The previous year went by so fast, it’s all a blur!
Doesn’t it seem like the passage of time accelerates as we get older?
All the more reason to make the most of it, yes?
2015 Highlights:
January 27th marked the dreaded BIG 6-0 for me! Thumbing our noses at that whole ageing thing, hubby and I celebrated with Bob Seger and an overnight stay at a beautiful, boutique hotel. Bob, no spring chicken himself (70), put on a great show and we had a marvellous time. Read all about it HERE and HERE.

January Archives February Archives
In March, I finally gave in to my doctor’s nagging suggestion to undergo a sleep study at the local hospital, which was documented in detail HERE. The long-overdue follow-up article will be written in the next few weeks.
April ushered in the annual A to Z Blogging Challenge, founded by Arlee Bird, where hundreds of bloggers publish 26 posts in 30 days. WHEW! It was my second such experience and I’ll be doing it again this April. Not only is it great exposure for your blog, you also have the opportunity to meet some brilliant people and forge new friendships. Stay tuned for details! Last year’s entries, under the theme “Favourite Words”, are listed HERE. “Travel & Culture”, the theme for 2014 can be found HERE.
It was through Arlee that I got hooked last May on a bi-monthly music feature called “Battle of the Bands” (#BOTB), hosted by Far Away Series and StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands. You can see what it’s all about HERE. Next Battle at The Den will take place on Friday, Jan. 15th.
June marked the launch of a new memoir series called #Musical Memories, which I plan to continue with this year and beyond. See previous chapters HERE.

In July, The #Cherished Blogfest, hosted by Damyanti Biswas, et al, invited us to share our most cherished possessions. Over 100 bloggers took part in this fun social project. Read my entry HERE.
August provided another fabulous blog linkup, the #WEPFF Challenge, from Denise Covey and Yolanda Renée, called Spectacular Settings. Any guesses what my setting of choice was? Full points if you said Greece! 🙂 Check it out HERE.

September offered a guest posting opportunity over at Jingle Jangle Jungle. Thank you, Mary Burris, for allowing this old rock chick to share some recollections! See it HERE.
We had a spectacular autumn last October, which I documented in photos, during a tour of suburbia. Enjoy it HERE.

September Archives October Archives
In November, it was my pleasure to host author Guilie Castillo Oriard, in support of her first solo book, THE MIRACLE OF SMALL THINGS. You can read all about that HERE.
December afforded another great photo op when hubby and I drove to Niagara Falls (only 45 minutes from home) to take in the annual Winter Festival of Lights. See the spectacular show HERE.

November Archives December Archives
P.S.: I still haven’t CUT MY HAIR!
According to its annual report, The Doglady’s Den was viewed about 21,000 times in 2015. That’s an improvement of approx. 6000 over the previous year. Onwards and upwards! Click on the image to view details:
Thanks also for the blogging/writing tips, prompts and camaraderie offered by

