All Ylu Need is Love #WEPBrought to you by the Write…Edit…Publish team and inspired by The Beatles’ famous song,  All You Need is Love. This month’s host is Jemi Fraser.

“All you need is love – interpret this any which way you like. Tell us a story about lovers overcoming insurmountable odds with the power of their love. Or spin a flash about parental love, unconditional and endless. Or about platonic love, the support network that friends provide without which individuals can’t function.

All you need is love…or do you? Turn it on its head and tell us how insufficient it is to get by on love alone. Put the words of the title into the mouth of your MC. Or a minor character. Or have it play somewhere in the background, barely noticeable…

You see, there are as many takes as there are forms of love. Remember, there are no genre restrictions. It’s not necessary to write a traditional romance just because it’s February. Interpret the prompt in the most unValentine-y manner if you like – satire, horror, fantasy, any and all are welcome here, except erotica.”

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My submission for this challenge is based on a true story. The names have been changed to protect the guilty. 😉 

Tagline: The Beatles got it wrong. Or did they?

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The year was 1993. An iconic Beatles tune wafted from the radio as Sarah sorted through a stack of bills. “All you need is love?” She rolled her eyes and glanced at the unsightly pile. “Sure, easy for a bunch of multi-millionaires to say,” she muttered.

Until last year, life had been a mad, exciting whirlwind! Working hard, playing harder, lavish dinners, parties, road trips, air travel, corporate wardrobe, all paid for with a wallet full of credit cards. Double income, no kids, no worries! She and Matt were the quintessential hedonists.

Then came the recession…

Sarah found herself “downsized” (a fancy word for fired), and Matt’s employer left the country. After using up their combined severance, two meagre pogey cheques barely covered the basics, never mind anything else. Now what?

Paralyzed by panic, Matt and Sarah paid the essentials and ignored the rest, hoping to find an eventual solution. Bankruptcy? The very thought filled Sarah with shame. How could they have been so reckless?

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Their priority was to find jobs. Thus began the hamster wheel of interviews, rejections, and more interviews. Sarah sold some of her precious jewellery, gifts from her mother and grandmother, for a pittance of their true worth.

Still, it wasn’t nearly enough, and soon, the collection calls and letters shattered their already stress-filled days. Sarah, consumed by self-pity and fear, became withdrawn and sullen, while Matt tried his best to console her.

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“You know, things could be a lot worse,” he murmured, pulling her closer. Other people have survived shit like this, and so can we! Think of it as a new beginning. At least we’re healthy, with a place to live and food in the fridge”…  Matt’s voice trailed off.

Sarah grimaced at the Polyanna platitudes and sank deeper into the couch. Steeped in misery, they sat in silence until Matt gave her a gentle nudge and touched her cheek. “Hey, Sarah, don’t forget the most important thing. We have each other!

Sarah smiled and flung her arms around Matt’s shoulders. Maybe the Beatles had a point. “Yeah, it’s you and me against the world, babe. “

Love may not be ALL you need, but if you have it,
“There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done.”

Couple silhouette, all you need is love
Word count: 374

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For some outstanding writing, click HERE to see what the other participants are offering.


Denise Covey-Founder/Host  /  Yolanda Renee – Co-Host  /  L.G. Keltner – Co Host

Nilanjana Bose – Co-Host  /  Jemi Fraser – Co-Host  /  Olga Godim – Badges

Nick Wilford – Judge  /  Lee McKenzie – IWSG Liason

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ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE #WEPFF #WEP #writingchallenge #creativewriting #dogladysden Share on X


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57 thoughts on “ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE | #WEP FEB. 2022

  1. Reminded me of the time I pawned my wedding rings to buy my son a birthday present and the fixen’s for a cake. Sad times, but his happiness made all the difference. Loved your use of songs to tell it!

  2. That was my story for the last two years, ever since the pandemic hit us and left me and my husband in the exact same situation. 🙁 The job hunting, the rejection letters, the bills, all weighed us down. But at least we had a roof over our heads, food on the table, and each other.
    But it taught us so much, too. Precious lessons which we otherwise would never have learned.

    1. I’m so sorry you’ve been going through a similar situation, Shilpa. 🙁 You are not alone! ((HUGS)) And, your positive attitude is admirable. ?

  3. Glad they were able to stick together.
    Hope you’re having a great day! My latest blog post has my theme for the April #AtoZChallenge (I’m writing speculative fiction and looking for prompts).
    At Operation Awesome we have the #PassOrPages query contest going on (friends or enemies to lovers Romance).
    Looks like I’ll be very busy the next few weeks!
    March quote: “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” – Mark Twain

    1. Thank you, Damyanti! 🙂 In this case, love eased the burden, but I believe financial worries can often split a couple apart. Matt and Sarah had a strong bond.

