MONEY, HONEY! #PhotoBlogChal

MONEY PhotoBlogChallenge

MONEY is the current theme for L’il HooHaa’s Photo Blogging Challenge. Music came to mind first, so here’s a little Youtube playlist, just for fun. 😀  Photos are below.

Money, Honey playlist

1) ♫If I Had A Million Dollars♫
I’d travel more.
What would you do with all that extra money?

MONEY, Honey! Million dollars for travel

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2) Concerts and travel are two things we spend a shitload of money on.
NO regrets. Life is short and the memories are priceless! 

Money well spent! Concert and travel memorabilia

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3) Our money collection (packrats!) includes coins from around the world and old bills.

MONEY - coins and old bills

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4) Our suburban town is one of the top 20 richest in Canada. Lots of money, here!
Monster mansions abound everywhere, and we even have a Bel Air Drive,  just like L.A.
(This does not apply to us. We have a tiny old bungalow in the “low rent” area. 😆)

Money - Millionaires' Mansions

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5) Places like this lend money to desperate people. Legal loan sharks! 🤨
In 2008, the Ontario government enacted The Payday Loans Act, to provide some consumer protection.

MONEY - The Cash Store

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#PhotoBlogChal NEWThis photo blogging challenge is brought to you by P.J. at A L’il HooHaa.


See the theme (first day of the month).
Take photos throughout the month (don’t use old ones!).
Select five photos and create a blog post.
Come back here and link up on the final day of the month.
Use the official hashtag, #PhotoBlogChal, on social media posts.
Visit the other participants and comment on their blogs.

Join us, will you?

Next #PhotoBlogChal will be Tuesday, March 31st.

MONEY, HONEY! #PhotoBlogChal See what I came up with for this month's #PhotoBloggingChallenge by @softball29 at the #dogladysden #money Share on X

What items would you choose for this subject?

Looking forward to your comments!

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Thurs. Mar. 5

Thursday Movie Picks
The topic is GLUTTONY!



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28 thoughts on “MONEY, HONEY! #PhotoBlogChal

  1. I always like to steal my lit’l sister’s answer to those what if money questions. She says, “You’ll know I hit the lottery when you find my car running on the side of the road, door open, and empty!” 🙂 Apparently, she’s not planning on sharing, at least with family. All of her money would go to help animals. Most of mine would go to help the homeless. – Traveling doesn’t sound especially fun right now…

    1. Animals and other charities would get a large chunk of mine, as well. We donate to various causes regularly. I was going with the light-hearted spirit of the song. 🙂 You’re right – now is not a good time to travel, but this too shall pass. Thanks for coming by. I hope Luci is doing okay. Best wishes! ?

  2. Great play list! “If I had a Million Dollars” is one of the songs our whole family used to sing along to when we’d drive to the mountains to hike. Calgary also has a Bel Aire Drive (and neighbourhood). Note the “e” at the end of Aire, which makes it seem even more prestigious, I guess. You have a terrific collection of $5 Canadian bank notes…it’s quite remarkable how they’ve changed over the years, all in the name of durability and anti-counterfeiting. Those pay day loan(shark) companies are a blight on society…wish there was a more fair and respectable way to help the most vulnerable wage earners out when they’re in a squeeze.

    1. Hi Denise, I’m glad you enjoy the music. 🙂 Adding an E to Bel Air does make it sound more snooty, er, I mean prestigious. 😉 We have old 10s, 20s and even a couple of 50s. It is interesting to see how the bills have evolved. I agree wholeheartedly about those loan sharks and wish the government would do more to regulate them. Thanks for coming by! Have a good weekend.

  3. A good group of images to cover this topic. I always wonder about those payday advance things and how they work.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed my entry, P.J. 🙂 Those loan places are pretty shady! I wish they would be outlawed, as they prey on desperate people. 🙁 Thanks for coming by!

  4. Money, Money, Money by ABBA works here as well. I see people every day owe to the payday lenders which give out the regular payday loans and now give out credit lines. The top 4 are Money mart, Cash Money, Cash 4 You and Pay2Day but there are so many more. I love your pictures and I remember the $5 bills you show not to mention the coins. I know this rich area well because I have driven by there when i don’t want to take the QEW. My hubby worked on a few mansions back in the early 2000s when he got a job in construction. He told me of the indoor pools and wardrobe rooms people have. It’ s simply amazing how the rich live.

