Welcome everyone, to the #AtoZChallenge Blogging Extravaganza, where hundreds of bloggers publish 26 posts in 30 days – one for each letter of the alphabet – covering a myriad of topics!
“Travel & Culture” is my theme. Click HERE to see all posts. Please support our efforts by visiting, sharing and commenting. We have all worked long and hard on this project. Have fun and thanks for reading! ♥

#AtoZChallenge 2014: B is for BALBOA PARK #dogladysden Share on X
When my father retired from the army in 1974, he and my mother moved down to San Diego, California in the U.S.A. This is a beautiful city near the Mexican border, with many sights to see.

Balboa Park is a 1,200-acre cultural attraction. In addition to open space areas, natural vegetation zones, green belts, gardens and walking paths, it contains museums, several theatres, and the world-famous San Diego Zoo.
When hubby and I went down to visit my mother in 2012, (my father had passed away the year before), we asked her where she wanted to go. Her answer was the botanical gardens at Balboa Park. The Cactus Gardens were especially impressive. Enjoy!

Since its reopening in 1971, the Casa del Prado, which was built in 1915, has hosted floral exhibits, concerts, and theatrical performances:

Complete photo essay of our trip HERE.
While I’ve been to San Diego many times, this was only my second tour of Balboa Park.
Aren’t the cacti amazing? Have you ever seen any like that?
Looking forward to your comments!


