Welcome back!  It’s time to announce the results for June 15th’s BOTB post.

Battle of the Bands BOTB

BATTLE OF THE BANDS (BOTB), hosted by Far Away Series and  StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands. is where you listen to different recordings of the same song and vote for the one you like best. Two “Battles” per month, on the 1st and 15th. Votes will be tallied and posted the following week.

This one pitted California’s dancing/singing The Pussycat Dolls
against Oregon’s eclectic orchestral band, Pink Martini

For a while there, it looked like The Pussycat Dolls were going to win by a landslide, but slowly, the votes for Pink Martini started coming in. Although I liked both versions, I ended up choosing them as well. There was something about that languid, “smooth jazz” delivery and Storm Large’s vocals that did it for me.



By a 22% margin.

SWAY poll results

Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote and comment.

Here’s the winner once again:

Don’t forget to check back with the others, for their BOTB results:

Angels Bark     Book Lover     Cherdo On The Flipside     Curious as a Cathy    DC Relief BOTB 
 🌟 Far Away Series🌟  J.A. Scott   Jingle Jangle Jungle  Mike’s Ramblings  Novel Brews  
   Sound of One Hand Typing    🌟StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands🌟
Tossing It Out    Women: We Shall Overcome   Your Daily Dose



Was this the outcome you expected or were you surprised?
Did your favourite win?

Looking forward to your comments!

Until next time.



Rockchick Rapture!
The Pussycat Dolls on Amazon
(affiliate link)


Well, I’m not sure yet, but……

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21 thoughts on “SWAY – #BOTB RESULTS

    1. Glad you enjoyed the battle, Lee. 🙂 Pink Martini almost caught up, towards the end. Thanks for coming by in the middle of your vacation.

  1. I missed this one but I’ll be sure to catch the next one. I like this song…hadn’t heard it in a long time :). Hope you’re having a great day Debbie!


  2. The best BATTLES are the close ones IMO, so you done good here. I voted for the winner on this one YIPPEE! These BATTLES are hard to predict and it ain’t over until it’s over, cause at the very last minute someone pulls a rabbit, or er…vote out of their hat. See you on the 1st.

    1. Thanks, FAE. 🙂 At first, it looked like the Pussycat Dolls would win by a landslide, so yes, the later votes made a significant difference.

  3. Hi Shady; Yes, I thought the Pussycats were going to run away with this one, but Pink Martini picked up steam in the end.
    Hope you and your family had a lovely Father’s Day. Thanks for your good wishes and enjoy your week. Cheers!

  4. Hi Debbie! Wow – I’m surprised at the closeness. When I left Pink Martini was underdog – I voted for them because I really liked the vocal, even though the pace was slower. Great pairing here!! Looking forward to July, (smile).

    1. Yes, I was surprised to see Pink Martini pick up steam towards the end. Not quite enough, though. They were my vocal preference as well. Thanks, Dixie. 🙂

  5. Wow, that was a nice close battle! Good job! Hope you had a great weekend. It rained all weekend here… The dogs were incredibly lazy today. Yesterday they ran like crazy! I love to see them run… See you for the next battle, if not sooner…

    1. It looked pretty one sided for awhile there, but Pink Martini started catching up. Not quite enough, though. 🙂
      We’ve had a lot of rain too and it’s getting boring now. LOL At least today was sunny and hot. Thanks for coming by to check out the results,

  6. That was a close race. The last time I looked, Pink Martini was getting clobbered pretty good, so that was a nice comeback. My own Battle was a blowout. I don’t have too many of those, so I guess I’ve been overdue. (Two in a row now.)

    Oh well, as Ed Wood said, “My next one will be better”.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    ‘Loyal American Underground’

    1. Haha! I’m guessing Joe Cocker was the runaway winner of your battle Stephen (didn’t see a results post on your blog yet). 🙂
      Pink Martini rallied towards the end, but it wasn’t quite enough. Ah well, they’re both good. See you next time. Thanks for dropping in.