This will be my fourth A to Z Challenge and I’m pumped! Check out the Blogging from A to Z website for more info. The Theme Reveal is a social event, so please visit as many participants as you can, add comments and share on your various networks. Enjoy!

My three previous themes were favourite topics: travel, language and dogs. So, what’s left? Care to guess? I’ll be combining two other frequent subjects here at The Doglady’s Den. Any ideas? This motif has been used by others as well, but I’m hoping you’ll be entertained by it, regardless.


We’re gonna go


You’ve probably figured it out by now:

My theme for the April A to Z Blogging Challenge of 2017 is…….



Hashtag: #MusicalMemories

Check out my theme. What's yours? #AtoZReveal #AtoZChallenge #dogladysden Share on X

I’ll be showcasing one song per letter, complete with video, along with the memory it triggers. You’ll find every post, including this one, listed HERE, as it gets published.

For this edition of the A to Z Challenge, we’ll be

Hop into my time machine and journey back to the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s!

Thanks to Mary @ Jingle Jangle Jungle for the fabulous idea of adding a Youtube playlist! (to be updated daily in April)

So, what do you think? Interesting? Boring? Not Sure?

All posts are scheduled to go live at 12:01 a.m. (00:01) Eastern Time. [Toronto. Same time as New York]

The Doglady’s Den is written in Canadian English (“Doglady” is purposely one word – creative licence)

Debbie signature style 5



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  1. Sounds like a fabulous theme. Music can make such powerful memories – can’t wait to see you posts. Apologies for taking so long to return your visit to my blog, I’ve been madly scrabbling to catch up after my hols.
    Tasha’s Thinkings – Shapeshifters and Werewolves

  2. Perfect theme… soundtracks of our lives… I’ll be back to hear what you have to say.

  3. Yay! The ’60s, ’70s and ’80s are my favorites, Debbie! When I started reading this post…and saw “What’s left?” I answered, “MUSIC”!! I am eagerly looking forward to reading your A to Z of #MusicalMemories

  4. Hi Debbie! Looking forward to your posts. Your theme sounds exciting! Happy blogging!

    – Anjali – Day-dreamer, occasional writer, guitar hobbyist and dog-lover

    1. Hmmm… a bit manic perhaps, but crazy? Or maybe you meant that as a compliment? 🙂 In any case, thanks for stopping by. Good luck with your first A to Z Challenge.

  5. This sounds lovely! Musical memories is perfect for you, knowing how active you are with BOTB usually 🙂 I hope I find some of my favourites in here. Let me guess. Is ‘M’ for Metallica? 😉

    1. Thanks, Shailaja. 🙂 Music has always been an integral part of my life. There won’t be any Metallica though (and you’re likely relieved about that, eh? ;). I didn’t get into them until the ’90s and these memories will all be older than that. Happy A to Z-ing!

  6. Sounds like a theme right up your alley, DEBBIE!

    Let’s see here… A… A… uhm, A…
    I can’t think of any songs beginning with A. I guess I wouldn’t be good at this theme.

    ‘Always And Forever’
    B… B… uhm, B…

    For the first time ever, I noticed the blouse you’re wearing in your avatar photo. Dang! Circa 1970 I had a paisley shirt that looked very much like that — same colors, same shiny material . That was my very favorite shirt and I almost always wore it with a very light brown, fringed vest over it. In fact, I liked that hippie “outfit” so much that I wore it for my 5th grade class picture.

    Yup, I was a sharp-dressed wild thing in those days. Ha!

    ~ D-FensDogG
    Check out my new blog @
    (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews…

    1. Memories and music just naturally go together, don’t they? 🙂 Thanks for coming by, Stephen. Apologies for the late response, but I’m still immersed in finishing these A to Z entries. Time’s running out! 😮 You’re the first person who’s remarked on my attire. That’s a paisley caftan I like to wear around the house. I still favour the Bohemian style, all those years later. You might enjoy this:
      Sounds like you had some cool hippie outfits yourself! 🙂

  7. This is gonna be fun!! I’m thinking we may accidently do the same artists/ songs on the odd day!!
    I’m waiting for that “A” to get the people on the dance floor!!
    Have fun!!! 😉

    1. Wouldn’t it be one helluva coincidence if we used the same songs? 🙂 Highly unlikely, but you never know, right? Thanks for dropping in. You have fun, too!

  8. Wonderful theme Debbie! My knowledge of musical chartbusters is pretty limited and your posts will help solve that! Wish you all the very best for the challenge!

