A few months ago, I was all fired up about writing new material and posting more frequently.
I did manage to participate in some regular blogfests like Battle of the Bands, Wordless Wednesday and Photo Blog Challenge, as well as some occasional ones, like Music Monday and Skywatch Friday.
The creative writing muse returned, with an entry for Write…Edit…Publish and a new chapter in my third-person memoir, The SHE Chronicles.
That was in the dead of winter when outdoor activities and enjoyment were at a minimum. (Between Raynaud Syndrome and S.A.D., winter can never end soon enough!)
Now that we are heading towards summer, I, once again, find myself having a hard time balancing blogging activities – i.e. writing, formatting, designing, reading, commenting, responding to comments, etc. etc. with living in the offline world.
Between the dog boarding business, spending time with loved ones, LOTS AND LOTS of spring yard work (front and back) and enjoying the results thereof, that old nemesis, burnout, is knocking down the door again. I want to vanquish the bugger.
A new online friend, Gilly Maddison, wrote about this type of Blogging Anxiety recently.
Speaking of Gilly, I met her through the fabulous and funny Magical Mystical Mimi, who has started a worthwhile group on Facebook for all of us OLD SCHOOL BLOGGERS.
If you’d like to check it out and/or join in, please do! Click HERE to view (opens in a separate window).
Many of you are masters at multitasking, and I marvel at your prowess. Since leaving the corporate world decades ago, my time management skills and attention span have deteriorated. Yup; old and lazy! 😀
Then again, some bloggers don’t ever respond to comments or otherwise do any follow up, which makes it much easier.
What is the point of that, I wonder? Isn’t non-commercial blogging meant to be a pleasurable social activity??
I‘m trying to find a happy middle ground, but have not succeeded, as yet. That old, Teutonic perfectionism keeps jabbing me! 😛
To regain my serenity, I will be cutting back on blogging activities for the next several weeks.
Spring has been a total bitch, raining all over our sunny expectations, but, I digress…
As a commitment-phobic, go-with-the-flow kind of person, the very thought of a schedule (unless we’re talking about travel) makes me chafe. Instead, here’s what I’m planning, but please don’t hold me to it!
FIRST: In popular blogging vernacular, I want to re-purpose old content for a new audience. In other words, summer reruns, just like on TV! There’s a lot of material on this blog, going back 10 years, much of it timeless, or evergreen, as they say. Even if you’ve read something before, you might find a new or forgotten tidbit to hold your interest.
SECOND: No blogfests/blog hops/link parties. They’re too time-consuming and I have trouble keeping up. One notable exception: BATTLE OF THE BANDS (#BOTB) will go on once a month on the 15th. This is a small, close-knit group which has been together a long time (new participants always welcome!) and everyone does their best to participate. The same can’t be said for some of the others.
Wishing everyone a happy, healthy summer!
Janis will be back on 15th, as one of my Battle of the Band contenders. Don’t miss it!
See you soon,
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Glad you’re going to keep doing the 15th BOTB posts. I’ve noticed the drastic slowdown in things over the past few weeks–slower than usual I think. I’ve seen a few posts out there discussing this slowdown topic. I’ve got a couple theories, but I’m tending to believe it’s mostly a function of a community that most of us are in. Maybe one needs to keep reaching out to keep communities growing or join in other communities. But like you, I find other things that need as much or more attention than blogging.
I cut back on my posting some time ago so my summer activity will likely stay about the same as it has been–nominal.
Let’s have a great summer!
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
BOTB is always fun and since it’s a small group, not so hard to maintain. I have joined several other communities, but don’t know how some of them keep up, with so many participants. Therein lies the problem, for me. I don’t want to be on the computer for that long every day. 😛 Lots of people, like yourself, go on vacation over the summer, so it’s a good time to cut back. Thanks for dropping in!
Hi Debby – I’m erratic in my posting … but it makes life easier (for me!) – and I’m always grateful for whoever turns up and comments. I’m doing WEP and #WAWTB … and the odd post in between … I have some delightful things to post about over the summer … so I’ll be around. I look at your BOTB posts – but sadly music I love .. but is not my forte.
