♫♫ Take one fresh and tender kiss / Add one stolen night of bliss / One girl, one boy
Some grief, some joy / Memories are made of this ♫♫

It’s my husband’s 73rd birthday today (Jun. 28, 2023).
Typing that honestly jars me. Shocking how much time has passed!

Happy 73rd birthday to Hubby

When we met, he was a few months shy of 21, and I was 16. Instant mutual dislike turned into friendship, then love. (Read more about that HERE.)

It will be our 50th anniversary in August, and that too is shocking, but also amazing and wonderful! Most people said it wouldn’t last.

We showed them, didn’t we? 😀

It seems, the older we get, the more we reminisce and savour our memories of times past.

I have had (sadly, one passed away in 2021) two dear friends, whom I’ve known for decades and our conversations often turn to all the good (and sometimes naughty 😉 ), fun we had in our “wild and wonderful” days of yore.

This is a positive thing and not the same as “dwelling in the past”, which is mostly a harmful activity, whereby one is haunted by previous mistakes, etc.

Isn’t it reassuring to know that when we reach old age and the infirmities thereof, we will always have those memories to make us smile?

So, let’s get out there and make some more, while we still can!

And, to my life mate, I say:

Do you like to reminisce? Any memories you’d care to share?

Debbie signature style 5

Summer Re-run Series at The Doglady's Den | Memories Are Made of This

Originally published June 27, 2013
Updated June 2015, 2019 and 2023

Before you go, visit my BOTB site to see what’s been happening.

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139 thoughts on “MEMORIES ARE MADE OF THIS!

  1. Debbie,

    I apologize for not sending birthday wishes to Angelo. He shares the same birthdate as our oldest daughter. 🙂 The years do have a way of zipping by unnoticed. Birthdays and anniversaries kind of keep us in check thankfully. I’m like you, the older we get the more we reminisce and another thing is the more we cherish the ones we love. I just can’t imagine life without DH. He’s truly a blessing to me and I love him more with each passing day. How is that possible anyhow? 🙂 Anywho, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ANGELO!!

    1. No need to apologize, Cathy, but thank you for the good wishes. I believe you and I are among the lucky ones with long-term relationships. 💖

  2. Do you have any special plans for your 50th? Congratulations on so many years together. Although my marriage ended in misery, I have happy memories of times we went on trips with our kids and the Friday evenings that the four of us played games together. Those were good times.


    1. Thanks, Janie. 🙂 No elaborate travel plans this time (we did that for our 40th and 45th), just a small dinner party at our favourite restaurant. I’m glad you have some good memories to look back on. 💖

  3. Woo hoo! Happy Birthday to your hubby, Debbie! And an early Happy Anniversary – 50 years – Wow!

  4. Happy birthday weekend to your hubby. You just knew who the one would be. Live the songs. I do like to think back…it’s nice to.

    1. You got me deep diving into Steppenwolf, your cherished Canadian band. Here is where I landed. Before they were Steppenwolf, they were The Sparrows.

      1. Yes, I’m familiar with the history. John Kay and the Sparrow reflected John’s love of the blues even more than Steppenwolf. 🙂

  5. Hi Debbie – congratulations to you both … and wonderful that that 50th is approaching – another congratulations will be due. Love the way you’ve put the post together … cheers Hilary

  6. Congratulations on 50 wonderful years, an achievement indeed!
    My dad loved that song, and he used to sing it on stage in London pubs.
    Best wishes, Pete.

  7. For all the songs you posted, my mind was playing, “As Time Goes By”… Happiest of anniversaries to you both!

  8. Happy day to your hubs! Those pictures of you two are precious 😉 I enjoyed the music, Dean Martin was a special treat. I had nearly (almost said ‘totally’ – ha!) forgotten that one.

  9. Happy Birthday to your guy. You know I LOVE those pics of you two. <3 – That’s a lifetime of memories… I saw an interview with Fran Drescher where she was talking about how long her and her husband – now divorced – had been together. She said, “When I met him he had no hair on his chest, now the hair on his chest is gray.” Reminds me of you and your hubs. 🙂 – Oh, and that Kid Rock song is one of my faves. I miss northern Michigan.

