This actually happened. We found each other again a year later.
[Read “The Year Was 1970” for the whole story!]

magic man

She was struck, as if by lightening

So intense ’twas almost frightening

Dark eyes staring at her face.

staring brown eye

There he sat, so nonchalant

Charmer, rogue or bon vivant?

Her heart began to race!

Is this love?

Was he the one she waited for

Her wildest fantasy and more

Could this be the case?

dreaming of prince charming

She heard a noise and turned around

Then sadly, turning back she found

He’d left without a trace.

puff of smoke

scroll divider

Debbie signature style 5

Originally published May 24 2013


Memories of Autumn

Before you go, have a listen to PODCAST EPISODE #3.
Guaranteed to make you laugh! 


Click HERE► to read the original article.

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52 thoughts on “THE ONE WHO GOT AWAY

  1. Fabulous poem Debbie! Glad to hear that he found his way back to you. But alas, another two-legged dog. I’m all too very familiar with that variety, sad to say… But hopefully the ride was worth the trip… 😉

    Michele at Angels Bark

  2. Good poem, DEBBIE. Ahh, yes, women leaving me without a trace — it’s one of the (many) stories of my life.

    Sorry to find you’re not posting a Battle this time, but I’ll return for the July 15th contest. You say this will be a Battle I suggested to you? Hmmm…. I can’t even remember now what that was. Guess I’ll find out in a month.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    [Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews…

    1. Sorry to bail, Stephen, but I needed to get away from the internet for awhile. I left you a hint about the next battle on your results post.

  3. Great poem ! Your comment about “a two-legged dog” was a hoot as well 😉 I’ve found that some re-runs are better the second time around.

    1. Hi diedre; Lots of ‘two-legged dogs’ in the world! 😀 I like rerunning certain posts. You often get a completely different audience. I’m glad you enjoyed the poem. Thanks for dropping in!

    1. I’m glad you liked it, Myke! 🙂 I’m limiting online time to better enjoy the summer, which is always too short. Thanks for dropping in.

  4. Lovely poem, Debbie, and good to know, (after reading your replies) that you both got together… Sigh!! I always love happy endings…have a great rest of the week my friend. xPenx

    1. Thanks for dropping by Penny. Yes, it was interesting that we got together a year later, but sad to say, it didn’t last, in the end. I’m a little behind with the social media, but promise to catch up soon. Have a great week! 🙂

    1. Glad you enjoyed it Cynthia. True story! We met again a year later and he didn’t disappear that time. 🙂 Thanks for visiting.

  5. Hi Debbie,

    Lovely powerful lines I’d say – and I love the way you sum it up by saying less, yet it means so much. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing – loved it honestly 🙂

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, Harleena. I never know where the muse will take me. 😉 Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend.

    1. LOL Just a little amusing tale. True story though; we met again a year later and this time he didn’t disappear! 😀 Thanks for visiting, Bren.

  6. This is a beautiful poem Debbie…you certainly have the gift for it my friend 🙂

    1. Glad you liked it, Corina. Based on a true story and guess what? We met up again a year later, and this time he didn’t disappear. 😀

  7. Love it, Debbie! But I was waiting for a punchline about one of your handsome four-legged friends 🙂

    Great poem – really enjoyed it!