I say enjoy what you do, and do what you need to do – yard work and being outside – so much better in the summer days … while the dogs always need attention … I’ll be seeing you soon no doubt – cheers Hilary
Hi Hilary; Looking forward to your delightful summer posts! 🙂 WEP and #WAWTB are great, but the time required to participate fully is often more than I can manage. I too am grateful for comments, and always try to respond in kind, but it’s hard for me to keep up, which causes stress and burnout. Personally, I feel if I can’t do something justice, then I’d rather not do it at all. But, that’s my particular issue. 🙂 Off to read your Caged Bird story, now! Thanks for coming by.
I quite understand … day to day life is really more important than being here blogging – yet there are many advantages … we learn a lot. Thanks for the comment – domestic abuse seems to have been used by a lot of us in this ‘caged bird’ prompt … enjoy your walks etc over the weekend … cheers Hilary
Oh, I love blogging, HIlary. 🙂 Problem is, I burn the candle at both ends and then burnout sets in, robbing me of all joy. 😛 Trying to find that “happy medium” is difficult, as I’m not good at pacing myself.
Yes, domestic violence was the only topic that came to my mind for “Caged Bird”. Since I already covered that in “28 Days”, I didn’t want to go with it again. Sadly, no other inspiration popped up. Oh well, maybe next time.
The truth is, you have a busy life! If I did half that stuff, Time Machine would be the M10 and a kiss!
Compared to some, I’m not all that busy, but I do seem to lack time management skills. 🙂
rain and rain which is not good for Toronto island! Our little hub, called Port Dalhousie is also suffering. don’t kill me but I am liking the cooler weather and the last few days were just beautiful! the weekend especially, to me, just right for summer. My best friend has reynaud’s so you have to be so careful with your fingers and toes. My hubby does the gardening-I am banned since I have a black thumb. Enjoy this beautiful summer coming up and looking forward to your posts and your BOTB on the 15th
Hi Birgit; There’s been some shore erosion where we live, too and parks have been closed. Port Dalhousie is famous because of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka, but hopefully, that has all died down over the years. We pass by your area fairly often, en route to Niagara Falls. Maybe we could meet up in person, one day? Just an idea…:) My gardening skills are non-existent too and hubby isn’t much better, but we muddle through. Somebody who knows what they’re doing plants our geraniums and we have several hanging baskets. The front and back lawns need a lot of maintenance though, especially since our neighbours on both sides aren’t very meticulous about weeding. 😛 Heat is good for my arthritis as well as the fingers and toes. Hope we get some, soon! I know, not your favourite weather. Winter will be here soon enough. 😉
Yes! It would be great to meet up one time when you are in our neck of the woods??
I’m pleased as spiked punch to see you’re going to stick with BOTB through the Summer. I just got word that we’ve lost Cathy until the end of Summer, and I’d have hated to see you bow out also.
So funny that you closed this blog bit with Janis Joplin’s ‘SUMMERTIME’ because… guess what my BOTB song is going to be in just two days from now. Yip! Only I don’t have Janis on the schedule. I’ll leave her for you to someday put up against the winner of my 6/15 Battle, if you’re so inclined. And that would actually be in keeping with a certain theme / tradition, as you will learn on Saturday.
~ D-FensDogG
I’m pleased that you’re pleased, Stephen! 😀 (I linked to your site on the off chance that somebody reading this might want to participate.) Still, I’ll be sticking with once a month on the 15th only. Are you going to continue twice a month over the summer? That’s too bad about losing Cathy, but it’s hard to maintain a constant online presence and we all need a break, sometimes. Summers, especially!
Oh yikes! You’re doing Summertime this week??! 🙁 I was going to, as well, using Janis against someone else. So much for that!! Good thing the post is only 1/4 written. I’ll wait and see what you’ve cooked up on Saturday to respond to your offer.
Thanks for dropping in. See you in a couple of days.