    1. Thanks, Mimi! 🙂 ♥ I’m greyer than hubby (no hair on my chest, though 😉 ). Fran Drescher got divorced? That’s sad! I thought her marriage was one of the lasting ones. 🙁 You never know…

      That is a perfect summer song, for sure. Kid Rock is a talented musician who doesn’t get the respect he deserves. He’s also a philanthropist:

      Northern Michigan is such a beautiful area, especially in the summer, but we also enjoyed going there once in December.

  10. “Instant mutual dislike turned into friendship, then love.” Isn’t that basically the plot of every romance novel, ever? 🙂 Happy birthday to your husband! Congratulations to you both for making it to the “love” part of the story arc, and may you know “happily ever after.”

  11. Your marriage is an impressive run in our times. Congratulations. Every time I reflect upon the past I seem to come up with new memories. I need to write all of them down in case one day my memory isn’t so good.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. We are shocked by how many years have passed and how quickly! At this point, we wish time would slow down a little. Excellent idea to record your memories, Lee. Something we should all do. Thanks for coming by!

  12. Happy Anniversary to you and yours!! Thank you for sharing your fabulous pics and you are a great looking couple. Wow! 46 years – good for you! Happy Canada Day, a little in advance. Love the music, btw.

  13. Nothing better than growing old together. Hubby and I are enjoying the same journey.

    Happy 69th birthday to your hubby.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Debbie. ♥

    1. Congrats to you and your hubby, as well, Sandee! There’s something to be said for enduring, lifelong relationships. 🙂 Thanks for the good wishes. We had a lovely day.

  14. Happy birthday to the Mr.
    Yes we were watching a Netflix or a download just the other day. A comedy called White Gold. It is peppered with 80s music and both of us kept going that’s ……. who’s that …… so many memories from “our music”.

  15. Debbie,

    Happy Birthday to the hubs! The years have a way of sneaking up on us, don’t they? I’m glad you provided the doubters wrong. Anything you want to keep running that’s worth saving takes work including marriage. I hope the birthday boy has many more blessed years of health, happiness, and love. Enjoy the summertime fun reminiscing the good old days. I find that I do a lot of that sometimes. A memory or a piece of one sort reveals itself when something stirs the cobwebs in my brain, otherwise, it’s more about the way I felt at a given time than anything. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Cathy! 🙂 Hubby took the day off work, so we have an extra-long weekend (Monday, July 1 is a holiday here). Fond memories always bring a smile and music is often the trigger, along with old photos. Cheers!

  16. Congratulations Debbie!!

    What a wonderful recapitulation of the wonderful years gone by. You both actually look like rockstars. <3

    48 years is so precious, when all we hear in todays times of people becoming less tolerant of their partners and marriages crumbling at the drop of the hat.

    I’m sure it’s a lot of love, compassion, understanding, and unrequited love that has brought you both to this beautiful journey together. You guys can be role models to so many. May your grow together to celebrate your platinum too.

    I wish to see myself and my DH grow old together, just like the two of you. My parents celebrated 54 years together, till Ma crossed over last year.

    More power to your lovely souls.
    Big hugs and Big love

    Psst: Missing you a lot on #WordlessWednesday. Hope to have you back whenever you can. <3

    And love Dean Martin and Steppen Wolf xo

    1. Hi Natasha! 🙂 Thank you so much for those kind words. Relationships take a lot of work to thrive. We had many rocky times as well, but in the end, were determined to succeed. Hopefully, we will reach that golden “50” mark, and beyond! My sympathies about your mother. ♥

      I’ve suspended doing blog hops for now, except BOTB, which is only once a month. They’re so time-consuming and I’d rather be offline, enjoying our summer weather, which is always much too brief. Might gear up again in the fall, but likely not every week. Sorry! I seem to have trouble finding the right balance between online and offline activities.

      1. No worries at all Debbie. I so understand. I’ve also been have a lot of trouble juggling between my online and offline work. And now that my work is a lot of online research plus social media handling, I am trying to figure a way to balance it all.
        I miss writing fiction and my other posts.
        Hopefully I’ll find my way soon.

        Always a pleasure to come by to your blog.

        Hope the celebrations have been wonderful. Much love and joy always ♥️

  17. Thank you, Irish. 🙂 Yes, we are delighted to prove people wrong! Relationships DO take work and I’d be honoured to get a mention in your article. Thanks for that, too.

