   If it’s far, were you able to return for a visit?  Did it change much?

Looking forward to your comments!

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AtoZChallenge 2014: H is for HOMETOWN Share on X



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42 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge: “H” is for HOME TOWN

  1. My parents and I moved away from my birth city when I was just a baby, and I’ve never been back since! It would certainly be interesting to see it. Glad you got a chance to revisit your old home!

    1. Hope you get a chance to go back as well, Laurel. Always fun to re-visit our roots, even though you didn’t stay long. Thanks for visiting.

  2. I grew up in Detroit Michigan and we left during the riots in the 1960s. My first visit back there was 26 years later and it made such an impact on me I wrote a poem and it was published. Basically, my home town had been raped. So sad. Enjoyed reading your trip down memory lane

    1. Yes, I’ve read some articles about Detroit that indicated it was in a sorry state. 🙁 That’s a shame and I hope it will be revived to it’s former glory. They did it with Buffalo in the 70s. Thanks for visiting and sorry for the late reply. This Challenge is proving to be exactly that!

  3. You CAN go home again! What a nice part of your sojourn to return to Soest. I enjoyed your video (not having visited any part of Germany yet), and had the same felling I always do about Europe. The building are so solid, the walkways so enchanting, the rivers gently flowing and it’s all so steeped in ancient history. Lovely!

    1. It was exciting to be back and I was happy to see it hadn’t changed. 🙂 Yes, I love Europe for the history. Something that just isn’t the same here, in the New World.

    1. Welcome to The Den, Frankie. You were born somewhere, so that would count. 🙂 It was great to go back, after all those years. Thanks for visiting.

    1. Yes, it was a Bucket List item, Corinne, along with Greece, so this whole trip was incredibly special, including that we were celebrating our 40th anniversary. It was fun to show hubby around. 🙂 Thanks for visiting.

    1. You’re not far! About 116 km away, less than a 90 minute drive. 🙂 Soest is definitely worth a visit. Thanks for dropping by.

    1. Yes, there were some teary moments. 🙂 I loved showing my husband all the sights too. He was impressed. Thanks for visiting.

  4. Beautiful hometown! Great video: I felt like I was there! I’m from Niagara Falls, NY and don’t get back there near enough! I too love my home-town. Thanks for sharing that bit of you!

    1. Niagara Falls?! Cool! Check out my “N” post. It’s a 45 minute drive from my house. 🙂 I love the Falls too, but don’t get over the border that often, anymore. In the old days, we used to go to Pete’s Market Steak House on the U.S. side. What they lacked in decor, they made up for with great and cheap food. Wonder if it’s still there…..
      Glad you liked my hometown as well. Cheers!

      1. What a small world! Can’t wait to read your N post. I know someone else doing a Niagara Falls post: it’s definitely a compelling city. You’re in Toronto now, right??

  5. Great pictures there Debbie! How exciting it must have been to back home after all that time. When I lived in the US, for many years I used to come back to India every year. And the years I couldn’t I always felt something was missing deep inside 🙂
    A good post, Debbie!

  6. What a nice thing for you to get to do. I haven’t been back to the place I lived in right after birth since, well, 2007 when my Grandmother died. But we really didn’t get to see much. Where I grew up? Not since 1980. I’m glad you got to go. 🙂

    1. Hi Mary; Maybe you’ll get back to your old “stomping grounds” one of these days. I was so thrilled to go back! Another Bucket List item checked off. 🙂
      Thanks for visiting.

  7. How amazing that you were able to go back and visit your hometown that many years later. Loved your video of pictures. ♥

    1. Yes! That was number two on the Bucket List, (Greece being number one). Trip of a lifetime and I’ll never forget it. Thanks for visiting. 🙂