  4. I like the realistic perspective you shared here. Even though it’s set in the 90s, it seems relevant to today because of the pandemic and widespread poverty. Platitudes aren’t always helpful and people need practical solutions. But at the same time, as you noted at the end, love can help you survive these tough situations. Very thought-provoking.

    1. Thanks, Anstice! 🙂 Yes, financial problems are rampant during the pandemic, as well. Truly a sad state of affairs! 🙁 They say misery loves company, and it helps to have someone to lean on.

  5. Howdy, DEBBIE!
    Ha! OK, I’ll play. Count me in!
    This is one of only a few Beatles songs that I really like. It sure takes me back to 1969 or ’70 and reminds me of my first tie-dyed T-shirt.
    Here’s a poem I wrote on May 20, 1983. But, in truth, I’m not nearly this optimistic about love these days. 😉
    Adam was content
    He loved his life, he loved the land
    He wasn’t really lonely
    There was a woman he called “Hand”
    His life was, oh, so peaceful
    Upon that Holy ground
    He’d still be living there today
    Had Eve not come around
    She forced the thing upon him
    Poor Adam was misled
    He took a bite of forbidden fruit
    The apple, sweet and red
    The were expelled from Paradise
    By the great Creator, God
    Lived their days in misery
    Because of that stupid broad
    Delilah snipped at Samson’s hair
    She wanted to cut more
    But finally she was forced to leave
    When he began to snore
    Throughout the ages, it is true
    The downfall of the male
    Has always been a pretty girl
    Pretending to be frail
    Men in suits or jeans or hats
    Will always become the prey
    To brown-skinned beauties, string bikinis
    And a little T and A
    She will capture him with cunning
    She will capture him through lust
    She will capture him when weakened
    By her Double-D size bust
    Now me, I’m not the kind of guy
    That any woman could destroy
    For I stay home on weekend nights
    With the centerfold from ‘Playboy’
    ~ D-FensDogG

  6. Hi Debbie – so many get mired in the down-draught of life going wrong – I hope they sort themselves out … there’s always a life ahead – no guilt needed either from anyone. Cheers Hilary

  7. This is a situation so many have found themselves in. Economic downturn can be devastating, and I know how stressful it is when you can’t pay all the bills. Having someone you love at your side can help so much in those difficult times.

  8. A lovely take on the prompt.
    In this covid era, financial difficulty is an ongoing reality for many people, and, as economies contract and unemployment rises, it seems like more and more people have fallen prey to this. Scary.
    Thanks for sharing, Debbie.

    1. Yes, there has been much financial fallout from the pandemic. 🙁 Previous recessions in 2009 and the early 90s were bad too. I’m glad you enjoyed the story, Michele. Thanks!

  9. You spun a tale steeped in reality. I felt the dread rise in me, thinking of their unpaid credit card bills. Great ending Debbie, and very true

  10. I sure felt the impact from this, Debbie, from both sides of the spectrum. After working full time for decades, I am still just a clean step ahead of the bill collector… I still recall the frustration and feelings of futility, from Matt and Sarah. Hopefully, they made it through.

  11. Thanks Debbie for this story which I feel is not unique in our world. So many who once had security, now find everything challenged. I love the way you used the prompt. Beautifully formatted, too, as always.

    1. Sadly yes, financial problems are fairly common. The last two years have been dreadful for many, but there have been other devastating recessions, especially in 2009 and the early 90s. It helps to have someone to share the burden. 🙂 Thanks for mentioning the formatting! To me, it’s as essential as the content (and takes almost as long to finish ?).

  12. Financial woes can be devasting for a relationship. Sure, love can hold a couple together but stress can take its toll. Working together to find a resolution and remaining strong is what it takes to survive.

  13. Sometimes, love conquers all. I hope that would be the case for Sarah and Matt. But financial problems are too scary and too real for too many right now, so the story resonates on several levels. Well done.

  14. I love that song and love is great, but there are so many that go through this financial crisis at one time or another. I know I’ve been there. I pray for all those that are in need.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Debbie. Big hug. ♥

  15. Love is a heck of a solid foundation! We can always build from there.
    Too many people have faced this situation – hope Matt and Sarah’s situation turned out okay!

  16. Ahhh, what a sweet ending! Oh brother, I really felt for Sarah and Matt as we’ve been in this sort of situation a number of times over the years. It’s really scary when you have children. Years ago from all of the ups and downs of lost income, strained credit cards, and other monthly obligations I felt like we were drawing in that vicious trap. The best thing we did was to consolidate everything and eventually got everything paid off over a 7-year period. Getting all of our debts home mortgage and credit cards paid in full was liberating! We vowed to never let ourselves get swamped liked that again and so far we’ve been successful. Nice story!

    1. Hi Cathy, I can imagine how serious the situation would be when you have children to worry about. You must have been so relieved to get those debts paid off! We were in the same boat (except no kids), and it also took several years to get clear, but we sure learned a good lesson. It is definitely liberating to be debt-free! 😀