    I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well. 🙁 Best wishes for improved health!

  18. Hi Debbie,

    Oh wow. First of all, congrats to you and your hubs. How awesome to prove everyone wrong and make it happen. I love that you are continuing to make memories and rock the married life. So many just dream of this and don’t get that it takes WORK! Not everything is the honeymoon phase. I’m working on a relationship segment right now and I would love to share this post within one of them as a message of inspiring healthy relationship.

    Wishing you the best and am so glad I am feeling a bit better to visit today. Talk to you soon or when my health cooperates and allows me back online. LOL


    1. Thanks, Kim! 😀 We live in suburban Toronto and also met here, but hubby was born in Italy and I was born in Germany. Glad you enjoyed the photos. We can’t believe we’re that old! 😛

  19. Listening to music from the past is my favourite activity, because there’s always a memory attached – hence the upcoming series. 🙂 Not so great when there’s a sad memory involved, but at least the music lives on. Clarence White’s death certainly was tragic. 🙁 So many musical greats have passed on, but I try not to dwell on that part too much. John Lennon’s murder affected me the most, I think, along with Maurice and Robin Gibb’s premature exit. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Myke. Have a good week.

  20. Listening to music from the past is my favourite activity, because there’s always a memory attached – hence the upcoming series. 🙂 Not so great when there’s a sad memory involved, but at least the music lives on. Clarence White’s death certainly was tragic. 🙁 So many musical greats have passed on, but I try not to dwell on that part too much. John Lennon’s murder affected me the most, I think, along with Maurice and Robin Gibb’s premature exit. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Myke. Have a good week.

    1. HI Ann; Glad you enjoyed the photos. 🙂 I’m partial to the younger ones, but as you say, being “young at heart” is what matters the most. Agreed that age does have certain advantages. Thanks for dropping in. Have a great week!

  21. Thanks, Laurel! 🙂 It’s unbelievable to us that so much time has passed. Glad you enjoyed the photos. I’d like to rewind the clock a bit, for aesthetic purposes. 😉

  22. Thanks, Laurel! 🙂 It’s unbelievable to us that so much time has passed. Glad you enjoyed the photos. I’d like to rewind the clock a bit, for aesthetic purposes. 😉

  23. Sounds like you have great stability there, Francene. 🙂 Twenty-seven years with somebody who is bipolar must have been difficult, to say the least! Congratulations on a quarter century of happiness with your current partner.

    1. Thank you, Irish. 🙂 Yes, we are delighted to prove people wrong! Relationships DO take work and I’d be honoured to get a mention in your article. Thanks for that, too.

      I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well. 🙁 Best wishes for improved health!

      1. Hi Marcia; Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for the compliment. 🙂 It’s always difficult to see oneself age in front of the camera though. 😛 Rewind, rewind! LOL

          1. Hi Cori; Well, I guess I’d have to be crazy about him to stick it out this long! 😉 Thanks for the compliment and the birthday wishes. Have a good week.

          2. Hi Cori; Well, I guess I’d have to be crazy about him to stick it out this long! 😉 Thanks for the compliment and the birthday wishes. Have a good week.

          3. Hi Cori; Well, I guess I’d have to be crazy about him to stick it out this long! 😉 Thanks for the compliment and the birthday wishes. Have a good week.

      2. Hi Marcia; Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for the compliment. 🙂 It’s always difficult to see oneself age in front of the camera though. 😛 Rewind, rewind! LOL

    2. Thank you, Irish. 🙂 Yes, we are delighted to prove people wrong! Relationships DO take work and I’d be honoured to get a mention in your article. Thanks for that, too.

      I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well. 🙁 Best wishes for improved health!

  24. Sounds like you have great stability there, Francene. 🙂 Twenty-seven years with somebody who is bipolar must have been difficult, to say the least! Congratulations on a quarter century of happiness with your current partner.

  25. Sounds like you have great stability there, Francene. 🙂 Twenty-seven years with somebody who is bipolar must have been difficult, to say the least! Congratulations on a quarter century of happiness with your current partner.

  26. Sounds like you have great stability there, Francene. 🙂 Twenty-seven years with somebody who is bipolar must have been difficult, to say the least! Congratulations on a quarter century of happiness with your current partner.