I’d say go ahead and use Joplin’s ‘SUMMERTIME’. Nuttin’ wrong with two BOTBers using the same song in a BOTB round. It’s been done many times. My contestants have the initials N.S. and M.J. If your other contestant, whom you were going to use against Janis, does not have those initials, then I think you should go ahead and run with it.
~ D-FensDogG
‘Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews…’
Interesting, I can guess who N.S. is, but M.J.? Not THE M.J., is it? 😀 Nevermind, I’ll wait and see. I was going to use the aforementioned J.J. and a competitor with the initials B.S. Are you sure it would be okay to go ahead? If so, I’ll do a bit about the coincidence. But, you mentioned something about a theme/tradition and I wouldn’t want to mess that up for you. Shoot me an email if you want to get into more detail. Thanks!
Yes, it’s all systems GO. I think it’ll be cool (in the “Summertime”) that we’re both using the same song but with different artists. Will tell you more later. No big deal, really. It just has to do with BOTB’s upcoming 6th anniversary.
~ D-FensDogG
Okay; let’s do it! 🙂 Six years already? 😮 I missed the first two. Looking forward to the anniversary celebration!
First, thanks for the mention. Big hugs! Second, you are not alone my friend. I totally get it and I think all of us bloggers do. Summer is all about being outside as much as we can. Of course, when it’s summer for us it’s not for others so there’s sort of an off set ditching of blogs but we’re all there. We all know. You enjoy your time and we’ll enjoy whatever you choose to put here for us!
You’re welcome! Love the Facebook group. That was an inspired idea. 🙂 Right; I forgot about the bloggers Down Under. They’re heading into winter now. We’re still waiting for the truly good weather and are pretty rain-soaked, but it HAS to come soon, right? Thanks for your support, Karen!
I’m sad as I’ve only just discovered you but I don’t blame you! Hopefully, summer will get started soon and we’ll have loads more stuff to do outdoors. But we’ve had ANOTHER rainy day today so heaven only knows when summer will start. Thanks so much for the mention Debbie, that’s very kind of you. I’ve already had a quick look at the She Chronicles – what a great idea – I will be reading more. You and I are SO much alike it’s scary! It’s really refreshing to read such an honest account of a woman’s life because so many people hide the really colorful, exciting bits for fear of being judged. I loved hearing about the intial thrill of meeting the Italian guy – even though it turned out to be a bit dodgy – those were our fun times when we thought we’d be young forever. I am SO glad I have similar stuff to look back on because it was a real shock when I realised that life gets serious. I am looking forward to reading more and maybe writing a more honest account of my own life somehow , somewhere – even if I never let anyone else read it while I am alive! ? And loved the Janis slideshow – a very complex and talented girl – so sad the way she died.
Hi Gilly! No worries; I’ll be around. 🙂 Instead of agonizing over new material, you’ll find some older stuff that is still read-worthy (I hope!) Comments will be responded to and I’ll be checking others’ posts. And there will be a new Battle of the Bands every month on the 15th.
Glad you like The SHE Chronicles – tales from the dark side of my life. Difficult to write but cathartic! You should try it – it is good therapy if nothing else. 🙂 People have judged me most of my life, starting with the xenophobic bullies in grade school; more assholes in high school, my husband’s bigoted relatives and the chauvinistic bastards in the corporate world. To quote Rhett Butler: “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn!” Or, as somebody else said (can’t remember who) “What other people think of you is none of your business.” 😉
I too think we have much in common and felt a kinship right off. 🙂
Janis was one of a kind. A great talent, gone much too soon. ♥
The weather still sucks here too, but we live in hope! Thanks for coming by.
I’ve been thinking of reposting some of my older things too. I do have a few more followers than I did a couple of years ago. Have a fun summer!
It’s a good idea to republish old posts for new audiences. Most of us have a lot of good stuff hidden away in the archives. Thanks for coming by, Janet! 🙂
I think all of us are busy during the good weather months. It’s all good.
Love Janis. Life too short for her.
Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥
Yes, let’s get out there and enjoy the good weather (if we ever get some, that is!). Janis is a prime example of life being too short. We never know how long we have, so need to make the most of it. 🙂 Thanks for coming by, Sandee.
I totally understand Debbie D. Summer is for getting outdoors and having fun plus, as you indicated blogland goes on vacation. I feel it’s a perfect time for repurposing older posts plus new followers may not have seen our older posts.
I agree with you about the comments. Part of blogging is the camaraderie.
Wishing you a funtastic summer!
Thanks, Eugenia! 🙂 I tend to go full speed for a while, then run out of gas. 😛 Wishing you a good summer, as well.
I’m with you, girlfriend feeling tired and in need of a soul energizing. Luckily, I’m a sucker for good reruns, so crank out, baby. I’m ready for ’em!! I’ll be making an official announcement at the end of the month that I’m cutting back to only doing my 4M posts. If I weren’t the co-host, then I’d probably wouldn’t do it as I’m in need of down time but I feel like people are depending on me and that’s ok. I’ll get through it and I know deep down I’d miss being away from Blogosphere totally. Enjoy the weather. It’s gonna be nice to be outdoors for a chance after your harsh Canadian winter. 🙂
Cathy, you are one of the most prolific bloggers I know, so no wonder you’re feeling exhausted! I understand fully the need to cut back. There is much more to life than spending it online. Have you asked your 4m co-hosts about taking a summer hiatus? They may welcome the idea and then you wouldn’t be obligated to keep it going. I plan on continuing with the once-monthly BOTB on the 15th and will miss you, there! Glad you like the rerun idea. It’s a good way to keep my hand in without going whole hog. 🙂 Weather is still rainy and chilly, but we live in hope!
Your post is not only very interesting concerning the written content, it is also the visual content which is fascinating. You are a “webmaster”. My own slow-down as a blogger or writer has other reasons – AGE !! Not only my age but my husband’s. Normal housework is too tiring to be online much. The summer month in Florida command that the computer should be unplugged. Electrical storms come almost every day in a matter of minutes. Now is reading- and puzzling time. You are my idol as a blogger…♥
Hi Karin; I’m a visual person and need a lot of colour to make me happy. 🙂 Glad you like it! I know, you and Dieter have been through some trying times, and that must be exhausting! Thunderstorms can be dangerous. Summer is obviously not the best season for Florida. We have an unusual amount of rain here, and the temperatures are way below average. What a beautiful thing for you to say! Thank you, my friend. ♥ Alles Gute!
My blogging muse took a hike several months ago. There are so many things I could blog about, but then there is my real life. I truly understand.
Hi Denise 🙂 I know many of us go through this. Sometimes, I feel like the whole day is slipping away. 😛 Thanks for coming by and have a great summer! We’re still experiencing ridiculous amounts of rain but remain hopeful.
Hi Debbie, I heard you on the blogging anxiety. I do get it from time to time. BTW I love your new images and memes. Adorable! I hope you enjoy the summer.
I’ll be taking a 2 week vacation on a viking river cruise, I can’t wait. I hope to unplug most of the time except to share photos from the trip 🙂
Hi Lisa! 🙂 I think this affects most of us at some point or another. Glad you like the Bitmoji memes. They’re fun! 😀 I’ve seen the brochures for those Viking cruises. Can’t wait to see your photos. Have a fantastic time! Thanks for coming by today.
I am happy for all you have to offer. Taking some time off for Summer is good.
Thanks, Myke! 🙂 I’ll still be around to see what my friends are up to and to respond if someone leaves a comment, here. Just won’t be posting a lot of new stuff.
What a coincidence… the day you announce your impending mysterious disappearance, is the final day of hockey.
Unrelated, but we here in Toronto Maple Leafs land are ECSTATIC to see the St. Louis Blues (which have three ex-Leafs and mostly Canadian players on the roster) beat the horrid Boston Bruins and win the Stanley Cup! 😀 And, I won’t be disappearing; just re-publishing some old posts instead of writing new ones. There WILL be new BOTB contests, once a month on the 15th.