Your support is much appreciated! ♥ I hope you will continue to let me entertain you with memoirs, photos, travelogues, creative writing pieces, music galore and so much more. Have a great year!
The Doglady’s Den is written in Canadian English
(“Doglady” is purposely one word – creative licence)
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55 thoughts on “THE DOGLADY’S 2015 RETROSPECTIVE”
Hey Debbie,
my, my, you have been a busy girl last year. That was a marked improvement on the previous year and I reckon you will do even better this year.
Sorry I haven’t been by for a while but there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to do all the things you love.
I hope you get everything you ever wished for in 2016.
Nice to see you again, Peter. 🙂 Busy what? I’m almost 61 and I think that qualifies me for womanhood. 😉 (You may remember THIS, as you left a comment.)
It doesn’t seem like all that much until you actually compile it on one page. The website is steadily growing, which will come in handy if I ever get around to publishing that book. 😛 Thanks for the good wishes and Happy New Year!
I actually do remember that post Debbie. I can’t be certain but I think its one of the first ones that I commented on.
I’ll try to pop in more often 😉
Hahaha! You could be right about it being your first comment here. Always nice to see an old friend. Drop by any time and I will, as well. Cheers!
First, I didn’t even know Bob Seger was still doing concerts so that had to be pretty cool.
Second, it’s amazing that you remembered so much from your year… although maybe in my 59th year I’ll document what’s going on along the way so I can record it in a blog post when I turn 60. I hardly remember anything from 2015; that’s almost depressing. lol
It sounds like you had a lot of fun. I hope you have a lot more in 2016.
Hi, Mitch; Yes, Bob came out with a new album and followed it up with a tour. He’s still got it! 😀
Actually, my memory’s not that great (almost 61 😛 ). Thank goodness for the archives! You should do a retrospective post. It can breath new life into articles you’ve published previously, yes?
So far, 2016 has been pretty boring and not much happening in the foreseeable future to get excited about. Could be the winter doldrums setting in.
Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend!
Hey Debbie,
Happy New Year dear. This was such a fun post to read. I love seeing reflections of others lives. It’s fun and a great way to get to know a person better. You are so interactive with so many communities, I can’t tell you how impressive that is. I am amazed at how fantastic you are with interaction. Keep rockin the online world my friend. See you around the net doll.
Happy New Year, Irish! 🙂 Thanks so much for coming by. Yes, I enjoy these social blogging opportunities and do my best to respond to all comments, etc. See you soon!
Hi Debbie,
Hopping in after a while to wish you a very Happy & Prosperous New Year 🙂
Just as everyone else mentioned, the past year sure has been a hectic one, and I remember you’d taken off for a while and yes, traveled around too. Good to have you back, and see you around more now. Take care and enjoy your weekend 🙂
Happy New Year, Harleena. So nice to see you! 🙂 Yes, I find that taking occasional breaks helps to stimulate creativity. Thanks for dropping in.
That was quite a year!
I hope 2016 will be a good one!
It was busier than I thought! 🙂 Here’s to a great year for all of us. Thanks for dropping in, Clowie and Happy New Year!
Hi Debbie, wow, quite a year with starting a new decade 🙂 I don’t know how you did that A-Z challenge. I love seeing your travel adventures too. Loved Niagara Falls. I look forward to reading more of yours posts in 2016 – Happy New Year!
HI, Lisa, Happy New Year to you. 🙂 This will be my third A-Z Challenge and I’m looking forward to it, but also dreading it, as it is a lot of pressure. The friendships and connections made are invaluable, though. It’s open to anyone who blogs, regardless of subject matter. Glad you enjoyed the Niagara Falls photos. That light show was pretty amazing. Thanks for dropping in and all the best for 2016!
Sometimes it feels like *nothing* is really happening. Then you do a retrospective and realize it was busier than you thought.
Happy New Year!
That’s so true, Robin! Happy New Year to you, as well. Thanks for dropping in.
Hey Debbie and Happy New Year!
I love the recap of your site. It’s great to see how far a blog has come. Happy to see yours grow. Here’s wishing you a bigger and better 2016!
Nice to see you, Brenda. 🙂 Happy New Year to you, too! Yes, it’s “onwards and upwards” here. Not bad for a humble little personal website, if I do say so, myself. Thanks for visiting, my friend!
Wonderful recap! I look forward to what 2016 will bring to your blog!
Thanks, Mike. 🙂 Happy New Year to you.
Busy year! Hope for just as great looking a 2016 for ya! Do NOT cut your hair, it looks amazing! I’m growing mine out after having a moment of mid-summer weakness and chopping half of it off.
Thanks, Madilyn. 🙂 I will keep the hair long but go in for a trim, just to keep it healthy. Hope yours grows back fast. Happy New Year!
Visits really went up, didn’t they?
You got involved in a lot of blog events, which made a big difference. Especially the A to Z Challenge. The first one six years ago made a huge difference for my site.
You’re so right about the blogging events, Alex. They do make a huge difference, plus, they’re fun and challenging. I’ll be joining the A-Z again this year, as well as the Feb. 1 Lost & Found blogfest. Thanks for coming by. 🙂
A great percentage of my “time well spent” in the blogosphere, is the time I spend here with you and your fine friends.
I can’t say it any plainer than that, Debbie… Looking forward to sharing 2016 with you… Myke
I’m flattered and humbled by your words, Myke. Thank you so much and Happy New Year! 🙂 Looking forward to your next great poem.
What a fun retrospective of 2015 – sounds like a great year! Happy New Year, and all the very best to you in 2016! 🙂
Thanks, Laurel. 🙂 Happy New Year to you as well.