  27. “Personal heart felt reruns” is a perfect way to describe all the good memories we think about over the years. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed our little bit of nostalgia here, Angelika. FYI: Hubby is Italian, just like Sonny. 😀 Thanks for the birthday wishes – I’ll be sure to pass them along.

  28. “Personal heart felt reruns” is a perfect way to describe all the good memories we think about over the years. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed our little bit of nostalgia here, Angelika. FYI: Hubby is Italian, just like Sonny. 😀 Thanks for the birthday wishes – I’ll be sure to pass them along.

  29. Nostalgia seems to be a constant here too. 🙂 I bet you have some wonderful photos of you and your hubby over the years, Carol. Thanks for dropping by.

    1. Thanks, Kim! 😀 We live in suburban Toronto and also met here, but hubby was born in Italy and I was born in Germany. Glad you enjoyed the photos. We can’t believe we’re that old! 😛

  30. Nostalgia seems to be a constant here too. 🙂 I bet you have some wonderful photos of you and your hubby over the years, Carol. Thanks for dropping by.

  31. Nostalgia seems to be a constant here too. 🙂 I bet you have some wonderful photos of you and your hubby over the years, Carol. Thanks for dropping by.

  32. Nostalgia seems to be a constant here too. 🙂 I bet you have some wonderful photos of you and your hubby over the years, Carol. Thanks for dropping by.

  33. I enjoy reading your memoirs, Lee. 🙂 It sure does feel weird, getting older. In our heads we’re still young, yes? I know what you mean about kids. Some babies we used to know are middle aged now. It’s jarring how quickly the time passes, but the good news is, we’re still here! Thanks for dropping by.

  34. I enjoy reading your memoirs, Lee. 🙂 It sure does feel weird, getting older. In our heads we’re still young, yes? I know what you mean about kids. Some babies we used to know are middle aged now. It’s jarring how quickly the time passes, but the good news is, we’re still here! Thanks for dropping by.

  35. I enjoy reading your memoirs, Lee. 🙂 It sure does feel weird, getting older. In our heads we’re still young, yes? I know what you mean about kids. Some babies we used to know are middle aged now. It’s jarring how quickly the time passes, but the good news is, we’re still here! Thanks for dropping by.

      1. Hi Marcia; Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for the compliment. 🙂 It’s always difficult to see oneself age in front of the camera though. 😛 Rewind, rewind! LOL

  36. Great pictures and wonderful that you met your life partner so young and are still together.

    About being 65, we are all young at heart. It is just a shame our body wears over the years. It is great to get older in that you don’t really care about what people think. lol

    1. Thanks, Laurel! 🙂 It’s unbelievable to us that so much time has passed. Glad you enjoyed the photos. I’d like to rewind the clock a bit, for aesthetic purposes. 😉

  37. Great Dean Martin record… Happy Birthday to your significant other… Really nice pictures.

    I live in the past. Heck, I can barely remember last week, but things from way back in the day ring clear.

    I am listening to a live show by the Byrds, from 1970, when the band was Roger, Clarence, Gene & Skip, and thinking how much better I like the “modern” version of the band, from its Preflyte days, when Chris Hillman & David Crosby were there. Then it comes to me, Clarence White has been dead since 1973… Oh.

  38. Hi Debbie,

    Aw, this is such a sweet way to show love for your hubs. I can tell you are really crazy about him. :). You two make a beautiful couple!

    Wish your hubs a happy birthday for me. Thank you for sharing these pictures with us. By the way I love Dean Martin!

    Have a great day and weekend.


    1. Hi Cori; Well, I guess I’d have to be crazy about him to stick it out this long! 😉 Thanks for the compliment and the birthday wishes. Have a good week.

  39. The older I get (I’ll be 54 this December), the more I reminisce. Sending bday wishes to your husband! Have an awesome weekend and I’ll be dancing with you on Monday!

  40. Ah … those memories. My first marriage lasted for 27 years despite his bipolar condition. When he chose another woman, I fled to the other side of the world and have now been married for 25 years to my life partner.

