Joining John Holton’s Writer’s Workshop again this week.
- Write a post based on the word beer.
- Write a post in exactly 8 sentences.
- Tell us about the five most recent YouTube channels you started following.
- Write about the best gift you ever received.
- How important is money to you? Tell us about it.
- What are you looking forward to next month?
I went with #2 & #6:
What I’m looking forward to next month, in 8 sentences.

Another hockey season begins (Oct. 9), and we masochistic Toronto Maple Leafs fans are once again hoping our team will dazzle in the playoffs, not just in the regular season, and MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, win the Stanley Cup. It’s been a loooong drought! Last time was in 1967.

Our fall colours are coming out already, likely because of all the rain this summer. By October, the landscapes should be ablaze and I’ll be heading out with the camera.


For me, a rock concert is a life-affirming, youth-restoring elixir! I missed those the most during the pandemic years, and have been making up for lost time. There’s one left for 2024, on Oct. 26: Iron Maiden, with special guests The Hu (not to be confused with The Who).

To view all participants, and/or join the workshop, visit John:
What are YOU looking forward to in October?

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32 thoughts on “ANTICIPATING OCTOBER | #Hockey 🏒 #Autumn 🍂 #Concerts 🎸 #WritersWorkshop”
I love fall. It is a great time of the year. And the Sharks are rebulding.
Fall is a lot better than what comes after! 🥶 Hopefully, The Sharks will turn it around. I read they have a couple of promising new college players from Boston.
I do love the fall…I love the smells, the colours and the craft shows. What John posted was hilarious.
Early fall is nice, but November usually sucks. So cold and damp! 😩 Yes, I laughed at John’s video too. Not a perspective I’d considered before. 😆
Hard to believe fall foliage is just around the corner. Yikes!!
I know! Summer went by much too fast. But your area stays warm all year. I wouldn’t mind that at all. 🙂
Ever seen Jim Gaffigan’s thing on fall foliage?
🤣🤣🤣 That’s a perspective I’ve never considered! Thanks for the laughs. And yet, I will still venture out, camera in hand. 😉
IMHO I think that a good first step was giving the captain’s c to someone other than the mostly invisible John Tavares. Hopefully AM will be a more lead with word and example type. Meanwhile, European hockey has started, and if it wasn’t for Lokomotiv (Russia) and Farjestad (Sweden), my teams would be a combined 10-25 so far…
I have mixed feelings about that one, Chris! As you can see by my Jersey collection, I’m a Tavares fan, and he’s from right here in town, so kind of a “Hometown Hero’. Anyway, he seemed to be cool with the change and hopefully, it WILL shake things up. Funny story for you: Sabaton (the band shown above) is from Sweden and they incorporate a lot of comedy into their stage show. Quote: “We love Canadians, unless we’re playing hockey. Then it’s ‘Fuck You’ guys!” 😆
An Iron Maiden concert sounds awesome. Have fun!
It should be good, especially since the opening act is a metal band from Mongolia! 😃 We saw an excellent Swedish band last week, ‘Sabaton’. Do you know them? Their songs are all about historical events and they even add humour to the show. They’ve been around for 25 years! 😎
I have to admit that I do not know about Sabaton. It sounds interesting.
I didn’t realize it was THAT long since the Leafs hoisted Lord Stanley’s Cup. What happened to them to have such a drought? Speaking of droughts, I like October … my favorite month, in my favorite season and the leaf color is fabulous here by then – usually anyway. Michigan is second in leaf-peeping in the U.S. behind the New England states, though maybe not so much this Fall because we are in a mild drought, having had just 0.06 rain in the month of September. So arborists say we may just have yellow leave that drop off due to lack of water. Boring if that happens, but luckily October has its other attributes, like weather and its enticing smells.
Oh, yes – 57 years! 😩 Often, ‘The Curse of Harold Ballard’ gets blamed. He owned the team from 1972 until he died in 1990 and totally mismanaged it. Another thing to consider: The Leafs are the richest team in the league and the arena is always sold out. Unless the fans take a stand and stay away, where’s the incentive to improve? Although, you’d think they would want the extra revenue from more playoff games…
Colours are hit and miss here, but the last couple of years have been good. The leaves have already started turning, so I’m hoping it will be beautiful again this fall. There’s something enticing about the crisp, cool autumn air, but I sure hate what comes afterwards! 🥶
I’m looking forward to doing a lot of hiking in the mountains around me this October. In these parts, that is usually perfect temperature & weather conditions for hiking. Three hour hikes followed by a few beers. That’s my idea of a good day!
~ D-FensDogG
You must be in great shape, Stephen! 👌 Enjoy your hikes – and the beer. 🍺
I hope the Toronto Maple Leafs razzle-dazzle, Debbie. We are on the same page loving fall foliage and rock concerts. Love Iron Maiden and The Hu. Rock on! 🍁
Thanks, Eugi! 🙂 The Leafs always do well in the regular season, then fizzle in the playoffs. 😩 They have a new coach now and a few new players, so hopefully, that will translate to better results. 🤞 Iron Maiden should be a fun concert. I was pleasantly surprised to see The Hu on the bill as well.
Looks like Iron Maiden will be coming my way also. I’m sure I won’t be going.
After some brutal hot days, I’m looking forward to some cooler weather.
Yes, they are doing a full North American tour. I heard about your heat wave! Hopefully, things will cool down soon. We’ve had summery days until now, but there’s a drop coming next week.
How wonderful you get to see beautiful fall colors there.
Hope your favorite Hockey team does good. We don’t follow that, but we do cheer on the Kansas City Chiefs football team each year, and that’s always fun to watch on tv.
Yay for concerts, and I really like The Hu sounds and songs. 🙂
Well, not every year, but we had a lot of rain this summer and leaves are starting to turn early. It is fun to follow a sports team and get involved in all the hype! 😀 Yes, The Hu definitely rocks! 🤘
I cannot actually think of anything I am particularly looking forward to in October, Debbie. I am not a fan of the clocks going back, and in Beetley we don’t have the same amazing Autumn colours you get there. I don’t even celebrate Halloween, so I suppose that October is more or less a ‘non-month’ for me. 😊
Best wishes, Pete.
Our time-change happens in November, but I don’t like it either, especially when it’s dark by 5 pm. 😩 Still, it’s easier to gain an hour than to lose one. The spring change affects me a lot more, physically. As for Halloween, we quit participating years ago! Too noisy with dogs in residence. I was surprised to learn this holiday has spread to Europe. It was unheard of when I lived in Germany (1960s). I hope you will have some nice weather at least, so October won’t be a total bust.
Halloween is a fairly recent American import, and was never celebrated here when I was young. Driven by commercialism from our supermarkets, and US TV shows, it started to appear as trick or treat evenings in the l990s, and has now become part of the culture. I have never got involved with that at any level.
Best wishes, Pete.
Ah yes, U.S. TV shows (and movies). Their influence spreads worldwide.
Forget Iron Maiden, I’d go just for The Hu – they’re amazing!
They are! 😀 I was excited to find out they were on the bill as well.
You are a hockey fan😊in 8 sentences, great! Very beautiful photos. The Iron Maiden video was very cool👍👍Have a good upcoming Thursday Debbie🌺
Yes, hockey is a Canadian obsession! Also popular in Finland. 🙂 Iron Maiden should be interesting, especially the opening act, which is from Mongolia.