Photography Blogfests #WW

Welcome to Wordless Wednesday!

A weekly blogging initiative where you share one or more photographs, theoretically without words, but hey, how many writers do you know who can remain silent?  😀 

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Skywatch Friday Blogfest!

A place to enjoy skies and views from all around the globe, every week. Simply take a picture that includes the SKY, publish it on your blog and link to the host (see below).

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Daylight Savings Time came around again in most of  North America on Sunday, March 8th.  For insomniacs like me, losing that hour is a real bitch! Spring forward? More like drag my ass out of bed, for a week!

tired and lying down, bitmoji

So, what did I do? Stayed up the entire night, then headed down to Lake Ontario (10 minutes away) to catch a sunrise. This is a rare occurance for a nightowl and worth the sacrifice, as you can see! 🌞

[Click on images to enlarge]

📷 Camera: Canon PowerShot SX600 HS 📷

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Linking up with these #WW hosts:

 bethere2day / Comedy Plus / Curious As A Cathy / image-in-ing
Natasha Musing / My Corner of the World / Wordless Wednesday 

And with SKYWATCH FRIDAY, hosted by Yogi

Join us, will you?

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Which do you see more of, sunrises or sunsets?

Looking forward to your comments!

Debbie's signature

A RARE SUNRISE! #WordlessWednesday #WW #dogladysden #photography #SkywatchFriday Share on X

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20 thoughts on “A RARE SUNRISE!

  1. When we lived on the east coast of Florida, we saw many a beautiful sunrise. Where we are now, we see some gorgeous sunsets. Perhaps, not as dramatic as those on coastlines but pretty just the same.

  2. Debbie,
    Our house faces the south so I get a glimpse of the sun rising and setting most days. Well…I see mostly the sun’s glow across the sky painting the clouds. In the mornings, I can see the sun peeking over the horizon which is always a nice sight to start my day off. I’d like to photograph more of both. Fabulous photos. Thanks for visiting and joining me for Wild Wednesdays, my dear!

  3. Beautiful pics (surprise, surprise)! I see more sets than rises with my schedule, and my personality.

  4. I see a lot more sunsets. My sunrises generally are when the sunrise times coincide with my commute to work, meaning “during parts of winter”. Also, where I live in upstate New York, clouds are around too often. These photos were well worth the getting out early, Debbie D – thank you for your sacrifice!