Wordless Wednesday is a weekly blogging initiative where you share one or more photos, theoretically without words, but hey, how many writers do you know who can remain silent? 😀
ANTIDOTE TO WINTER – PART II 🚫🥶🌳️☀️ #Photography #WW #WordlessWednesday 📷📱 #dogladysden #IHateWinter
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Tired of bleak winter landscapes?🥶
Me too! Let’s see some sunny summer views from years past:☀️
[Click on images to view original size.]
DST begins on Sunday, March 9th for most of North America. As much as I hate to lose an hour’s sleep, it’s one step closer to summer! 🌳☀️🌳☀️🌳☀️🌳
To view other participants and/or join the blogfest, visit Sandee at Comedy Plus. Click on the image:
Dog Mom and (retired) Canine Innkeeper in suburban Toronto, Canada, known as The Doglady. Former corporate workaholic. Writer, photographer, digital creator. Animal lover, music fanatic, inveterate traveller. Eternal hippie/rockchick. History, literature and cinema buff. Hockey and soccer fan. Dedicated night owl. German/Canadian binational, multilingual. Let me entertain you!
These are all beautiful images Debbie. The flowers behind the split-rail fence look so summery, as do the two chairs facing the water. I like the swans in the park and the reflections you have captured. You have given me hope that Summer will return after this already-too-long-Winter.
Thanks, Linda! 🙂 Summer will return, eventually. As much as I like the longer daylight, I have trouble adjusting to the time change. It’s like jetlag. 😫
Thank you, Sandee! 🙂 We have piles of dirty snow everywhere, but it’s raining now, so hopefully they will be washed away. Spring can’t come soon enough!
Those are beautiful summer pictures. Texas is mostly green year around but we get some cold and bad weather. Today, or rather yesterday by now, we had a terrible thunderstorm with strong winds. Rollo was very afraid. It is still very windy. I cannot believe it is already time for Day Light Savings Time.
Thank you, Thomas. I needed to see something green. 🙂 We have piles of dirty snow everywhere. Poor Rollo! 😟 Our Dalmatian was terrified of thunder and fireworks, but fortunately, Zoey is much calmer. Time passes much too quickly, doesn’t it?
12 thoughts on “ANTIDOTE TO WINTER – PART II 🚫🥶☀️🌳#Photography #WW #WordlessWednesday 📷📱”
I prefer fall and winter and the extra hour of sleep. 🙂
Love the extra hour of sleep, but I actually prefer the warm weather and longer daylight. It just takes me a while to adjust, kind of like jetlag.
These are all beautiful images Debbie. The flowers behind the split-rail fence look so summery, as do the two chairs facing the water. I like the swans in the park and the reflections you have captured. You have given me hope that Summer will return after this already-too-long-Winter.
Thanks, Linda! 🙂 Summer will return, eventually. As much as I like the longer daylight, I have trouble adjusting to the time change. It’s like jetlag. 😫
The clock thing again??? Grrr….
I know! But consider the upside, Chris. Longer daylight and eventually, it’s going to get warmer.
Such beautiful shots of wonderful weather. It’s raining here and it’s gloomy. I’m ready for spring.
Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Debbie. Hugs. ♥
Thank you, Sandee! 🙂 We have piles of dirty snow everywhere, but it’s raining now, so hopefully they will be washed away. Spring can’t come soon enough!
Love your photos, Debbie! Hope it warms up by you soon!
Thank you, Laura! 🙂 We’re not out of the woods yet, but hopefully soon.
Those are beautiful summer pictures. Texas is mostly green year around but we get some cold and bad weather. Today, or rather yesterday by now, we had a terrible thunderstorm with strong winds. Rollo was very afraid. It is still very windy. I cannot believe it is already time for Day Light Savings Time.
Thank you, Thomas. I needed to see something green. 🙂 We have piles of dirty snow everywhere. Poor Rollo! 😟 Our Dalmatian was terrified of thunder and fireworks, but fortunately, Zoey is much calmer. Time passes much too quickly, doesn’t it?