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63 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge: “B” is for BALBOA PARK”
I spent a fortnight in San Diego at the end of my third year at university. I remember more about the zoo than the rest of the park.
The Zoo is world famous and pretty spectacular, so that’s understandable. 🙂 Thanks for reading and stopping to comment.
The cacti garden was definitely a highlight! And just taking the tram around the park.
It’s a great park, isn’t it? 🙂 Thanks for visiting and sorry for the late reply. Cheers!
I love how that amazing architecture contrasts with the stark surroundings. San Diego reminds me of the Westerns I’ve read!
San Diego is a magical place, Corinne. 🙂 Thanks for visiting.
Hi Debbie 🙂 Ha! I swore I wasn’t going to do the A to Z this year. Then the bug caught me–with only 4 hours left to sign up. lol My husband talks about Balboa Park. He was in the Navy in San Diego in the early 70s. Good post. Your theme is interesting! 🙂 Good luck 🙂
Hi Teresa; Just in time, but now you’re going to be writing frantically! Good luck with it. I still have half the posts to write. 😛 Ah yes, the Navy is a huge presence in San Diego. The Harbourfront area is also gorgeous. To me, the whole city is paradise and what a wonderful climate they have too. No blizzards! LOL Glad you like the theme; I have lots of material. Thanks for visiting and I’ll be sure to check out your posts.
I lived in San Francisco for quite awhile and could blog several sights – unfortunately what I seldom did as a resident was take pictures. At least not of the sights. *Sigh* I always wish with everywhere I’ve lived that I’d taken more pictures of what was around.
Great blog!
Would love to visit San Francisco! 🙂 I know what you mean about pictures. Some of my old ones disappeared and other times, we just didn’t take any. Very regretful, in hindsight. Thanks for visiting.
Hi Debbie!
I’ve never been to San Diego but a cousin lived there for about three years and she loved it there.
Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures. Love the virtual tour :).
Hi Corina; Yes, San Diego is a real paradise. If I ever win the lottery, I’d buy a winter home there. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the photos. Thanks for visiting!
What a beautiful place, Debbie! I love cacti and these look amazing! Looking forward to traveling the world with you!
I was enthralled with the cactus garden, Vidya. 🙂 Thanks for visiting and I hope you do enjoy the other posts as well.
What a great post and destination. I absolutely love San Diego and Balboa Park is one sure highlight. I miss it even more seeing your beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing.
Glad you enjoyed it, Rob. 🙂 San Diego is one of my favourite places of all to visit. Thanks for dropping by.
Absolutely beautiful Debbie! I love visiting gardens like that. I find them so peaceful.
Glad you enjoyed it, Bren. 🙂 I was enthralled by the Cactus Garden and didn’t even know so many species existed. Thanks for visiting.
love to be able to travel through ur post Debbie :). The cacti seem to me audacious, strong, cheeky n resilient, lovely pics.
Glad you enjoyed this post, Sunila. 🙂 I loved the Cactus Garden! Thanks for visiting.
Been to the zoo but not the gorgeous Balboa Park. Thanks for sharing. How sweet of you to give your Mom her day together in her special place. I’m sure she has thought about that day often.
I went to the Zoo many years ago and it is amazing too! 🙂 Yes, my mother enjoyed her day out. Thanks for visiting.
Hi Debbie- Can you believe that, although I was born and raised in SoCal, I never made it to the Botanical gardens in Balboa Park? We used to go to the San Diego Zoo all the time, and even Sea World, but never the gardens. I did go to the one in Palermo, though, which is fantastic. You have some beautiful photos here, too. Thanks.
Hi Mary; I guess The Zoo is the main attraction for many, there. Glad you enjoyed the photos. 🙂 I was enthralled by the Cactus Garden. Thanks for visiting.
I loved Balboa Park, especially the buildings! We went to see “South Pacific” at the open theater, and because the airport is nearby, jets were flying over during the performance. The cast would stop and wave up toward the sky. Just like they belonged in the play! It was delightful. Loved the botanical garden, too.
What a lovely memory Elaine and how nice to see you again! 🙂 Thanks for visiting. More fun posts coming up.
Balboa Park is one of my faves to just go and sit. A beautiful place!
Sure is Katy! 🙂 Thanks for visiting and good luck with the challenge.
Another awesome place to visit from A-Z! I feel I am in for a lot of traveling thanks to the challe
Hi Kathy! 🙂 Isn’t it great that we can travel without ever leaving our chairs? Cheaper too! 😉 Glad you like this one and thanks for visiting.
Lovely pictures. And so many photos of cacti! So interesting 😀
Glad you enjoyed it, Richa. I was enthralled by the cactus garden! 🙂 Thanks for visiting.
That cactus garden is beautiful. And I thought cacti were dull!!
So did I! 🙂 These were enthralling though. thanks for visiting and good luck in the challenge.
Looks like a very beautiful place… Wonder when I’m gonna see all this…
It is a great place to spend a day or two. 🙂 Thanks for visiting.
Nice pictures and nice post. All the best.
Glad you like it! 🙂 Thanks for visiting.
cactus garden looks superb… so does horticulture building
Yes, it is a beautiful park full of amazing sights. 🙂 Thanks for visiting.
It really is a beautiful place. There are so many places the heart wants to visit, but so little time 🙁
It is and you’re right, Bhavya. Never enough time.
What pictures … Cacti are lovely … Loved the visual tour
Glad you enjoyed it Shiva. Thanks for visiting. 🙂
Wow…those are amazing cacti! And I love the Casa del Prado…such a fascinating looking building!
Glad you enjoyed the photos. 🙂 It’s a wondrous place. Thanks for visiting.
It looks like a gr8 place to be…You have been to so many wonderful places no?
It’s a beautiful place, Nabanita. 🙂 Yes, I’ve been fortunate and had many travel opportunities. Thanks for visiting.
Looks like you are a globe trotter already. Waiting to visit 26 great places here.
Yes, I was fortunate to have all these travel opportunities. 🙂 Not every post will be about a place, necessarily, but I hope you enjoy them anyway. Thanks for visiting.
Beautiful images! Again a fun travel with you! 🙂 Thanks!
Glad you liked it, Adita. Thanks for your support. 🙂
I have never been to US,but if I do, I’d come back to your blog to make notes 🙂 such beautiful pictures 🙂
Thanks! 🙂 I will talk about the U.S. more under U. Some wonderful places there.
Glad to know about this place!!! 🙂 looks nice.
It is a beautiful park and one could spend days there. 🙂 Thanks for visiting.
O those are some very nice pictures! Thanks for the great visual tour, Debbie.
You’re welcome Beloo. 🙂 Thanks for visiting and good luck in the challenge.
Another round of beautiful photos!! I know I am going to enjoy your April posts!
Thanks! 🙂 I’ll be checking out your posts as well.