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Dog Mom and (retired) Canine Innkeeper in suburban Toronto, Canada, known as The Doglady. Former corporate workaholic. Writer, photographer, digital creator. Animal lover, music fanatic, inveterate traveller. Eternal hippie/rockchick. History, literature and cinema buff. Hockey and soccer fan. Dedicated night owl. German/Canadian binational, multilingual. Let me entertain you!
12 thoughts on “PLACES LIVED”
Life is exciting indeed! It’s is interesting to think about how different places we lived in shaped us as human beings. Beautiful photos 🙂
Welcome to The Den, Maria! 🙂 I see you’ve landed on a static page. Yes. we definitely are shaped by where we’ve lived and I was fortunate that my life has had an international flavour.
My entry for the Sunday Stills “Green” theme is on the blog. Here’s the direct link:
Thank you for visiting!
Beautiful post! You have lived in some fabulous cities.
Thanks for coming by here, Eugenia. I have lived in some interesting places. 🙂
Very Interesting blogs, My wife and I live in Pennsylvania. A town near us was nick named Little switzerland, Its real name is Jim Thorpe
Thank you for visiting my Den! I will return the favour. 🙂 How interesting, to have a town named after a person’s full name. Thanks for sharing.
Looks like a nice place!
Thanks Andro. Spent a good part of the last year and a half in California, tending to family issues.
I was sure that I had commented on here before 🙂 lol Well I am now of course and you have been to some lovely locations Debbie… In a word… Wicked 😉
Androgoth XXx
i lived in dorfmark for a short while and minden loved germany maybe il go back one day xxjen
Sprechen Sie Deutsch? I would like to go back for a visit too! 🙂
What a wonderful way to show your journey so far, through this time allotted to us, I think it’s called our lifespan …lol!!… From Germany to Canada, I am so, so jealous, I would only be able to show a picture of Britain, with a little dot to show a couple of towns.
So, much traveled lady, glad to meet you… and glad to read your blogs.. I love your page set up, original and makes you want to click everything in sight..lol!! but, alas, I must away, like I said , work waits for no man, (er…woman)…xPenx
Thanks for visiting Pen. My only foray into Britain was London and I loved it! Was in the summer of 1969, at the height of Carnaby Street’s popularity. Very cool! Also loved all things historical, like Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London, etc. etc. Soho was fascinating too! There was an English band, popular at the time called Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich. One of my favourite song of theirs was “Night in Soho”. Very dramatic, LOL