What a great review of the last year, and thanks for the mention – twice. I’m just coming back from a break and things are hopping, got to catch up! 🙂 You’re right about the passage of time, it is age that speeds it up. Wonder why?
Loved meeting you this year! Hope the New Year is a great one for you! And congratulations – 43 years – astounding! You have to share that in February!
Hi, Yolanda; I was off for a couple of weeks as well and it’s taking a while to get back into the swing of things. I’m glad you enjoyed the review. Meeting you and Denise and learning about WEP was certainly a blogging highlight for me. 🙂
And yes, I’ll be talking about my 43 years long marriage for the #LostFound2016 blogfest on Feb. 1. Thanks!
All the best for 2016 to you!
A great round up post a month by month update 🙂 Hope this year brings you even more better news and accolades 🙂
Thanks, Richa. Happy New Year! 🙂
Hi Debbie! Welcome back and Happy New Year:-)
I’d dearly love to see Seger one day – lucky you! I’ll be interested to read about your sleep study. I’ve had one too, but it had to do with epilepsy. Hopefully they’ll come up with some relief for you. I missed “The Miracle of Small Things” but intend to fix that right away 🙂 Having truly enjoyed your posts last year, I look forward to another terrific year of the same!
Thanks, Diedre. Happy New Year to you! 🙂
I hope you get a chance to see Bob Seger. He puts on a great show! My sleeping issues involve chronic insomnia, going back to childhood. Not resolved yet, but hopefully soon. I will write that follow-up article in the next few weeks. You’ll love “The Miracle of Small Things”! It’s both entertaining and educational. I’m glad you enjoyed my posts. Your stories of haunted places are fascinating and fun to read as well.
Congratulations on a well documented and fulfilling 2015. May your next year be just as amazing!
Thanks, Jeffrey. 🙂 Happy New year!
It was an honor to be among your top commenters of the past year and hope to be among them in 2016.
The years definitely seem to go faster as I grow older. Last year is a blur, but it was a very good year as far as I was concerned. Ever the optimist, every year of my life has been a great one.
Though I remember reading the “double dog dare” I now can’t remember it. Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for the 15th.
Arlee Bird
Thank you, Lee and I’m honoured that you are such a frequent visitor here. 🙂 Great attitude about life you have! When one considers the alternative, you’re so right. I just wish time would slow down a little.
I’m sure you’ll enjoy Shady’s “Double Dog Dare Challenge”. It was fun to put together.
Thanks for dropping by and Happy New Year!
You’ve had a busy and fruitful year, Debbie! I did wonder about the results of your sleep study – look forward to reading about that soon.
Have a wonderful 2016!
Thanks, Corinne. The sleep study results and aftermath will be documented in the next few weeks. It’s an ongoing struggle but I hope to see more improvement, eventually. All the best for 2016 to you as well!
Congrats for having a rocking year. Happy New Year and many cheerz to all your achievements:)
Thanks, Vishal. 🙂 Happy New Year!
I can only learn from the charming and natural way you blog. No wonder you have so many followers and that your blog is growing. I hope I can spend more time on my blog, and build up such a loyal group of readers too. Ride on Debbie! You are on a roll! And I don’t mean a doggy roll. 🙂
Angelika recently posted….HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2016
Thanks for the compliment, Angelika. 🙂 It’s still a small following, but I am encouraged that it’s growing. I enjoy your blog as well, but it looks like you’ve linked to the obsolete one, as the recent post listed belongs to wordpress.com and not you. I’ll do an edit for you, but it’s difficult to fix that.
Wow, what an achievement last year! I couldn’t write even half of that.
Good luck, Debby. Have a happy 2016.
Happy New Year, Shalini! 🙂 It’s a labour of love. Thanks for your good wishes.
Hey Debbie, feel inspired reading all the things you’ve been upto the past year! Hope your sleeping problem improves this year. And keep your long hair on! You rocked 2015, 2016 should be even better! Happy New year and all the best for the same 🙂
Happy New Year, Kala! 🙂 Yes, the sleeping issue has been a lifelong affliction and I’ll definitely keep the long hair, but I will get a couple of inches trimmed off to keep it healthy. Blogging is all about social interaction and these blogfests are great opportunities to make new friends around the world. Thanks for dropping in.
What a neat post Debbie, and I do remember the milestones you crossed through the year. Looking forward to another year following you. BTW, what’s the scoop on your sleeping issue? Hopefully you are resting peacefully.
Thanks, Carol. Happy New year to you! 🙂 I’ve had chronic insomnia most of my life and will be doing a follow-up article to the sleep study, soon. It’s been a rough road and not much improvement yet, but hopefully in future.
Yay!!! Happy New Year to you Debbie!!! You’ve had quite a year! The two things that make me smile the biggest? You got to see my fellow Michigander Bob Seger! Love, love, love him! AND, you didn’t cut your hair!!!!!! 😀 – Here’s to another year of great music and long, beautiful hair!
Happy New Year, Angel! 🙂 That was our second time at a Bob Seger concert. The man is amazing, still! ♥
I’ll be keeping the long hair, but trimming off a couple of inches, just to get rid of the dead ends. There will always be plenty of music here. Thanks for dropping in.
Hahaha! I sure did take you up on that challenge, Shady and even added another aspect to it. 😀 Thanks for the idea!
BTW, I’m planning to get a haircut later today – honest! (Somehow, I always talk myself out of it.) Before then, I’ll be sure to check out your post.
Your friendship means the world to me as well and I’m glad we connected in the Blogosphere. See you soon!
You had quite the year! Welcome back from your break. Looking forward to your upcoming battle!
Thanks. Mary. 🙂 Happy New Year to you! it’s good to be back and I’m rarin’ to go.