Hosted by StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands, this is where you listen to different recordings and choose the one you prefer. There are two “Battles” per month, on the 1st and 15th. Votes will be tallied and posted the following week. (Please note: Effective July 2017, I switched to once a month on the 15th only. This will allow me more time to share other types of material with you.) Click HERE to view a complete list of my BOTB entries. See below for a list of current participants. Care to join us? Contact our host, by clicking on the above link and leaving a comment on his blog. The more, the merrier!
“Rumble” is an instrumental by American group Link Wray & His Ray Men. Released in the United States in April 1958 as a single (with “The Swag” as a B-side), “Rumble” utilized the techniques of distortion and feedback, then largely unexplored in rock and roll. The single is the only instrumental ever banned from radio in the United States. It was banned in several US radio markets because the term “rumble” was a slang term for a gang fight and it was feared the piece’s harsh sound glorified juvenile delinquency. It became a hit in the United States, where it climbed to number 16 on the charts in the summer of 1958. Bob Dylan once referred to it as “the best instrumental ever”.[It is also one of the first tunes to use the power chord, the “major modus operandi of the modern rock guitarist”. In 2018, the song was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in a new category for singles. – Wikipedia
On to the actual contest…
The Dave Clark Five, often called the DC5, were an English rock and roll band formed in Tottenham in 1957. In January 1964 they had their first UK top ten single, “Glad All Over”, which knocked The Beatles’ “I Want to Hold Your Hand” off the top of the Singles Chart. They also covered “Rumble” in 1964, on their first album, A Session with The Dave Clark Five; and again on their second American album, The Dave Clark Five Return!.
D.A. Sebasstian (born Devin Edward Chastain on February 27, 1964), is an American writer, film maker, musician and artist who founded Industrial Rock band, Kill Switch…Klick . “Rumble” is the 5th track from his self-titled first solo album, released in 2001. It was also included in the compilation album “Hold The Vocals” that same year:
Please state your preference in comments below and why you chose it.
Voting remains open until 11:59 pm, July 21st,
after which I will count the votes, add mine and publish the results.
These are the other BOTB regulars and semi-regulars.
Please cruise on by their sites and, if they have a post up, vote on their selections as well:
[Check back – there’s no set posting time]ai love music / Angels Bark / Cherdo On The Flipside / Curious as a Cathy / Jingle Jangle Jungle /
Mike’s Ramblings / Sound of One Hand Typing / HOST: StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands / Tossing it Out
As always, “Sharing is Caring”. Spread this musical joy all over your social networks.
Hashtags are #BOTB and #dogladysden
RUMBLE| BATTLE OF THE BANDS #BOTB Who did it better? #dogladysen Share on X
Next Battle on this site will be August 15th.
In the meantime, I’ll be sharing some favourite material that you may or may not have seen before. I’ll be taking a break and probably won’t be posting anything (except the BOTB results)! Turns out, updating and republishing old material is just as time-consuming as writing new stuff. And, the follow-up is equally intensive. Getting that old burned out feeling again! Time to enjoy the summer a little more. Cheers!
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D.A. Sebasstian gets my vote, a little harder sound
Thanks! Nice to see D.A. get another vote.
Oooh, I love DC5! A blast from the past…but such a good one!!
Another vote for DC5. I think the results are a foregone conclusion, now. Thanks, Cherdo. 🙂
DC5 for me as I liked their version decades ago growing up. One of my favourite bands at the time.
Thanks for coming by to vote, Roland. I think the DC5 are likely to win, here. They certainly were popular, back in the day. 🙂
This isn’t a vote because I’ve already voted but I just played these to Garry and he said, “Neither of them are a patch on the original.” So that’s another view I guess. He’s busy looking for how we can watch the film but seems as if it’s only available stateside – still searching!
Garry’s right about that, which is why most of us never include an original in the contest. 😉 I found the DVD on ebay.uk, but it likely would be coming from the U.S. Amazon UK does not have it, unfortunately, but Amazon.ca and Amazon.com, do. Here’s the eBay link:
Thanks Debbie – I think the issue with DVD is the region – we are Region 2 and there don’t seem to be any available. I’ll have to wait until I get back there! ?
Too bad! 🙁 I’ll keep looking…
Oh Give me the Dave Clark 5. I love the basic beat and the strong part of that repition. I laugh that it was banned…typical.
Another vote for the DC5. Thanks, Birgit. Yes, definitely typical and silly to ban the song! ?
Anytime you do anything in Blogosphere it’s intensive busyness. You may need to scale back to once a week like I’m doing throughout the summer, even this gets to be a handful at times but I don’t want to completely shut down. Onward to your battle. You know I never had an issue with a purrson’s skin color and I really don’t understand how some people can’t see beyond that. We’re all the same on the inside and if you’re a creationist believing that God formed mankind from the dust of the ground in His image then you know that the different genes that have given us a multitude of skin colors lie within each of us. Does this mean, we hate ourselves? We most certainly do not. I’m no better than anyone else because I’m white and I certainly do not think anyone is better than me because they are black, brown, red, or yellow. Am I forgetting any colors? I’d love to see a world where prejudice doesn’t exist but the truth is it’s been around almost nearly as long as the earth so I don’t think that’s going to happen no matter how many people protest or whine or legislate or what have you. It’s something ingrained in some humans a little or a lot. Am I ranting? Yep, sounds like it. Let’s get back to the battle. This was an easy pick for me. I prefer DC5. The other band used too much drum which annoyed me just a bit and overpowered the guitar in their rendition. ‘Rumble’ is an oldie I had nearly forgotten about, so it was a pleasure to not only hear it again but to learn a little history behind the band. Have bandtastic week and thanks for visiting me on the dance floor, my friend!
