Dogs have always been part of my life; a love passed down from generation to generation. Protracted unemployment in the early 90s required some creativity.
Thus, my pet care business was born. This is a continuing series.
Click HERE► for more chapters.
Bailey was three or four when we first met. His people loved to travel, and he was a frequent guest for the rest of his life.
We gave him the nickname “Son” because we loved him as our own.
He was so friendly (a typical Golden trait), that once he happily allowed burglars into his house. This probably saved his life!
When Bailey got older, he developed severe environmental allergies and needed daily shots. Otherwise, he was a healthy boy and lived to be 13, which is longer than average for this breed.
He died only a few weeks after our Dalmatian. His mom and I comforted each other, and she gifted me with a book: “Merle’s Door – Lessons From A Free Thinking Dog,” by Ted Keresote.
Inside, she had inscribed “In memory of Bailey and Tasha, two of the best free-thinking dogs.” I cried.
Cody was the size of a small pony, but as good-natured as they come. His people, not so much.
What disturbed me most was they seemed to view their dog more as an inconvenience than anything else.
It’s no surprise that Cody always bounded up our front steps and was thrilled to see us! The feeling was mutual.
We dubbed him “Grandson” because he and Bailey bonded like family.
Cody was the only one allowed to jump on Bailey and wrestle with him. If any other dogs tried that, he would get downright nasty!
We had Cody for several weeks every year. His last visit was in 2013 when he was ten years old.
He had a congenital heart defect, and I can only guess what may have happened.
It’s sad to think about, especially since his owners didn’t bother to let me know, one way or the other.
They’re not the first and likely won’t be the last. Some clients don’t realize I love their dogs almost as much as they do! (Or, in this case, probably more.)
ADVENTURES IN DOGSITTING; CHAPTER TEN. Bailey and Cody had a special bond! 📖 #dogladysden #AmWriting #dogstories #WritingCommunity Share on X

Coming up on Monday, Feb. 15:
(sorry, no Valentine’s Day crap 😉 )
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Pet sitting is not for everyone, only people like you who really love animals can do that. I have to confess that my pet was brought to home against my wishes. He is a cute and beautiful pug, very calm, detached, almost monk-like. But I grew to like him and now take him for his regular morning walks.
Dogs are awesome! They have more soul than many humans. I hate to hear about dogs and cats being thought of as an inconvenience. Some people shouldn’t have pets if they can’t properly take care of them.
You’re so right, Eugenia. Animals are better than humans in many instances. Unfortunately, some people view their pets as objects or status symbols. Sad! ?
Awww…those puppers are adorable. Having had two Goldens, I know their personality and think they are wonderful dogs. Our first one lived 11 years. He had a stroke and we had to send him over the Bridge. The second one only lived to seven years and mysteriously passed away in his sleep for no obvious reason. I took that one especially hard. Now, we have Cabo, the golden doodle who is every bit as loved as the other two. Our first dog together was a full collie who lived to around 11 or 12. You would have loved all three of them.
All of your dogs sound lovely, Lisa! What a heartbreak with the second Golden. That must have been devastating! ? I’ve seen your photos of Cabo, and he’s a handsome boy. ♥ Goldendoodles are popular, and we see them all over town, along with other “doodles” (lab, Bernese etc.) Thanks for coming by!
I feel bad for dogs, especially big ones that are cooped inside all day. Animals were intended to live outdoors so they need a place to let go of that energy. It’s wonderful you have such a passion to care for these animals. That one pet owner was not a very considerate person, obviously to his/her dog or to people. That’s awful having such a question mark over what happened to Grandson. Both animals were beautiful!
Well, to me, dogs are 4-legged kids, part of the family, and I would never make them live outside. Pretty dangerous too, with bad weather and coyotes on the prowl. That said, they certainly need lots of fresh air and exercise. Keeps the dog owners tuned up, as well. ? True, Grandson’s people were unpleasant. I’m not surprised they didn’t think to let me know what happened. Goldens are lovely! ❤
I can’t read stories like that without wanting to hug my sleeping “angel” at my feet.
Same here. Some people don’t deserve to have dogs.
Someone where I work has a golden retriever that comes to the store one or two days a month, to visit with employees and customers. That dog is a celebrity, and knows it.
Goldens make wonderful ambassadors. ♥
Two special stories about two special pups. They embed themselves into our hearts and remain there forever.
Have a fabulous day and week, Debbie. Big hug. ♥
They certainly do, Sandee! Thanks for coming by.
While I no longer have a dog of my own, I am a doggie grandma to a 4 month old Burnadoodle. My son brings him over everytime he comes and the dog loves being out running free in my yard, which is completely fenced in. He doesn’t have that luxury at his house. And his predecessor was attacked by coyotes in the driveway, so someone always has to be out with him even on a long leash.
Sad story about the coyotes! We have them here too, unfortunately.
I’m very upset when I hear someone say, “That dog was too much trouble. We had to get rid of it.” What if they have children? Will they get rid of an annoying child, or one who is ill? Will they get rid of their parents because they’re old? Goldens are beautiful dogs.
I agree with you 100%, Janie! Some people shouldn’t have children or pets. Goldens are lovely. ♥