  9. Musical memories are some of the best!
    Hubby and I keep having difference in opinions with our 8 year old son who thinks Justin Bieber and Ed Sheeran are the ultimate musical mega stars…

  10. Musical Memories! That’s really cool. I tend to get attached to songs that remind me of things as well. I’ll definitely be checking out your posts to get my daily dose of music 🙂

  11. Debbie, anything that has to do with mewsic is a purrfect idea! I think this will be loads of fun and sure stir my own flashbacks with your alapha song prompt each day. I’m totally looking forward to your posts! 😀

    1. ♫ Dance to the mewsic ♫ 😀 I’m glad you like the theme, Cathy. There are so many memories in song. Thanks for dropping in. Looking forward to your sketches!

  12. I love music of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s – my childhood, my early adulthood, and my 30’s. Looking forward to reading your posts. (You know me from another blog – As crazy as I am, I’m going to try to participate with two blogs this year.)

    1. Thanks for introducing me to your other site. I’ll definitely check it out. 🙂 Glad to know you like my theme. You are so brave! 😮 I can’t imagine doing this challenge with more than one blog. Best wishes!

  13. I think this is going to be great, Debbie! Look forward to reading and “singing” along with you! 😉

    1. Yes, I thought you might enjoy it, Lee. 🙂 When you’ve been around as long as we have, there are plenty of memories to draw on (although “X” was pretty tough). I’m looking forward to your posts as well. Thanks again for starting this whole thing. Always something to look forward to!

  14. Debbie, I am in love with your theme this year! Musical memories are the absolute best. It not only gives great insight into the writer, but is a fantastic way to share some wonderful music. Thank you for the shout out.


    1. I’m glad you like it, Mary. 🙂 Your theme rocks, as well! Thanks for the brilliant soundtrack idea. I like to give credit where it’s due. Happy A to Z-ing!

  15. Sounds like fun! Never thought of it that way before, but music is so influential and just hearing a particular song brings back memories, some good, some bad. Hmm … Love you idea! I will be back!!!

    1. As Dick Clark once said: “Music is the soundtrack of your life.” Certainly true in my case. 🙂 I’m glad you like the theme idea, Yolanda. Have a great A to Z Challenge!

    1. I’m glad you like it, Nick. Yes, those were the best days in music history. Of course, I’m a little biased. 🙂 Thanks for dropping in and Happy A to Z-ing!

  16. This sounds wonderful, Debbie. Right up your alley with your love of music and memories. I look forward to reading your daily posts. It will be great!

    I haven’t decided if I’m doing the A-Z this year and don’t have a particular theme in mind and I see today is the day to reveal the theme. If I do it, I will just do a general one with my usual nutty poems, photography and fiction probably.

    I’ve been doing a photo a day challenge and joined that group Laurel belongs to. I’ve been finding that challenging plus there are so many people in that group, I get lost in the huge crowd. Beautiful photos but too many to see them all. I find it a bit overwhelming and had to hide the posts from my newsfeed or I was bombarded by photos and could just sit here all day looking and commenting on them.

    All the best with the A to Z Challenge, Debbie! Let the fun begin!

    1. Hi Cat; I’m thrilled to see you’ve joined the A to Z in the meantime. 🙂 The photo challenge sounds perfect for you as well. Daily blogging is overwhelming for me. Not the post writing necessarily, but the reciprocating and responding to comments. Always way behind, there, but it is rewarding. Have a good one!

  17. Debbie Hola!
    That is one very exciting theme. I can’t wait to read your posts and go down musical memory lane through your words. I’m a 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s musical buff too!

    Enjoy the ride and if music be the food for love, play on!
    P.S: And yes glad to meet another dog lover. Hi-five!
    Link to my theme: #AtoZChallenge2017- Theme Reveal : {Travel Epiphanies} » Natasha Musing

    1. We have much in common, Natasha! 🙂 Thanks for dropping in. Your travel posts will be of great interest. Hope you have a wonderful experience with your first A to Z challenge.

  18. I am certainly looking forward to this. I adore you marathon months.

    Just to make sure I understand you when you say I am free to run, with the other bloggers who participate in this exercise?
    What an opportunity, for a shy person like myself… hehe

    1. I’m glad you enjoy this, Michael. 🙂 Sure, The April A to Z Challenge is the biggest social event in the blogging world. It’s a great place to meet new and interesting writers.

  19. Looove Ur blog, friend D … at first when I saw Ur challenge thing question, me thought : O no, not again cuz me is not good at challenges (of any kind) nor is me good at remembering any words of any song … but I sure remember the music and the times associated with those times … sigh … so dat was easy, hmmm? … Love, cat.

    1. Your only challenge will be to read my posts, but only if and when you want to, cat. 🙂 Music sure has a way of sending us back in time, doesn’t it? I’m glad you enjoy my blog. Likewise, my friend. Love your poems, music and travelogues. Thanks for dropping in!