Hi Cathy! 🙂 “Intense busyness” is right! LOL I have my hands full offline and hubby would like to take a few days off in the near future, so, after the results post, I’m going to take a total break from the Blogosphere until August 15. (I’m only coming back then because there’s something special planned for that BOTB.) We’ll see how things go after that. 😛 Like you, I have my doubts the prejudice will ever be erased in this world, but at least some progress has been made and there will hopefully be more in future.
Thanks for your vote. That’s another one for the Dave Clark Five. Looks like blow-out city again 😮 Oh well! “Rumble” has an interesting history and is considered to be the first-ever hard rock song. Cheers!
D.A. Sebasstian has my vote. 🙂 This was a difficult one. I like it!
Yay! I’m happy to see poor D.A. get a vote. He’s lagging way behind. Thanks! 🙂
D. A. Sebasstian’s version was, for lack of a better word, noisy. I’m going with the Tottenham sound of the DC5.
Looks like the DC5 is runnning a way with this! Thanks for your vote.
Not a lot to pick apart on these two! Gimme DC5 for sentimental reasons and enjoy the summer!
They are similar. 🙂 Thanks for your vote. DC5 gets another one!
Interesting backstory on this one! I’m going to vote for Dave Clark Five, as it sounded a bit cleaner to me. DA Sebasstian seemed more muddled.
The documentary is fascinating! ? Thanks for coming by. DC5 gets another vote.
I miss good music! Dave Clark 5, The Fab Four, Have you seen Yesterday yet?
Good music is still around, Paul. You likely won’t find it on the charts but have to search for it. 🙂 I’m assuming your vote goes to the Dave Clark Five, then? “Yesterday” is on the “must watch” list, but I haven’t seen it, yet. Thanks for coming by!
Thank you for the history Debbie D. Back in my day, rumble meant a street fight or a drag race. Of course, a street fight back then was nothing compared to what goes on now. I’ve always liked DC5 and I like their version best! My vote goes to DC5.
That’s why the original song was banned in some places. I agree; things were definitely tamer in those days. Thanks for voting! The Dave Clark Five is doing well, here.
The Dave Clark Five is my favorite. It’s because it’s the original to me.
Have a fabulous day and week, my friend. ♥
Thanks for voting, Sandee. 🙂 The Dave Clark Five gets another one!
Very interesting BOTB installment, DEBBIE! I wasn’t aware of the history of ‘RUMBLE’ and that it had once been banned by some radio stations. BOTB isn’t just fun, it’s often informative, too!
There isn’t a whole lot of difference in the recordings, but I’ll go with D.A. Sebasstian for the win, just because he added a few subtle elements, including the slightly quickened pace of the guitar riffing in specific spots. Of course, he had an advantage, knowing what came before him and what he could add in order to “butter it up” a little bit. (I’ve always felt that cover artists have that kind of advantage, but it doesn’t normally help them in BOTB if they’re going up against an earlier recording that was an established radio hit.)
I’d be interested in seeing that documentary, also, Debbie.
~ D-FensDogG
I’m glad you learned something new here, Stephen! ? If you click on the name of the movie, above, you’ll see all the links where you can purchase or view this documentary. I loved it! ? You make some excellent points about the advantages that cover artists have (except with BOTB ; seems to be true, looking at the subsequent opinions about this one!). Thanks for your vote. D.A. Sebasstian gets another one.
These are so similar to my ears this morning that I think I’ll have to go with my old favorite Dave Clark Five. Whatever happened to their music anyway? I rarely hear it played anywhere. Back in the day they were one of my favorite groups.
I haven’t heard a Dave Clark Five song on the radio in years! I guess you’d have to listen to an oldies station. They certainly were popular back in the day. Thanks for your vote. DC5, it is!
This may be a controversial decision (being a Brit as well!) but I have to choose what my ears liked best and that was the D A Sebbasstian version. Why? Although I love the more, ‘faithful to the original’ Dave Clark Five version, I love hearing what has been added to it with today’s technology by D A Sebbasstian. I love the slightly faster tempo and the rich echo on the drums. It reminded me of a track I really loved from Twin Peaks (The Pink Room) – it has that same dominant, defiant beat, heavy with menace. I also love the little musical embellishments that cascade towards the end, almost as if the creator is showing his joy at playing the original music and showing how it is moving him. I love that blending of old and new. I am ashamed to admit I had no idea of the Indian influence on music although it is patently obvious once it’s pointed out! I really want to see the film that is trailed here – I am hoping I can get the DVD on Amazon. Thank you so much for this wonderful BOTB!
D.A. does give it an interesting twist! 🙂 Thanks for your ever-so controversial vote. How could you go against your countrymen, eh? 😉 Your detailed analysis was interesting and I appreciate your taking the time to write it. I loved this documentary and hope you can get the DVD. If not, you can watch it online for a few bucks. There are purchase links on the movie website, mentioned above. First vote goes to D.A. Sebasstian. Cheers~