  41. I love this post! I feel like I’ve known you for a long time, and you two truly remind me of Sonny and Cher. What a delight to see your anniversary photos over the years. Yup you sure showed ‘em! Happy birthday to your Hubby! My husband and I also love to reminisce and we savour our memories. My mother used to say those memories that you collect in your youth, become your personal heart felt reruns in your old age.

  42. Advance birthday wishes to your hubby, Debbie! Those pictures tell such a nice story of your relationship! 🙂

    PS: Dean Martin brings back so many memories for me.

    1. You too? I think it’s natural as we get older to recall all the wonderful times we had in our younger days. Thanks for the BD wishes. Sorry this response is so late – Monday already!

    2. You too? I think it’s natural as we get older to recall all the wonderful times we had in our younger days. Thanks for the BD wishes. Sorry this response is so late – Monday already!

    3. You too? I think it’s natural as we get older to recall all the wonderful times we had in our younger days. Thanks for the BD wishes. Sorry this response is so late – Monday already!

  43. I reminisce all the time on my blogs as you know. It’s weird to think about getting older. Your husband is about 6 months older than I am. My kids are all old enough to be what I once considered kind of old.

    That’s a great series of photos that you have.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host

  44. I came by on this post via your post about your 41st Anniversary. Happy Anniversary, Debbie! You are such an inspiration to all of us youngsters who think that minor disagreements are valid grounds for separation. 🙂 It was lovely to go through your photos 🙂

  45. Thanks for taking us down memory lane and congrats on your anniversary.
    Dropping by from the Memories blog hop.

  46. Congratulations on so many years of marriage. That is awesome. I loved seeing how you and your husband changed over the years!

  47. Hi Debbie, I’d like to wish you a very well-deserved congratulations on your upcoming 40th Anniversary! My wife and I celebrated our 41st this past February. You’re right, we both made it against all odds!

    Since you’re a self-proclaimed “dog lady”, I wonder if I can send you a sample of our product named Helios. It’s a natural, tea-tree-oil based cleaner that completely removes any trace of odor or stain that might have been left by an errant or maybe even angry dog or cat. Unlike any of the enzyme cleaners, Helios completely and permanently removes the uric acid crystals, which as you may know, are the source of any urine odors. And because of the nature of tea tree oil, Helios also removes any odor or stain associated with organic contaminants like feces, vomit, skunk, fish odor – and believe it or not – stinky smells left in your shoes. We’re also finding that Helios removes the residues left by those “miracle” enzyme cleaners as well.

    Please take a look at our website for some interesting things we do with all our revenues (on the Philanthropy page). The website is If you’d like the free sample, you can send me an email at – or send your address via the contact page on our website, or simply call me directly at 714-206-8931.
    Thanks! I hope to hear from you!

  48. Loved looking at your pictures…you both just age gracefully and it’s easy to see how happy you both have been all these years.

    I hope to share some pics like that with my hubby too.

    I’m always thinking about special moments in my life. My favorite is hanging out with the family on the porch and listening to my uncles tell their tall stories and jokes….those were the days. 🙂

    Thanks for taking me down memory lane Debbie. Happy Friday my dear and have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Glad you enjoyed this post, Corina. It hasn’t been all hearts and flowers though. We had our share of strife too, but fortunately were able to overcome those difficulties. Hanging out on the porch sounds great! 🙂 We do that on the back deck and it’s so peaceful and serene. Great stress relief! Thanks for visiting and you have a wonderful weekend as well.

  49. Happy birthday to your husband. Another two months to go for 40? Isn’t that wonderful. I love your pictures ‘down the ages’. My parents completed 62 years of marriage this year! 🙂

    1. Congratulations to your parents, Corinne! That’s even more amazing. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed my little photo collage. Thanks for visiting and have a great weekend.

  50. You have such wonderful memories together.
    Happy B’day to your husband,
    Happy wedding anniversary to both of you!
    You are one gorgeous lady! Keep that smile always 🙂

  51. It was really nice going down your memory lanes with the frozen stills. Congrats in advance for your 40th wedding anniversary. Memories of the past are always a pleasure.

  52. Hi Debbie,
    Happy b’day to your hubby, and these are amazing pictures! Must also compliment you on your site…very well thought out and organized! Thanks for linking with the prompt too!

    1. Thank you very much, Michelle. 😀 Glad you enjoyed the post and also the site. Sorry about that little glitch earlier. 🙁