    1. Hi Birgit! I know the Abba song, but to be honest, their music makes me grimace, so you won’t find their stuff on any of my playlists. ? ? That is a good one for the theme, though. Those lending places offer credit lines too now? Yikes! 😮 I think once you go down that path, it’s incredibly difficult to get out from under. Thank goodness there are councillors like you to help them. As for the mansions, there are many more under construction, here. I always wonder where all these people with so much money are coming from? ? Talk about conspicuous consumption. Such a waste of resources! ? Thanks for coming by!

    1. So many mansions in this town. 😮 I often wonder where all these people with so much money are coming from. They are nice to look at, but all this conspicuous consumption is distasteful to me. 😛 Thanks for coming by! 🙂

  5. I have learned, I can go to a convenience store and make an insignificant purchase, then subsequently withdraw ten or twenty dollars, for a mere service charge of one dollar. This means, I will never be broke again!

  6. 1- Now I know where they got the pile of money in the “Bloomberg shows his credentials to the DNC” meme…

    2- we had a ‘money box’ like that. Had a note from Brazil, somehow…

    3- I looked at one of those payday loan websites once. Apparently your mere presence on the website constitutes taking out a loan. Tokk a half hour on the phone to convince them otherwise…

    1. 1 – Not sure what you’re referring to here, but I’m at a disadvantage (or, is that advantage? 😉 ), living in a different country. 🙂

      2 – Foreign money is always interesting and often, colourful.

      3 – Those payday loan places are shady! 😮 I wish they would be outlawed, as they prey on desperate people. 🙁

    1. I wish they would make the payday loan places illegal, everywhere! They prey on desperate people. 🙁 I’m glad you enjoyed my entry. Thanks for coming by! 🙂

  7. Wow, those are some amazing mansions. great architecture. We’re lucky too, we live in a neighborhood of million-dollar homes on the beach, but in a condo. Our square feet probably the size of their closet. But what a view and what a bargain! LOL If we son the lottery, travel, definitely, and another condo in Alaska!

    1. Hi Yolanda! 🙂 Yes, our town is full of mansions, but we live in a different neighbourhood, with the other “common folk.” ? Your condo sounds lovely, especially the beach part! You’d certainly enjoy another one in Alaska. Thanks for coming by!

  8. I like how creatively you approached this post, full of music, life and – well – money.
    Nice neighborhood you live in, even if your own home may not be a mansion. It’s always nice to look at gorgeous houses.
    PS: one important song is missing on your list: ABBA: money, money, money, must be funny, in a rich man’s worlds… sing

    1. This is not my neighbourhood, Tamara. We live in another part of town, with the other “common” folks. 😉 I know the Abba song, but to be honest, their music makes me grimace, so you won’t find their stuff on any of my playlists. ? 😀 That is a good one for the theme, though. Glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for coming by!

  9. Debbie,

    If I Had a Million Dollars…let’s just say I could do a lot of wonderful stuff with that kind of dough! Great playlist. Feel free to join us me on 4M dance floor. We’re doing a theme this week but really as long as someone is sharing music then we’re happy. 🙂

    Those mansions you photographed are amazing. Knoxville has some elaborate big homes, I’m not sure if they’re ‘mansions’ but they’re rather huge. When we were visiting friends in Naples, they drove us along an ocean front property with some mansions. Some where quite impressive but honestly, I wouldn’t want to live in anything that big, you know? I would like to take a little walk through one, though. 🙂 Come by to boogie on the dance floor with me or vote in my Mad World BoTB Showdown! 😉

    1. Hi Cathy! 🙂 Thanks for the invite. I was going to join the #4m but didn’t want to ruffle any feathers since my playlist doesn’t suit your theme. Maybe next time! I’m with you about the mansions. Nobody needs a house that big! When I think of all the resources needed to keep it going – gas, hydro, water, etc. it seems completely wasteful. My millions would be spent on other things, for sure! 😉 See you soon at your place! Thanks for coming by this morning.