Originally published on April 2, 2012. Additional material added:
June 26 and November 7

Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m fast approaching the age of 60 on a downhill slide, and I DON’T LIKE IT!! 😯 So much to see yet, so much to experience, still and, WHERE DID THE TIME GO????? (Even more importantly, how much time is left?????)
It seems we were just busy trying to “get through the day,” and before we knew it, that day turned into years. Those years turned into decades and, here we are!
We, (i.e. my husband and I), fought our way through some very tough times since meeting in 1971 and, fortunately, came out the other side still standing. Now, we (well, mostly me – he just indulges my whims ;-)), are trying to make up for lost time and “live a little.” 😀
To that end, I am trying to see as many concerts as I possibly can, before all of my favourite musicians retire or croak, LOL.
Rock music has always been one of my biggest passions, but, in the 70s, we were busy with other things and missed out. The 80s were my “workaholic” years, so time was a factor.
Then came the lean years in the 90s and into the 00s, when we couldn’t afford such entertainments. (Let me tell ya, these things ain’t cheap! )
I am happy to report that not one of the Classic Rock acts we have seen recently are any the worse for wear, and some, like The Moody Blues, even get better with age. 😀
We just saw Deep Purple in Feb. Ian Gillian, (age 67), was in great voice and the rest of the band in excellent form. They totally rocked the house! 🤘
Next up is John Kay, (my long-time musical hero; he turns 68 this month) & Steppenwolf on May 19 and Aerosmith on June 27. Steven Tyler just turned 64 and looks wonderfully flamboyant. 😀
Addendum, June 26:
Click on link for blog post and concert photos:
Addendum November 7:
The Cheap Trick/Aerosmith concert was absolutely AMAZING!
Check out my photos on Flickr: http://flic.kr/s/aHsjChps1h
Addendum, June 26:
Just added Neil Young and Crazy Horse for November! 😀 He’s a real Canadian icon, and I love his new CD, even though it’s title is “Americana.” 😉 Cool concept! He has “Neilicized” traditional American folk songs. Have a listen:
Addendum, November 7:
His second new CD, “Psychedelic Pill,” is another Neil masterpiece!
This concert should be outstanding! (November 19)
Also added The Who (“Quadrophenia and More Tour”). to the list for Feb. 2013.
Zak Starkey on drums, (Ringo’s son.) Exciting!
Additionally, we are planning a fantastic odyssey to Greece, Italy and Germany for our 40th anniversary in 2013 and diligently saving pennies for THAT one! 😀 A story for another day. ⭐⭐

© D.D.B. 2012

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This is exactly how I feel! I’ve been trying to learn so much about blogging so its been 2 months and i still havent started my blog!
Hi Tracey;
This comment was under the “Rock chick” post, but, I think it was meant for the “What was I thinking?” post. In any case, I find it so much easier to handle this free blog at WordPress.com. Making the leap to self-hosted was too complicated and involved for me, but that shouldn’t stop anyone else. Part of my problem was trying to set something up quickly. You’ll probably have a better experience because you are taking your time with it. Thanks for your comment and good luck with your blog. 🙂
Great post!! Your blog is a treasure chest full of gold and gems! Thanks!
You’re welcome and glad you enjoy my blog. 🙂 Yours looks interesting as well and I will definitely be back!
Good song; thanks! 🙂 Not a victim, though. It’s intentional. 😉
Time hasn’t been lost or gone. It’s in your pocket! That’s right, in your pocket.
Whenever you need some time you just pull it out. Pull out as much as you need for a trip to Europe, or enought time to dance at a disco… ooops, club, or to see a band in Montreal. The time is all in your pocket.
Growing old is growing smarter, experienced, but there’s always more of the world to discover.
Some who are physicaly limited discover something every day from his friends or in his mind. Those who are mobile need to unbind themselves from the ties that constrict them and what is there no matter how long the heart beats your soul continues on so fill it as much as you can while you can.
Stay well, my friend, but stay free and live your life with robust, vigour and richly bright filled days.
Chi Chi ♥
What a great post, Chi Chi! Thank you very much for this. ((HUGS))
Wish I could be freer, but, there’s still the little matter of paying off the mortgage and earning a living. Still and all, hedonism is becoming more and more frequent in our lives and I am happy about that. 😀
You are joking of course? 🙂
I mean ’60’ is just spring chicken
time Debbie, and loads to look
forward to yet 🙂 Wow just you
grab lots of fun and be just as
daring as you were at ’20’ it is
all good you know, oh yes 🙂
Have a lovely Monday Debbie
and enjoy the Spring cleaning 🙂
Androgoth XXx
Thanks, Andro. Not physically as able as I was at 20, but, will do my best, LOL. Couldn’t stay away too long, so, of course, there’s still lots to do and I must get to it. Cheers! 😀
I am pleased that you have returned
during mid Spring cleaning too, hey
time for a nice cuppa me thinks? 🙂 lol
Androgoth XXx
You bet!:-D Lingering too long, once again, LOL
wheres my sweet ozzie in all this rock passion hes got a great voice and still sexy id rock with him any day have a happy easter your a sexy lady age means nothing xxjen
I’d love to see Ozzy one day, Jen and agree he is truly great. 😀 Just have to convince hubby. Thanks for the kind words, my friend. ((HUGS))
You are lucky you have the opportunity to see all these concerts even now,Deb!Enjoy them as much as you can and forget about time…I am totally with Karin …you don’t get older…just more interesting!!
Thank you, Natasha and I would like to forget time, but, certain realities do intrude, LOL. Wish we could be…………
A very smart man once wrote….hey hey my my…rock and roll will never die!
Yes, he sure did! 😀 A smart, Canadian man. 😎
Thanks for dropping by, Randy. ☺☺☺
Best of luck in the Mayan New Years to come > we are all hoping…. so enjoy every day, week and month in the forseable future, as if it was the end of time as we know it; it is approaching faster than we all wish. > not actually smiling
Not actually smiling? Why not? Well, I am, because you KNOW I don’t believe in that, LOL. Thanks for dropping by, Geo. 🙂 See – smiling! 😀
Eventhough I seem to be attracted to conspiracies – The Mayan Calendar thing leaves me totally calm. What is wrong with the idea the world ending while we are in the middle of living?? Not that I believe in that, but basically I do not care. People die while doing their favorite hobby or favorite sports or they die while in a love-making session…isn’t that a lovely thought??
Yes, that IS a lovely thought, but, please NOT YET! Still have places to go and people to see. 😉 The whole thing strikes me as totally ridiculous and on par with the Y2K hysteria. What happened then? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! LOL
Honest, interesting, insightful. I have hunch your journey is only going to get richer, as Karin said, Rock On girl, smiling.
Thanks Vickie! 😀
Wonderful post, dear Rock Lady! Women with music circulating in their blood never get old, only more interesting….Rock on, Rock on!!!!!!
Oh – I intend to Karin!!! 😀 Thank you for that.